Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 379: Three hundred and seventy nine

Chapter 379 Zuo Yu is injured

This kind of thing, let the mother-in-law and the nanny know, how shameful, I really want to find a hole in the hole.

However, this daughter is really straightforward enough to blurt out such things, and what did He Zikai tell her daughter? It seems that I really want to talk about life with him tonight!

Cheng Xiaomei blinked Shui Lingling's big eyes and looked at Mommy aggrievedly. She felt that she didn't say anything wrong, but why didn't Mommy let herself say it? What I said is the truth, not nonsense.

Seeing her daughter look like this, Cheng Nuo removed her hand and restored her previous expression, worried that her daughter would be angry, and said to her daughter, "Well, Xiaomei, we will meet your grandma again, and we will go in for dinner later. The grandfather who I have seen this time is also at our house today."

"Which grandpa?" He Xiaomei suddenly became interested and asked excitedly.

Cheng Nuo smiled and didn't plan to tell her daughter first, "You'll know in a while."

After that, the three of them sat in the yard for a while before returning to the house.

When He Xiaomei saw Grandpa and Grandpa and Dadbi sitting and chatting together, He Xiaomei was stunned.

"Grandpa, why did you come to my house?" He Xiaomei asked in surprise. Mommy didn't tell just now, she also had guesses in her heart, but she couldn't think of it, this grandfather would be in her home.

"Hehe, I came to your house because I am a friend of your grandparents." Mo Kuang said with a smile. He was very happy to see He Xiaomei. Although he only met this child twice, he liked her very much. .

"Yeah." He Xiaomei said, trotting to the grandfather.

Standing in front of the grandfather, he said childishly, "Grandpa, then you will come to my house often in the future, right?"

Mo Kuang smiled and nodded, and stroked He Xiaomei's head with his hand.

He Peixu said to his granddaughter from the side, "Xiaomei, he is your grandfather Mo."

"Well, Grandpa Mo." He Xiaomei called out very clearly.

"Okay, okay, my dear granddaughter." When Mo Kuang heard the child calling herself so affectionately, his whole heart trembled. It was a trembling of happiness. There is such a well-behaved and sensible granddaughter, although she is not dear, but graceful Granddaughter, she is also lucky.

During dinner, everyone circled around the young ancestors of He’s family. He Peixu and Bai Wanjing were very attentive to wait on the granddaughter. Whatever she wanted to eat, they would give her something in the bowl. Mo Kuang was not idle and heard the granddaughter’s advice. Acting like a baby, she also hurriedly met her granddaughter's request and served her with soup and vegetables. The three old men served a small ancestor, and they served her very well.

Cheng Nuo wanted to persuade him several times, worrying that the three elders would take care of his daughter too hard, but if he looked at him, he had no plans to dissuade him.

After eating a meal, everyone was very happy, especially He Xiaomei, whose little heart was very, very satisfied. She was held by her dad and covered her belly with her little hand, and said to her coquettishly, "Daddy, I eat so full today. Oh."

"Would you like to take you out for a walk?" He Zikai asked her daughter in her arms, her eyes full of doting and affection.

"I don't want it anymore, I will digest it after a few jumps," He Xiaomei said.

"Yeah." What the daughter said, let her alone!

The family sent off Mo Kuang until Mo Kuang's car disappeared, and the family returned to the living room.

He Xiaomei stayed quietly in her dad's arms, blinking and staring at the grandma, mommy, and grandpa on the opposite side.

"Nuo Nuo, live here tonight!" Bai Wanjing took Cheng Nuo's hand and said suddenly.

auzw.com Hearing what her mother-in-law said, Cheng Nuo became nervous in an instant, and his mind was suddenly blank, not knowing how to rotate.

live here? But the shadow five years ago

He Peixu and He Zikai were also stunned by Bai Wanjing’s words. Everyone knew that the incident five years ago was a taboo. He Peixu knew in his heart that the son and daughter-in-law must be concerned about the incident five years ago. How could they stay Live in a big house?

"Mom, I have to deal with official affairs in the study when I go back tonight, and the information is at home, so" He Zikai answered the mother's question before Cheng Nuo didn't speak.

Bai Wan quietly heard it, without saying anything, nodded, then looked at Cheng Nuo and said, "Next time, come back next time."

"Yeah." Cheng Nuo showed a slight smile on his face and nodded. He could only respond to her mother-in-law's words first. As for next time, let's decide on the situation!

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo stayed in the mansion for a while, then left the mansion with their daughter and returned to Lishui Bay.

In the presidential suite of a five-star hotel, Mo Kwong had just returned to the bedroom and was about to change his clothes to take a bath, but his phone rang before his clothes were changed.

Mo Kuang took a look at his mobile phone, and there was a bunch of garbled codes displayed on the screen, but Mo Kuang had no doubts in his heart, but a person suddenly appeared in his mind.

Suddenly, the emotion on Mo Kuang's face tightened a lot.

Could it be her phone?

After answering the phone, placing it on the side of his ear, Mo Kuang simply said two words, "Hello."

"Kuang'er, it's me." On the phone, there was a female voice, but the voice was not crisp, but a little trembling, obviously the voice of an old man.

"Lao Yun." Mo Kuang said two more words, and these two words were obviously gentle greetings.

"Yeah." Old Yun on the other end of the phone answered, and then said, "Zuo Yu is injured."

"Yes, I fired the shot." Mo Kuang admitted directly that Mr. Yun has been living in seclusion for so many years, and he doesn't ask about world affairs, but is there anything in the world that she doesn't know? Moreover, she and Zuo Yu were once her beloved children. She has been paying attention to the situation of herself and Zuo Yu.

"Although Zuo Yu did something wrong this time, you can't hurt her either." Old Yun said, although what he said was calm, in Mo Kuang's ears, it was an order.

Mo Kuang didn't speak, because this respected elder, she had no reason not to listen to every word, so she could only obey.

"I said a long time ago that you, no matter what you become, don't kill each other. This is the last thing I want to see." Old Yun said.

"It was she who hurt the person I wanted to protect first." Mo Kuang said a word.

"Bai Wanjing, right?" Old Yun said.

Mo Kuang did not speak and remained silent.

Lao Yun knew that his silence was also an answer, and then asked, "Did you give Bai Wanjing the token and inheritance password I gave you before?"

"Well, no matter what happens to her, Yun Clan and Mo Bang people will protect her." Mo Kuang said.

The token is the best protector. No matter where Wan Jing is in trouble, as long as Yun Clan and Mo Bang people see the token, they will protect Wan Jing without any worries and protect her well.

"Hey" Old Yun sighed before saying, "It doesn't matter who the token is given to it, it just protects one person, but did you give her the thing together?"


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