Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 411: Four hundred and eleventh

Chapter 411: What Blue Rain Can't Dig

"Yeah." He Zikai replied, his whole face slowly showing sadness.

Thinking of his sister and his father yesterday, He Zikai felt painful.

Song Jingye looked at He Zikai's appearance and did not speak any more. His expression at the moment was a long, long time since he had seen him. The last time he saw him in his memory, it seemed to be the time when his sister-in-law left five years ago. very painful.

"Zuo Yu, hate my mother, because the person Mo Kuang loves is my mother, and the person she loves is Mo Kuang." He Zikai intends to tell Song Jingye everything, "Because of hate, Zuo Yu and Li Fangqiong will treat my mother. His hatred took revenge on my sister."

"That year, Zuo Yu and Li Fangqiong found a bunch of gangsters. He Cheng tricked my sister from the mansion into the private room of the restaurant, and they ordered those gangsters to treat my sister." He Zikai said, her voice changed, but she still managed to control her emotions. , Continue to say, "My sister knew that He Cheng had been deceived, and she resisted strongly and did not let the gangsters move her. When those people saw my sister struggling like crazy, they didn't dare to approach, but Li Fangqiong went forward and beat her. My sister."

"Li Fangqiong never beat my sister, Zuo Yu rushed forward again, and my sister was forced to the window." He Zikai's lips began to tremble, and his eyes were already covered with mist. "In desperation, my sister jumped from the window. Going down, on the third floor, after she jumped down, she did not die. She wanted to exhaust all her strength to stand up and flee there, worrying that those people who chased it out would treat her again."

"But when she barely got up, a car drove by" He Zikai's tear finally fell out without holding back.

Although I didn't see the scene with my own eyes, I could think of it at the moment, as if I could see my sister at the time, and better understood the panic and fear in her heart.

A 21-year-old girl who has not graduated from university yet was calculated

Song Jingye's expression has also changed. When he was a child, he often spent time with Zi Kai and often played with Sister Rui Rui. Although his inner feelings were not as deep as Zi Kai, he still liked that big sister very much in his heart. A pretty sister with a devilish nature.

But what happened to her turned out to be like this

"My mother asked the nanny when she saw my sister not at home when she got home." He Zikai continued. "When the nanny said that my sister had followed He Cheng out, my mother realized it was wrong and ordered the housekeeper to send someone immediately. Find He Cheng, find my sister."

"At that time, my dad was on a business trip. My mom called my dad first, but my dad didn't answer it. Then my mom called Mo Kuang."

"At that time, neither of them answered the phone."

He Zikai stared at a certain place in front of him, "When my mother arrived at the address given by the housekeeper, she just got off the car and saw my sister lying in a pool of blood. The latest and fastest update."

Tears continued to overflow from the corner of He Zikai's eyes, as if all these things happened just yesterday.

"My mother fainted on the spot, and when she woke up," He Zikai felt that she understood that without saying, Song Jingye would also know that everyone around her mother's physical condition for so many years is clear.

"Later, my dad came back and investigated the matter. After Mo Kuang found out, he fought with Zuo Yu's people. Zuo Yu was shot by Mo Kuang, but it was not fatal."

auzw.com"Mo Kuang left Westport City, Zuo Yu also went abroad to heal his injuries. My dad and your father used all the forces and connections to suppress this incident. They were there at the time. Those people were all handled by your old man, and none of them, including the people in the restaurant at the time, were also handled by your old man, but there were fish that slipped through the net."

After listening to He Zikai's words, Song Jingye couldn't react for a long time, still digesting He Zikai's words in his mind.

"My dad said that he once promised He Cheng's mother that no matter what He Cheng did wrong, he could not blame or hurt He Cheng." He Zikai said to Song Jingye that this is what his father told him yesterday, so he is now I have no doubt why my father has been cold and enthusiastic towards the He Cheng couple for so many years.

"Fuck, what did you promise? Between your daughter and your son, your old man will really choose." Song Jingye was so angry that he would directly explode.

I heard my father talk about Mr. He before, saying that Mr. He treated his feelings very seriously and treated the woman before him very well. After that woman died, Mr. He couldn’t get out for a long time and waited to get out of the pain. Later, Father He met Zi Kai's mother.

He Zikai lowered his head and pondered for a long time before he took a deep breath, raised his head slightly, and looked at Song Jingye with a hint of helplessness in his eyes, "Jing Ye, he is my father. He is very good to my mother. I have no reason to go. Blame him, let alone hate him."

I never doubted my father's love for his mother, his love for himself, his sister's previous love, and because of this, he couldn't blame his father for his fault and his actions, and didn't hate him at all.

Song Jingye naturally understood He Zikai's words, thought for a while, and then said, "I suddenly felt that Mo Kuang was better to your mother than your father to your mother."

He Zikai didn't say anything this time, how could he be sure of the feelings of the previous generation?

But what Jing Ye said, he also had a few thoughts in his heart that Mo Kuang could shoot Zuo Yu for his mother, but his father only calmed down some funeral affairs, and did not do anything for his mother.

The two people did not speak for a long time, and when they spoke again, the topic changed.

"So far, Zuo Yu still hates your mother? She sent someone to Xiaomei." Song Jingye's words have not been said yet, because Jiayi is still lying in the hospital at this time. After all, some cruel words cannot be said. "It is also because Hate your mother?"

He Zikai did not immediately answer Song Jingye. The mood in this meeting was not as sad as before. Reason was completely present. He looked at a quiet spot ahead and said seriously, "I always feel that there are some things that I didn't think of."

Listening to He Zikai's words, Song Jingye's mind quickly turned and asked, "You mean, things are not that simple now?"

He Zikai nodded slightly and said analytically, "The feelings of the last life have passed for so many years. Each of them should not be so persistent in their hearts."

"Unless, Zuo Yu has other goals?" Song Jingye said.

"Yeah" He Zikai said a word with certainty.

"Let Lan Yu dig deeper into Zuo Yu's background, and see if we can find some clues to her purpose." Song Jingye said, now that the truth about Sister Rui Rui has become clear, whoever killed Sister Rui Rui in the first place must be Life is worthy of life, but since Zuo Yu has other goals, it is not too late to let them pay off the debts they owed after knowing what her purpose is and what she wants to do.

"Blue Rain can't dig it." He Zikai said with certainty, "How can someone from a dark organization let others catch her or get acquainted with her past?"


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