Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 367: Three hundred and sixty-seven

Chapter 367, give her to you temporarily

Mo Kuang nodded his head very understandingly, did not say anything, waiting for He Peixu to continue.

"Wanjing wants to see you." He Peixu said, his tone was flat and his eyes looked at Mo Kuang.

With just five simple words, Mo Kuang's whole expression changed, Wanjing, she wants to see herself?

It took a long time for Mo Kuang to accept this fact and looked at He Zikai and said, "She, how is her health recently?"

Although his subordinates have been secretly inquiring about Wanjing's news, they also know the outline, but I still want to know the specifics, and He Peixu, as Wanjing's closest person, believes what he said very much.

"It has been getting better." He Peixu replied, not intending to explain too much. He was certain that Mo Kuang had always known the news of Wanjing.

"It's just that because of Ruirui's affairs, she has been unable to get out of that shadow." He Peixu's words were different from the previous tone, with a hint of sadness in the plain.

Mo Kuang heard He Peixu's emotions, but he didn't immediately say anything, he also felt sad.

After a long, long time, Mo Kuang slowly said, "I'm sorry, at that time, Rui Rui was not protected and did not help her."

"Mo Kuang." He Peixu suddenly called Mo Kuang's name, and said calmly, "Don't feel sorry, you are not wrong, and Wan Jing has not blamed you. If you are wrong, the wrong person should be me. I didn't protect my daughter and Wanjing in my own career."

Mo Kuang didn't say anything. He looked to the side and fell into his thoughts.

He Peixu felt that the boring atmosphere between the two of them was not very good. He took a deep breath and changed the subject and said, "The restaurant address, I will let the butler tell you, at seven o'clock in the evening, I will send you Wanjing. You two, have dinner together. ."

Hearing this, Mo Kuang immediately emerged from his thoughts, looked at He Peixu, and said, "The three of us can eat together."

He Peixu was able to make such an arrangement. He was very satisfied and thanked him. The three of them ate together. In fact, there was nothing wrong with him. His heart towards Wanjing has not changed, but his attitude towards the person in front of him has changed. Because of Wanjing, he is not his love rival now, but the friend he wants to maintain.

He Peixu shook his head, "No, give you some space, two hours for dinner, I will pick her home at nine o'clock."

After speaking, he paused. He Peixu said with a hint of plea, "If you can, I hope you can enlighten her. I hope she gets better and I hope she is happy."

I don't want the woman I love to live in the dark shadow all the time, so that it is too painful for her, and also painful for myself.

Because she hurts, so she hurts too.

"Well, I will." Mo Kuang blurted out almost without thinking.

I also want Wanjing to be happy. Compared with love, my love for Wanjing is not less than that of He Peixu, but compared to giving, I don’t have as much of He Peixu. Now that most of my life is over, I only hope for her beloved. A day can live happily.

"Thank you." He Peixu said.

Mo Kuang shook his head, indicating that he did not need to thank him.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, He Peixu helped Bai Wanjing go downstairs, and the butler was already waiting at the stairs.

"Master, madam." The butler bowed respectfully when he saw the old man and the old lady go downstairs.

"Well, let's go." He Peixu said.

The butler nodded, and saw the old man helping the old lady walk towards the door, and he hurried to the front to open the door.

The car left the He family mansion and slowly drove towards the restaurant. In the car, He Peixu kept holding Bai Wanjing's hand, looking forward, without speaking.

auzw.com "Pei Xu" Bai Wanjing suddenly turned her head and called.

"Well, what's the matter?" He Peixu heard Bai Wanjing's voice and hurriedly asked, worrying about her physical discomfort.

"Are you worried?" Bai Wanjing asked, looking at He Peixu's gaze, waiting for his answer.

He Peixu answered the gaze of the woman next to him truthfully, "I'm not worried about you being alone with Mo Kuang, but about your emotions."

I was worried that she would be emotional when chatting with Mo Kwong, and whether Mo Kwong could take emergency measures and calm down her emotions, I was not sure, so I was very worried.

Bai Wanjing smiled lightly. With her other hand, she stretched out her hand, as if acting like a baby, touched He Peixu's nose with her index finger, and said, "I, no, emotional, excited, excited, relieved, relieved."

She spoke very slowly, He Peixu heard clearly, looked at Bai Wanjing and nodded, "Well, at nine o'clock, I will take you home."

"Yeah" Bai Wanjing squinted her eyes, indicating that she knew.

Came to the restaurant, because the restaurant tonight is a private room, there is no waiter in the huge restaurant, only a man sitting at a table in the middle of the restaurant.

He Peixu supported Bai Wanjing and walked towards Mo Kuang step by step, slowly.

And Mo Kuang, seeing the two people walking by, especially Bai Wanjing, throbbed so much. In the end, he couldn't bear it, got up and walked over.

Making close contact, Bai Wanjing stopped and looked at Mo Kuang in front of him, her eyes flushed a little.

Haven't seen him in years, he changed, really changed.

And Mo Kuang looked at Bai Wanjing's appearance, which was somewhat different from what he had seen from a distance at the previous banquet. Looking at her clearly at this moment, the love in his heart is stronger than at any time in these years.

The two looked at each other for a long time, Bai Wanjing first looked away, then Mo Kuang looked away and looked at He Peixu.

"She, leave it to you temporarily, at nine o'clock, I will come to pick her up." He Peixu said to Mo Kuang.

"Yeah" Mo Kuang answered, reaching out and holding Bai Wanjing's arm.

At the right time, He Peixu let go. Before leaving, he said to Bai Wanjing, "The food tastes the same as at home, eat more."

"Yeah." Bai Wanjing looked at He Peixu and nodded, and at the same time told him with her eyes, don't worry, nothing will happen to you.

He Peixu saw the meaning in her eyes and nodded before leaving.

After He Peixu left, Mo Kuang helped Bai Wanjing and sat down at the dining table. The two sat face to face.

"Wh, what, when, come back?" Bai Wanjing asked first.

Hearing Bai Wanjing's voice, Mo Kuang was always agitated, but on the surface he still tolerated his emotions and replied Bai Wanjing, "I have been back for a while."

"Yeah." Bai Wanjing continued to ask, "Then, come back, let's go, right?"

Mo Kuang didn't plan to tell Bai Wanjing that he came back this time because Zuo Yu also came back. He quickly organized the language in his mind and said, "Well, this time I came back to do some things. After finishing it, I left."

Bai Wan nodded quietly, without speaking.

The atmosphere of the two of them suddenly fell into embarrassment. In fact, they had a lot of words in each other's hearts, but because they hadn't seen each other for many years, and there were too many worries in each other's hearts, some words wanted to be said, but they were not sure whether it was appropriate to say them. Contradictory, do you want to say?

"Let’s eat first, your husband gave us only two hours to eat." Mo Kuang said lightly, with a smile on his face, trying to ease the atmosphere with a humorous tone.


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