Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 407: Four hundred and seventh

How could Chapter 407 be here in Nono?

During the recent period, every time I saw Yaoyao, she was in good condition and mood, so I didn't ask much. I suddenly remembered it today and wanted to ask her. The latest and fastest update, provide free reading

"Well, it's good. You can see it every time you see me. Have you ever seen my health?" Gu Yao said with a smile, trying to make her tone more calm. At the moment, my heart is dripping blood.

She knew her health best, but she didn't want to tell Nono or worry about her.

"That's good." Cheng Nuo listened to Gu Yao's relaxed and smiling words, and didn't think much, then said with a smile, "Then we will set off right away. After you change your clothes, we will set off early with Jing Ye. See you at the party."


Hanging up the phone, Cheng Nuo went back to the living room and saw that Bai Jing had taken her daughter to the yard first.

"Let's set off, Yaoyao and Jing Ye are also about to set off." Cheng Nuo walked to He Zikai and said.

"Yeah" He Zikai answered. When Cheng Nuo was about to leave to the gate, He Zikai suddenly hooked Cheng Nuo's waist with one hand and pulled her into her arms.

"" Cheng Nuo was surprised by the sudden movement and didn't know what to do? He raised his head to meet He Zikai's gaze, flicked his eyes twice, and asked, "What's wrong?"

He Zikai did not answer the words of the woman in her arms. He leaned down and kissed her forehead before looking at the necklace on her neck.

"I like this necklace very much?" He Zikai asked. She has a lot of jewelry, but she just wore this necklace a few days ago and wore it again today. I can only think that she really likes the gift her mother gave her.

"Well, because it is really beautiful, and it was given to me by my mother." Cheng Nuo answered He Zikai's words, and looked down at the royal blue pendant on his chest.

"It's very beautiful." He Zikai said, always looking at the blue pendant, and there was always an indescribable feeling in his heart.

It looks like an exquisite and valuable piece of jewelry, but it feels strangely unique and incomprehensible.

"Well, it's not the first time I've seen this pendant, why watch it for so long?" Cheng Nuo didn't notice the thoughtfulness in He Zikai's eyes, and said coquettishly, "Let's go, you will be late if you delay it."

"Yeah." He Zikai retracted his gaze, and then pulled Chengnuo's hand and walked to the door.

At seven o'clock in the evening, some VIPs have arrived at the party venue, and VIPs have also entered the venue.

Li Fangqiong took He Cheng’s arm and walked into the venue. Li Fangqiong looked around and said to He Cheng, "Hurry up and find our son and daughter-in-law, where are they?"

"I guess I haven't come yet. I'll turn around and meet some business friends. It will be almost eight o'clock in a while, and then I will find my son and daughter-in-law." He Cheng replied Li Fangqiong.

Li Fangqiong was a little unhappy when He Cheng said this, and looked at He Cheng angrily, and said, "What do you know those worthless people doing? We just need to protect our friends now. As for making more money, just Let our son come, our son is very good."

Speaking of his son, Li Fangqiong's face was full of light.

"Yeah, that's right." He Cheng heard Li Fangqiong's words, and felt right. He looked at the people around him and said, "Then go there first and find his son."

"Well, go" Li Fangqiong happily took He Cheng's arm and walked to a corner of the venue.

At the door of the venue at this time, Zuo Yu and Qi Yuheng easily avoided the check by the waiter at the door of the venue and walked into the venue.

auzw.com "Are you sure your arm doesn't hurt anymore?" Qi Yuheng naturally asked Zuo Yu like a gossip.

"Well, it's okay to take a gun." Zuo Yu replied. Mo Kwong shot his own gun, which he has never remembered, but at the same time, he hated Bai Wanjing even more. That kind of hatred has reached the top of the peak.

After that, Zuo Yu added, "Furthermore, you are a pharmacist who is a genius who treats me. Is there any reason for me not to recover?"

"Hehe" Qi Yuheng chuckled slightly, and glanced at Zuo Yu beside him, "Yes, it seems that my concern is unnecessary."

Zuo Yu snorted and did not continue the topic, but asked, "That Ji Shaoqin, how to deal with it?"

Speaking of the three words Ji Shaoqin, Qi Yuheng's smile froze immediately.

"I want to get rid of her, but now, obviously there is no chance." Qi Yuheng said that he regretted not getting rid of her immediately after knowing about Ji Shaoqin, so she was now developing an antidote under the protection of He Zikai and Song Jingye.

"Nothing now, doesn't mean there won't be in the future." Zuo Yu said, looking forward, and continued, "We can't get close to her, but someone can."

"Li Fangqiong?" Qi Yuheng guessed, turning around to look at Zuo Yu suddenly, "Ji Shaoqin saves He Jiayi, do you think Li Fangqiong will help us and harm her daughter together?"

"Otherwise?" Zuo Yu asked Qi Yuheng, turning sideways, looking at Qi Yuheng's gaze, "If you don't help us, her son will have to die."

"What are you going to do to Tianyu?" Qi Yuheng didn't care about the tone of talking with Zuo Yu, and said eagerly, with a fierce expression.

"Qi Yuheng, are you questioning me?" Zuo Yu asked without answering Qi Yuheng's words, because Qi Yuheng's emotions also angered his own emotions.

Only then did Qi Yuheng react, restrained his emotions, and took a few deep breaths before answering Zuo Yu's words, "No, but Tianyu is also my son. You can't hurt him."

"As long as Li Fangqiong listens to me, I will naturally not hurt your son." Zuo Yu said, with firmness in his eyes.

Qi Yuheng looked at Zuo Yu, and didn't know what to do for a while, what to say, the power, power, and methods of the woman around him could not be more clear to him. What she wanted to do would not consider all the methods and consequences. To achieve what she wants.

And his only request, the only person to protect, is his son, his own son.

It was almost eight o'clock, when He Zikai's family arrived at the venue, they saw their father and mother who had just got off the bus.

"Grandpa, grandma." Seeing her grandpa and grandma, He Xiaomei galloped towards her grandma and grandpa.

"Yo Yo, my little ancestor Yo." He Peixu and Bai Wanjing were very happy to see their granddaughter. Bai Wanjing hugged the little granddaughter with a more beautiful smile on their faces.

"Grandma, have you missed Xiaomei these past few days?" He Xiaomei asked her grandma only after getting close to her grandma.

"Yes, of course." Bai Wanjing said, in her free time, she missed more people, of course this granddaughter.

"Hey, me too, I miss grandma so much." He Xiaomei smiled, and after speaking, she put her tender mouth together and went to kiss her grandma.

The smile on Bai Wanjing's face became brighter and brighter. After her granddaughter finished kissing herself, she looked at her son and daughter-in-law who had already stood before her.

But when she saw the pendant on her daughter-in-law's chest, Bai Wanjing's expression immediately changed.

How could this be here in Nono?


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