Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 387: Three hundred and eighty-seven

Chapter 387 Take her first, as a test subject

"Okay, hug you." Song Jingye smiled and stretched out his hand, took He Xiaomei from He Zikai's arms, and hugged him in his arms.

"Goddaddy." He Xiaomei is very good at acting like a baby. She put her arms around her goddaddy's neck and kissed him on his face, and then said, "Goddaddy, you are close to the godmother, I want to kiss."

Gu Yao's heart melted when she heard the child's words. Why is the child so cute?

"Good." Song Jingye was naturally willing, and moved a step closer to Gu Yao.

I saw He Xiaomei staying in the godmother's arms, her upper body leaning towards the godmother, and then he kissed the godmother on the cheek several times.

"Xiaomei, godmother will kiss you too." Gu Yao finished happily, leaning over, and kissed the cute and tender cheek.

"Hehe, so shy." After being kissed, He Xiaomei shyly covered her face with her hands, but her fingers widened, she opened her eyes and turned her head, looking at the people around her.

After being enlivened by the daughter, the four of them did not greet each other and went directly into the chat.

After the arrival of An Xiaoqi and the arrival of Gong Yi and his party, more and more people gathered together.

"Xiaomei, we don't understand the adults chatting, let's go over there and have some snacks." Qin Yan said in He Xiaomei's ear.

"Okay, okay." He Xiaomei clapped her hands and said, "Daddy, Mommy, Qin Yan and I will go there to eat some snacks, and we will be back soon."

Hearing that the two children were going to eat snacks, Cheng Nuo felt worried about her daughter and said, "Mommy will accompany you."

After speaking, Cheng Nuo was planning to go, but Qin Han refused.

"I will accompany them, and when the fashion show is about to start, I will bring them back." Qin Han said.

Seeing the firmness in Qin Han's eyes, Cheng Nuo nodded and agreed.

Qin Han took his son's hand, Qin Yan took He Xiaomei's hand, and the three of them went to the food area.

At this time, on the other side, Li Fangqiong and He Cheng, He Tianyu and Mu Yiyi were standing together. Li Fangqiong kept holding Mu Yiyi's hand with a smile on his face.

"Yiyi, Auntie really likes you, our Tianyu wife can only be you." Li Fangqiong said kindly.

Mu Yiyi looked at the expensive bracelet presented by Li Fangqiong. After hearing Li Fangqiong’s words, he smiled and replied, "Auntie, Tianyu and I are very good now. When his business becomes more stable, you and uncle can discuss ours with my family. Married."

"Right? That's better. Okay, I will discuss with your uncle, and I will visit your house one day." Li Fangqiong said.

Mu Yiyi nodded and said nothing.

"Dad, mom, brother, sister Yiyi. The latest and fastest update" He Jiayi's voice came from not far away.

After the four heard it, they looked at the source of the sound.

After her daughter stood by her side, Li Fangqiong said with a smile, "Smelly girl, I'm so busy tonight. If I'm not busy behind the stage, why are you here?"

"I don't want to spare some time to come out to entertain you." He Jiayi said happily, seeing her family coming, she was very happy.

"You don't need to entertain us. Go ahead and show us a perfect show, which is the best hospitality." He Tianyu said, knowing that this sister is busy, so the family does not need these etiquettes.

"Yeah, Jiayi, don't worry about us. Let's talk here and sit down according to the seat number later." Mu Yiyi also said thoughtfully.

"Yeah." He Jiayi was very happy and hugged Mu Yiyi before saying, "Then I don't care about you, I'll go there for a while, and I'll go backstage to help later."


"Go go, be careful, don't make any mistakes." He Cheng also said with concern.

"Well, don't worry, Dad." He Jiayi said, and left in a hurry.

Seeing her daughter's back, He Cheng was very satisfied. Now that her daughter is so good, of course she is honored by her.

Here, a circle of people's topics are all discussed on the pendant around Cheng Nuo's neck.

"Nono, it's very beautiful." An Xiaoqi said enviously.

"Well, my mother-in-law gave it." Cheng Nuo said happily.

"It seems that I have never seen this necklace in the mall. It is very special and beautiful." Gu Yao said.

"It should have been bought by my mother-in-law a long time ago, and she has been cherishing it before giving it to me, so it is normal that there is no one on the market now." Cheng Nuo explained that this was the guess in her heart.

"Well, that's right, the times are changing, and all styles are changing." Gu Yao nodded.

At this time, He Jiayi walked around a circle of people and greeted happily, "Welcome everyone."

"Master, you finally came to see us." Gu Yao said jokingly.

He Jiayi integrated into this large group. After chatting for a long time, he said goodbye to everyone and hurried to the backstage until the phone rang and heard that there was something urgent.

The fashion show was held normally. The people in the audience sat in their seats and looked at it seriously. Even He Xiaomei and Qin Yan looked at the beautiful sisters on the stage with seriousness.

In the corner of the venue, beside a curtain, Qi Yuheng stood there, staring at He Tianyu all the time, looking at him, without looking away for a long time.

My son has a girlfriend. The girl sitting next to him looks very quiet. She should be a good girl. I hope she treats her son wholeheartedly.

And until the end of the show, Qi Yuheng didn't notice the pendant on Cheng Nuo's neck, and everyone in the audience didn't notice a person standing beside the curtain.

Just after the show, Qi Yuheng left the venue as quickly as possible.

When Qi Yuheng drove the car and headed back, he dialed Zuo Yu's phone.

"What's the matter?" Zuo Yu asked.

"Has the organizer arrived?" Qi Yuheng asked.

"It's already here. I arranged it on the site of the Yun Clan. The two sisters of the Lan family don't know yet." Zuo Yu said.

"Yeah." Qi Yuheng responded, and then said seriously, "Next, my medicine has already been targeted."

""Zuo Yu didn't expect Qi Yuheng to say this to himself on the phone. After a few seconds, Zuo Yu asked, "Who?"

"He Zikai's daughter," Qi Yuheng said, "take her first as a test subject."

After observing He Zikai's daughter for a long, long time, the idea came into my heart to use the child as a test subject. If it succeeds, it can be regarded as a revenge for He Zikai. If it fails, then I need to retreat and practice for a while.

Zuo Yu was silent on the other side for a while before uttering a word, "Okay."

When He Zikai's daughter died, Bai Wanjing had no grandson, so she wanted to see for herself, how sad Bai Wanjing would be?

As long as Bai Wanjing is sad, she is happy.


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