Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 421: Four hundred and twenty one

Chapter 421 Find Xiaomei first, then save Nuoer

"What are you doing? Of course it killed you." Li Fangqiong looked at Cheng Nuo and said fiercely, "But you have to wait for your husband to come, and your husband and wife die together. The picture should be more beautiful."

At this time, on the road leading to the warehouse, at the forefront are He Zikai and all the sisters of the special forces. The sisters who dealt with the z-organizer have also returned to the team, and the convoy not far away is Song Jingye and He Tianyu. And the Song family that Song Jingye brought here.

At the last distance between the two groups of convoys, Mo Kuang was sitting in the car, and Lao Ji drove the car, followed by Mo Bang people, driving quickly to the warehouse door.

He Zikai stopped the car three hundred meters away from the warehouse, and then all the cars behind him stopped.

No one got out of the car. He Zikai sat in the car, Lan Yu kept staring at the computer screen.

"The Mobang people are here," Lan Yu said suddenly.

He Zikai knew that Mo Bangren's car had stopped, so he opened the door and got out of the car.

Mo Kuang brought people over, and He Zikai was not surprised at all. At the time in the teahouse, Mo Kuang must have thought of the things he could think of. He could chase here to find Zuo Yu. It seemed that he was helping himself.

Lan Yu got off the car and stood beside He Zikai and waited for a while. Song Jingye and He Tianyu, Mo Kuang and Lao Ji all came over.

The surrounding sisters, the Song family, and the Mobang people stood not far away, standing by at any time to follow the boss's instructions.

"Uncle, are Nono and Xiaomei here?" He Tianyu hurriedly asked, looking at the rows of low houses not far in front of him.

I found Jing Ye and heard that my uncle was coming here, so I hurried over with Song Jingye.

"Yeah." He Zikai replied to He Tianyu, looking at the house in front of him, suddenly wondering what to do?

Here, it must be the site of the z organization. If you break in without a plan and disturb the people of the z organization, then Nuoer and Xiaomei will be in danger, and may even be

In the worst case, He Zikai didn't dare to think about it anymore, and told herself with certainty that she would not let the mother and daughter get into trouble, no, definitely not.

Lan Lan and Song Jingye, Mo Kuang, had not spoken, but their eyes were fixed on Lan Yu.

Everyone knows that only by getting news from Lan Yu can we plan the next step. It is absolutely undesirable to push hard. After all, the two are in Zuo Yu's hands, and no one knows what the layout is.

"Cheng Nuo and Xiaomei are not together." Lan Yu said suddenly.

In this case, everyone breathed tightly.

He Zikai frowned and looked at Lan Yu, intending to listen to her next words.

"Xiaomei's position is not far from the door." Lan Yu said, "Cheng Nuo's position is inside, but"

"But what?" Song Jingye asked hurriedly.

"Zuo Yu and Cheng Nuo are close together, and" Lan Yu paused before saying, "Li Fangqiong, it's here."

I have always had Li Fangqiong's position, but I didn't notice it before. This will be checked carefully, and a red dot is added. When the operation comes out, it will show Li Fangqiong's position.

auzw.com Here, the most surprised person is He Tianyu.

He Tianyu looked at Lan Yu and asked wonderingly, "Why is my mother here?"

Could it be that my mother kidnapped Nono? He Zikai thought this in his heart, but he didn't dare to believe that it was a fact, but Lan Yu said that his mother was here, then he would not be wrong.

"Your mother and Zuo Yu are in the same group." Lan Lan answered He Tianyu's words.

When He Tianyu was immersed in shock, He Zikai asked Lan Yu, "Who is around Xiaomei?"

Lan Yu quickly tapped on the keyboard for a while before saying, "I can't find it, but it should be from the Z organization."

The other members of the z organization have not positioned themselves, only those who have positioned Zuo Yu. Qi Yuheng has just checked his background and has not had time to set a position. However, in this situation, Qi Yuheng is 80% in this area. In the warehouse, it is very possible to be with Zuo Yu.

"From the current situation, Cheng Nuo and Xiaomei are in two places. Zuo Yu and the others are with Cheng Nuo. If you guessed it correctly, Xiaomei was watching." Lan Yu analyzed all the circumstances she knew," According to the normal distribution situation, there may be people everywhere in this warehouse, and Xiaomei and Cheng Nuo should have the most people, especially around Cheng Nuo."

After Lan Yu finished speaking, he looked at He Zikai, waiting for the result of his thinking.

This analysis of his own, everyone is clear, especially He Zikai, he will know what to do after thinking.

"I will deal with the people of the z organization." Mo Kuang said suddenly.

I have predicted that today is Zuo Yu's death date. He Zikai's people are here today, as well as the Song family. Zuo Yu kidnapped Cheng Nuo and Xiaomei. How could they let Zuo Yu go? And what Zuo Yu did before, it is estimated that the old and new accounts will be calculated together this time.

After Mo Kuang finished speaking, everyone looked at Mo Kuang without speaking, and then turned to He Zikai.

At this moment, everyone present, whether it was Song Jingye or others, or the subordinates standing next to him, had invisibly regarded He Zikai as the leader and boss.

He Zikai thought for a long time before looking at Lan Lan and said, "Lead them, give full play to your specialties, act from above, and take action at critical moments."

This group of people are the elites they have cultivated. Besides shooting, they are best at rock climbing and sniping. The houses here are not high, but walking on the roof and shooting the people below are the best positions. And they never doubted their marksmanship.

"Yes" Lan Lan replied, when he was about to leave with the sisters, he heard He Zikai calling himself.

"Lan Lan." He Zikai called Lan Lan.

Lan Lan stopped, turned around, looked at He Zikai, knowing he had something to say.

"You personally, protect Nuoer." He Zikai said, staring at Lan Lan.

Naturally, Lan Lan knew what it meant, nodded, answered with his eyes a firm answer to He Zikai, and then took the sisters and approached the warehouse area.

After Lan Lan left, He Zikai looked at Song Jingye and Mo Kuang, and first said to Mo Kuang, "Uncle Mo, I need your people and deal with the floating people around the warehouse. My people will also cooperate with you on it."

With such a large warehouse area, people walking on the ground will inevitably lose sight of the overall situation when dealing with people who are also walking. However, their own people are on the house and will assist the unhelpful after seeing the overall situation.

"Okay." Mo Kuang agreed, then turned his head and said to the old Ji who was beside him, "Order to go down and follow Zi Kai's orders."

"Yes" Old Ji replied.

He Zikai then looked at Song Jingye, "Let’s find Xiaomei first, and then save Nuoer."

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