Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 375: Three hundred and seventy five

Chapter 375 Mo Kuang, is nearby

"No, he may be very busy, and we have nothing to do, just just stroll around. The latest and fastest update provides free reading" He Peixu said. If he tells his son, he might still worry about it, so it's better not Tell the son.

"Well, good." The person in charge of the mall replied.

After that, He Peixu took Bai Wanjing's hand and walked slowly into the mall, followed by the housekeeper, the person in charge of the mall, and several others.

There were not many people in the shopping malls during the week. Bai Wanjing enjoyed the feeling of shopping like this. It was a long, long time that she didn't realize it.

"Are there any clothes you like?" He Peixu asked, seeing the smile on the faces of the women next to her, knowing that she was happy in her heart.

Bai Wanjing shook her head, "Not yet."

"Then let's go over there and have a look." He Peixu said, with the other pointing in the direction not far away.

"Yeah." Bai Wan nodded quietly.

The two walked in the other direction, with the butler and the person in charge of the mall following behind.

The butler's gaze did not keep looking at the master and madam in front of him, but kept looking around, seeming to be looking for something.

The person in charge of the mall noticed a change in the butler's eyes and asked, "What's wrong? Are you looking for someone?"

"No, I feel that someone is following us. The latest and fastest update provides free reading." The butler said, his acuity is still quite strong. When I walked in from the mall door just now, I felt that there were strange gazes around. But whenever I scanned the past, I couldn't find anything.

After listening to the butler's words, the person in charge of the mall opened his eyes and looked at the people around him like a butler.

However, when I glanced around, the person in charge of the mall did not find any strange people, "No? Who will follow? And the mall is so strict, and the master and madam are still with us, how could someone follow us?"

Butler think about it, in fact, a place like a shopping mall is not some remote place, who will follow others here?

"Well, I might be suspicious." The steward said, then he took his gaze back and looked at the two masters in front of him.

At this moment, one of the people around the mall looked at each other one by one with the other people around, communicating with their eyes the message they wanted to convey.

Zuo Yu was sitting in the monitoring room of the mall, watching the screen where He Peixu was shopping with Bai Wanjing. In fact, he was envious of Bai Wanjing. There is such a person who guards her and takes care of her very considerately.

And I want such simple gentleness and care, but no one gives me. I want Mo Kuang's gentleness and Mo Kuang's goodness, but I know very well in my heart that these wants are very extravagant for myself, for a lifetime. I won't get it.

Suddenly, Zuo Yu's phone rang, Zuo Yu took out the phone, pressed the connect button, and then put the phone to his ear.

"Sister Yu, it has been arranged, and all channels are smooth." A male voice came on the phone.

He pulled the corner of his mouth and said to the phone, "Find the right time and start."

The hatred in his eyes was still staring at the screen on the computer. He Peixu was saying something in Bai Wanjing's ear at the moment, and Bai Wanjing smiled happily.

Oh, how can she laugh after living in pain for so many years? How can Bai Wanjing?

"Yes." After receiving the message on the other end of the phone, he answered the call before hanging up.

In an international brand store, Bai Wanjing tried on a beige dress, walked out of the changing room, looked in the mirror, and asked He Peixu.

"Okay, look?" Bai Wanjing said three words.

auzw.com He Peixu next to Bai Wanjing looked at Bai Wanjing and nodded with a smile, "Well, it looks good."

Bai Wanjing smiled happily, looking at herself in the mirror, very happy.

Seeing Bai Wanjing's happy look, He Peixu also smiled and said to the shopping guide on the side, "Wrap this dress up later."

"Okay." The shopping guide nodded quickly and agreed.

Bai Wanjing went to the changing room to put on her own clothes. After she came out, she waited for the shopping guide to pack her clothes. Then she took the bag and prepared to walk to He Peixu.

He Peixu got up, before Bai Wanjing came over, he walked a few steps quickly and walked in front of Bai Wanjing.

Naturally stretched out her hand, took the bag in Bai Wanjing's hand, and said softly, "Let's go, look over there and buy two more clothes."

Bai Wanjing looked at He Peixu without answering immediately, but instead focused on He Peixu's neckline.

When I went out this morning, I forgot to help him check his clothes. Only then did I find that the neckline was a bit irregular.

He Peixu didn't hear Bai Wanjing's answer. He didn't know what Bai Wanjing was going to do. He could only wait to see what the woman had to say next, or what she had to do.

Bai Wanjing smiled, stretched out her hands, and was about to move forward to help He Peixu tidy his neckline.

In an instant, a bullet passed through her ear when Bai Wanjing had just moved a certain distance forward.

With a "swish", everyone's eyes widened.

He Peixu didn't react to the situation in his mind, but he quickly grabbed Bai Wanjing into his arms and hugged him tightly.

Bai Wanjing was frightened and silly, staying in He Peixu's arms, motionless.

When the butler and the person in charge of the mall reacted from the sluggishness, the butler immediately said to the mall staff who followed him, "Protect the master and madam."

Suddenly, the people behind the person in charge of the mall quickly surrounded He Peixu and Bai Wanjing.

In this situation, it was obvious that someone wanted to kill Bai Wanjing, but just now, fortunately, Bai Wanjing moved her lower body forward, otherwise, the bullet would pass through her head 100%.

At the same time, the surrounding crowd was in chaos, and a loud voice reached the ears of those around him, and He Peixu and the housekeeper also heard it.

"Solved on the spot, not one can let go."

It was the voice of a man.

The housekeeper was a little confused, turned his head to look in the direction of the sound source, and saw several people in black uniforms chasing some plainclothes people, and those plainclothes people all had guns in their hands.

If the butler feels that he has guessed right, among those plainclothes people, there must be someone who just opened the gun, but who are those people in black uniforms?

He Peixu hugged Bai Wanjing and didn't let go at all. He just turned his head slightly and watched the scene from far away.

The person in charge of the mall next to him was so scared that his legs were already weak, and people walking around the mall had long been squatting on the ground with their heads in their heads. , They will die.

After controlling his emotions, the housekeeper hurried forward, stood beside He Peixu, and asked, "Master, you and madam, are you okay?"

"It's okay." He Peixu answered the housekeeper and told him, "Mo Kuang, it's nearby."

At this time, the housekeeper seemed to understand everything in his heart. Mo Kwong was also in the mall, so those people in black uniforms were mobs?


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