Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 401: Four hundred and first

Chapter 401 Jiayi is a good boy

At this moment, I wanted to hear him say that I didn't deliberately explain things related to that Lan Lan's name. I wanted to get some useful information from his affairs in the afternoon and refute the pictures I saw.

"Go to the casino." He Zikai replied, "Lan Lan is a friend of Jing Ye and I. She is also a sniper. She called me when she heard someone talk about my sister in the casino. I saw that People, but didn't get useful information about my sister."

"She's just an ordinary friend?" Cheng Nuo asked, looking at He Zikai seriously.

He Zikai met her eyes and understood what she meant.

This little woman is so cute! Being jealous for a phone call, thinking wildly, do you think that you have reached a very important point in her heart?

"Well, ordinary friends, Lan Lan and Lan Yu are all friends of Jing Ye and me." He Zikai answered patiently.

Cheng Nuo calmed down completely, and instantly felt very smooth.

He Zikai raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, stroked her cheek with one hand, and said dozingly, "Nuoer, in this life, I will not let you down. I love you forever."

Hearing these words, Cheng Nuo's eyes suddenly turned red. At this moment, he wanted such a promise, and this man gave him what he wanted most.

"Well, Akai, me too." Cheng Nuo said, stretched out his hands, put his arms around He Zikai's neck, and hugged him tightly.

He Zikai also hugged the woman in his arms, with love in his eyes, love for this woman, but also helplessness, the slightest helplessness towards this woman, the woman's mind is really delicate, so delicate that she is so sensitive to little things, she is crazy about it.

"In the future, you will see Lan Yu and Lan Lan." He Zikai said. After that, Nuo'er and the two of them will definitely meet. They will also meet without specific arrangements. Some things are unavoidable.

"Yeah" Cheng Nuo had no worries at all at this time, and he didn't care about the meeting between Lan Yu and Lan Lan. Zi Kai and Jing Ye's friends are also their own friends. The meeting is just to get to know each other, nothing special. Meaning, so let it be.

Seeing that his Nuoer had returned to the way he used to be, He Zikai asked, "This will, won't you get sulking?"

"" Hearing He Zikai's words, Cheng Nuo straightened up immediately and looked at He Zikai, Queen Fan's appearance seriously, "Who said I was sulking? Which eye of your eyes saw me sulking?"

He Zikai naturally understands her own woman's personality, so she is so coquettish, and she spoils her.

"Well, I saw it wrong and didn't feel sulking." He Zikai said with a smile, looking at the woman in front of him.

This little woman is very good-looking, she looks good no matter how she looks, um, can't help but want to eat her again.

"Forget it, I won't tell you." Cheng Nuo got up smoothly and said to He Zikai, "I'm going to accompany my daughter. You take a shower first, and I'll be back later."

"" He Zikai looked surprised, staring at her little woman leaving, looking for her daughter.

She did it deliberately, she absolutely did it deliberately. Knowing that she wanted to eat her, she went to accompany her daughter, so who would accompany her?

In the end, He Zikai could only listen to Cheng Nuo's words, take a bath first, and then lay on the bed waiting for her to come back.

Cheng Nuo went to her daughter's room and let Bai Jing go to rest and accompany her daughter by herself.

He Xiaomei was very happy to see the smile on Mommy's face, there was a smile on her face before going to bed.

After her daughter fell asleep, Cheng Nuo returned to the master bedroom and looked at the sleeping person on the bed. Cheng Nuo thought He Zikai was asleep, took a quick shower in the bathroom, and lay down on the bed to rest.

Just as soon as he lay down, he was taken into his arms by the people around him.

"Hey, didn't you sleep?" Cheng Nuo muttered in a puzzled voice.

auzw.com "I can't sleep without eating you." He Zikai replied.

"" Cheng Nuo didn't know what the **** was this, but he was eaten by a certain man before he could react.

The next day, He Zikai came to He Yi Building to deal with some urgent matters at work before leaving He Yi to the mansion.

In the He family mansion, Bai Wanjing's body is much better, and her whole person looks more energetic than before.

"Madam, the second young master is back." The nanny hurriedly said to the old lady in the living room when he saw the second young master's car driving into the yard at the door.

"Zi Kai is back?" Bai Wanjing asked in surprise.

"Yeah." The nanny nodded and said, just after finishing speaking, she saw Bai Wanjing hurriedly approaching the door.

"Madam, slow down." The nanny hurried forward and held the old lady.

The old lady is getting better and better now, and she walks a lot more steadily, but the old man and the second young master have explained that they must always take good care of the old lady, so she is afraid that she will fall if she walks too fast.

"It's okay." Bai Wanjing said with a smile, her eyes kept looking at the door, her pace did not slow down.

He Zikai got off the bus, and before he reached the door of the mansion, he saw his mother already standing there.

"Mom" He Zikai yelled, stepped forward and stood in front of her mother.

"I'm back." Bai Wanjing said, her hands were already holding her son's hand, then she looked behind her son, her expression changed slightly, and asked, "Nonuo and Xiaomei, why didn't they come back?"

"I came from the company, Nuoer and Xiaomei are at home." He Zikai explained to her mother, and then said, "I will bring them back in two days."

"Okay, okay, I miss my baby granddaughter." Bai Wanjing nodded.

"Let's go in first." After He Zikai finished speaking, he helped his mother and walked into the living room.

When the mother and son were sitting in the living room, He Zikai asked, "Where is my dad?"

"Go to the hospital and see Jiayi." Bai Wanjing replied, with worry on her face and asked her son, "Have you been to the hospital recently? How is Jiayi?"

"I haven't woken up yet, but the virus will not spread." He Zikai replied to her mother. Now everyone in the family, including the older brother, knows about Jiayi.

Bai Wan nodded quietly and sighed, "Hey, Jiayi is a good boy, so what?"

He Zikai did not speak any more. She knew the real reason, but she could not tell her mother. If she knew that these things were done by Zuo Yu, she would be very worried. She had just recovered and she didn’t want her mother to worry about it. Hurt the body.

At noon, He Zikai ate lunch with her mother and watched the nanny help her mother upstairs to rest. He Zikai walked into the living room and planned to wait for the father to return.

He Peixu returned home at more than two o'clock and was a little surprised to see his son sitting in the living room.

"Dad" He Zikai got up and greeted his father.

"When did you come?" He Peixu asked.

"I came in the morning and ate lunch with my mother at noon." He Zikai replied.

"Well, I went to the hospital to see Jiayi and had lunch with a friend." He Peixu said, "If you know that you are back, I should come home for dinner."

He Zikai didn't answer what his father said. After waiting for a while, he said, "Dad, if you're not tired, let's go to the study to talk. I have something to ask you."


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