Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 438: determine

After returning home from the hospital last time, Zi Kai briefly told herself about Lan Yu and Lan Lan. She also saw photos of them both on the computer in the study. They were wearing military training uniforms. Fan.

But, they said, Lan Yu came to Zi Kai yesterday?

Cheng Nuo thought about it in his heart, but did not ask the three of them, nor did they talk to them, until they got out of the elevator on the 20th floor, Cheng Nuo pressed the button to close the elevator door, and the elevator went straight to the top floor.

An Lin was busy sitting at his desk. Hearing the elevator ringing, he instinctively looked up at the people coming out of the elevator, but when he saw Cheng Nuo, An Lin was a little bored.

"Madam, you are here." An Lin immediately stood up and greeted, but there was a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Well, is Zi Kai here?" Cheng Nuo said to An Lin with a smile.

"Well, yes, Mr. He is in the office." An Lin said, thinking about whether he should give a report? But think about it, Mr. He is reviewing the documents. It doesn't matter whether you notify them or not, right?

"Then I'm going in." Cheng Nuo saw that An Lin didn't intend to go forward and walked towards the door of the president's office.

He Zikai in the office heard a knock on the door, and then heard the sound of the door being opened. Because this would be before the review of the documents, He Zikai thought it was An Lin, and did not look up. After reading the documents, Just raised his head.

When he saw Cheng Nuo standing in front of him, He Zikai's expression changed, and then he returned to calm.

"What? Surprised that I came?" Cheng Nuo deliberately showed an arrogant look. Who made this man take care of himself after so long.

"No." He Zikai said, got up, walked around the desk around Cheng Nuo, stuck out her long arm, and a certain woman was taken into her arms by herself.

Looking down at her, the exhaled heat hit her face, the two of them will be very close and ambiguous.

"I just regret that I just read the file and didn't see you the first time." He Zikai said, looking at the delicate face of the little woman.

"Hum, can you make up for it now?" Cheng Nuo snorted proudly.

The corners of He Zikai's mouth rose, and the smile became deeper. At this moment, the appearance of this little woman was exactly the same as her daughter's arrogant appearance. It seems that the two beloved people in the family have been spoiled with such a character.

"It seems that I can't make it back." He Zikai said, and then he pressed her body down a little bit, and kissed her lips. After a while, he let her go.

"What are you doing? This is in the office, so you are not afraid of others coming in?" Cheng Nuo was messed up by a kiss, and his heartbeat speeded up. After all, such a solemn office, I don't know how many people's destiny and how many companies survive. , This man actually

"You come in, An Lin knows what to do outside." He Zikai said with confidence. This assistant is not useless. He has been by his side for so many years and he knows what to do without telling him.

"Cheng Nuo thinks about it, too, there is still An Lin outside, if anyone comes to He Zikai for something, it must be An Lin first to report.

But even so, this man can't

Just as Cheng Nuo was thinking about it, He Zikai suddenly asked, "It seems that there are a lot of clothes today."


"It's not all to blame you." Cheng Nuojiao said angrily, raised her head to meet He Zikai's gaze, her expression was very angry, "Who let you'bully' me so last night."

"Bullying?" He Zikai repeated, but he said with a smile, "I clearly remember that a little cat enjoyed it last night."

"" Cheng Nuo flushed suddenly, gritting his teeth, "He, Zi, Kai."

Seeing that the little woman was shy, He Zikai stopped talking, hugged her tightly, and said to her ear, "Okay, my fault, next time I change my posture to ‘bully’ you."

Cheng Nuo stamped his feet with anger.

The two were tired and crooked for a while, before He Zikai took Cheng Nuo to sit down on the sofa.

"I just heard a piece of gossip news." Cheng Nuo was snuggled in He Zikai's arms and said in a very calm voice.

"Huh?" He Zikai asked.

"Your staff said that there is a woman of good figure who can serve you well in that respect." Cheng Nuo said in a cloud of mist.

""He Zikai didn't understand. She wanted to say that she was the one who was good in figure and could take care of herself, but this would see her expression, it seemed that she was not talking about herself.

Cheng Nuo knew that He Zikai hadn't understood yet, and then reminded him, "I heard that the woman came to He Yi yesterday."

In an instant, He Zikai thought about it for a moment and said two words, "Blue Rain?"

Lan Yu did come to find herself yesterday, and it’s normal to be seen by the staff. It’s just that this woman knows, will she

Cheng Nuo nodded and fanned his eyes to look at He Zikai. Although he didn't care, and knew that Lan Yu came to him, there must be something to do, but this time, he wanted to see how nervous this man was.

"Nuo'er, Lan Yu came just to talk to me about something. There is nothing between us. I told you before that she and Lan Lan are friends of Jing Ye and me." He Zikai's explanation was a little nervous. , Because she cares about the woman's thoughts and the feelings between herself and her, so I am worried that if she cares, if she is serious, it will affect her relationship with her, and the whole family.

Seeing He Zikai's nervousness and the incoherent way he explained, Cheng Nuo was very happy, and finally couldn't help but laughed.

""He Zikai didn't understand Cheng Nuo's smile.

"Akai." Cheng Nuo yelled affectionately, hooked He Zikai's neck with both hands, and said seriously, "I believe in you, believe in your love for me, be good to me, and believe in you and Lan Yulan. Lan and the others are just friends, so I don't care about the rumors."

He Zikai looked at her sincere eyes and knew that what she said was what she was saying. At this moment, He Zikai was very grateful to this little woman for her reasonableness and understanding.

"Well, another day, I will take you to meet them formally. It is estimated that they will go back soon." He Zikai said, Lan Yu, Lan Lan and their sisters, there is nothing wrong with staying here, so yesterday Discussed with Lan Yu, planning to arrange them back to the western island country.

"In that case, why don't you invite Lan Yu and Lan Lan to eat at home tonight. Before they leave, they are treated as a treat to them and have a meal at home." Cheng Nuo said.

"Are you sure tonight?" He Zikai asked, Nuo'er's proposal was quite sudden, and she still couldn't accept it. Just now, I was worried that Nuoer would care about her relationship with Lan Yu, but now Nuoer said that she would invite them tonight. Eating at home, the transformation is a bit quicker.

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