Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 440: Jiayi is innocent

Facing her daughter's question, He Zikai didn't know how to answer, would he come here? Maybe, but maybe not.

He Zikai glanced at Cheng Nuo beside her, then turned her head to look at her daughter and replied, "Maybe it will come."

For the uncertain answer, I also want to answer my daughter's wishes, so that my daughter is not at least lost.

"Really?" He Xiaomei suddenly widened her eyes and looked at Papa.

He Zikai nodded.

"Great, then I will wait for the two sisters to come to our house next time." He Xiaomei said happily.

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo looked at each other, and said nothing.

Life continues every day, and everyone's life is spent peacefully.

He Zikai sat in the office and held a web conference with the branch in Europe. After the three-hour web conference was over, He Zikai closed the laptop, then leaned back in the chair and let out a long sigh of relief.

After closing his eyes and resting for a while, the phone rang suddenly, and He Zikai became more conscious. He opened his eyes and took the phone on the desk easily. Seeing the number displayed on the phone screen, his heart instantly warmed a lot.

"Nuoer" answered the phone, and He Zikai called out very affectionately.

"Well, are you busy now?" Cheng Nuo's voice came.

"Not busy, what's the matter?" He Zikai asked.

"I want to go to the hospital to see Jiayi, she is going to the United States tomorrow, can you go with me?" Cheng Nuo said.

"Okay." He Zikai answered without hesitation, and asked again, "Where are you now? I'll pick you up."

"I'm staying with my mom in the mansion. Dad is not at home today. Come to the mansion. I'll wait for you." Cheng Nuo said.


Hanging up the phone, He Zikai called An Lin to come in, explained some things, and left in a hurry.

Thirty minutes later, He Zikai went to the mansion, had a conversation with her mother, and prepared to go to the hospital with Cheng Nuo.

"Zi Kai, remember to tell your two doctor friends later and let them take good care of Jiayi." Bai Wanjing said before her son and daughter-in-law left home.

I went to the hospital with He Peixu to see Jiayi yesterday, and I will not go with the two children today, but the worry in my heart has not been let go.

"Well, it will." He Zikai answered his mother.

Bai Wanjing had some comfort in her heart and nodded, watching them get in the car and leave.

When we arrived at the hospital, Weina happened to be in He Jiayi's ward.

Weina was not surprised to see He Zikai and Cheng Nuo coming. After chatting with them for a while, she went to the laboratory to check the medicines and other things that she would take away tomorrow.

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo accompany He Jiayi's bed, wanting to accompany her more. In the future, they don't know when Jiayi will come back, let alone when she will wake up.

Thinking of this, Cheng Nuo felt sad again. Looking at Jiayi who was lying on the hospital bed, a layer of mist rose in his eyes.

auzw.com He Zikai noticed Cheng Nuo's little movement, and stretched out her hand to stop her shoulder, patted her shoulder lightly, indicating comfort.

The two stayed until the afternoon when their daughter was about to leave school before leaving the hospital. He Zikai drove from the hospital directly to the kindergarten to pick up her daughter from school.

At the beginning of a new day, Wei Na and Ji Shaoqin, together with He Jiayi, Gong Yi and a few medical staff, took the exclusive flight arranged by He Zikai to the United States.

In the airport, Wei Na and Ji Shaoqin are always beside He Jiayi. All Ji Shaoqin's attention is on the back of He Jiayi's hand. He is afraid that adverse reactions will occur if he is careless. Then whether it is before or after getting on the plane , Once there is a lesion, it will be very difficult to deal with.

There is no one to see off at the airport. This is a sad parting scene that everyone has agreed long ago. No one is needed to see off. If everyone is worried about Jiayi, please bless her in your heart and hope she will wake up soon. Come and get well soon.

The plane took off slowly, Gong Yi sat by the window, looking at the scenery outside, and said silently in his heart: Nono, goodbye for now, Xiao Mei, waiting for Gong Dad to come back.

At this time, He Zikai was standing by the window by the Lishui Bay, with a heavy expression, more worried. He glanced at the watch on his wrist, and He Zikai thought to himself, this time, they should have left the land of Xigang City?

Cheng Nuo walked into the room and walked straight to He Zikai's side, stretched out her hand, and while holding He Zikai's hand, said, "Jiayi and the others, should you leave?"

Feeling the temperature of Cheng Nuo's palm in the palm of his hand, He Zikai held Cheng Nuo's hand back and held it tightly, "Well, the time for the plane to take off has passed."

Cheng Nuo looked out the window, but there was no focus in his eyes, and then softly said, "I hope Jiayi can come back soon."

Hearing Cheng Nuo's words, He Zikai felt a little uncomfortable, because there was something he had not confessed to her.

"Nuoer." He Zikai yelled, but his familiar name was not as gentle as usual.

"Huh?" Cheng Nuo felt from He Zikai's tone that he had something to say.

"There is one thing, I never told you." He Zikai said.

Cheng Nuo was a little dazed, and asked, "What?"

He Zikai made enough preparations in his heart, and plucked up the courage to tell Cheng Nuo why Jiayi was poisoned, and the real reason and circumstances.

After Cheng Nuo listened, he opened his eyes wide, and his whole body couldn't react.

So, Jiayi is for her daughter? If it weren't for the accident and the circumstances at the time, that glass of Coke was the daughter drunk? Then

Cheng Nuo trembled and took a step back, not daring to think anymore.

If it was really her daughter who had an accident, she would really go crazy, she would definitely go crazy.

"Nuoer" He Zikai had long known that Cheng Nuo's mood would definitely be affected after he knew the truth, and immediately took Cheng Nuo into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"Akai, Jiayi, she," Cheng Nuo stayed in He Zikai's arms, crying so hard and unable to control her emotions. After a long time, she said a few words, "She is innocent."

He Zikai didn’t speak, Jiayi was innocent, and she knew it, but when things happened like this, all she could do was to use all means, no matter the human and financial resources, or anything else, she would do her best to save Jiayi and let her Wake up as soon as possible.

The two people in the room were immersed in sorrow, but they did not notice. There was a small figure in the bedroom door, standing there long ago. Every word and word they said was heard by the little man. Ears.

He Xiaomei didn't dare to cry, worried that Dadbi and Mommy would find themselves, and tears had already flowed down her cheeks.

Covering her mouth, He Xiaomei turned around and ran back to her room secretly.

After closing the door of her room, He Xiaomei burst into tears, walked to the bed step by step, then fluttered on the bed, buried her face in the quilt, and burst into tears.

It was all my own, and it was all my own fault that killed sister Jiayi, who was poisoned for herself.

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