Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 448: Want to marry into our house, right?

In an instant, Gu Yao received Song Jingye's voice in her heart, turned her face and looked at Song Jingye.

Song Jingye met Gu Yao's gaze. Although he saw her face right now, he felt unhappy when he thought that she was turning around because of her own words and Qi Shaoheng.

"What do you dare to do with Shaoheng, I will hate you forever." Gu Yao said, although these words are insincere, but at this moment, you must pretend to be, or else you will collapse and be strong and will be in vain.

Song Jingye "cocked" in his heart, frowning deeper.

Hate yourself? lifetime? Ha ha ha ha is really a joke.

How much I hope she loves herself and can love herself forever, but for other men, she said she would hate herself forever.

Song Jingye really disliked herself at the moment. The love time on campus, the company of each other over the past five years, after all, could not match her as a returnee.

"Gu Yao." Song Jingye was furious now, and tightened his hands, with blue veins bursting out on his forehead, and said, "Am I? I will kill you first and then ruin Qi Shaoheng, so you won't hate me." Up?"

"Cough cough" Gu Yao felt uncomfortable all at once, wanted to speak, but couldn't say how to say it. With the uncomfortable throat, she instinctively stretched out her hands to push away Song Jingye's big hands.

But how can one's strength be better than Song Jingye? He seemed to really want to let himself die.

"Cough cough cough cough"

Gu Yao kept resisting, because the breathlessness had already affected the heart. At this time, the whole body would feel uncomfortable, and the speed of the heartbeat increased wildly.

At this moment, Gu Yao thought in her mind, did her heartbeat speed up to a limit, and then her heartbeat stopped in an instant? Then I would close my eyes and never see the person in front of me again?

After cleaning up in the dining room, Ma Wang was about to go back to her hut to rest, but as soon as she walked out of the dining room, she saw this scene of Mr. and Miss Gu in the living room.

"Sir, Miss Gu." Mother Wang was in a hurry and hurried forward.

What are they doing? How could the husband treat Miss Gu like this?

"Sir, you" Wang Ma looked at Miss Gu's uncomfortable expression, her whole heart was mentioned in her throat, she wanted to persuade her husband, but her own identity

At this moment, the doorbell of the gate rang suddenly.

Mother Wang looked at her husband and Miss Gu anxiously, not knowing what to do. When she heard the doorbell, her mind was a little confused, and she turned and looked at the door.

Who will be here at so late?

After thinking about it, Mother Wang still didn't dare to waste time, looked at the husband and Miss Gu in front of her, turned and hurried to the door to open the door.

If it's Mr. or Miss Gu's friends, maybe they will persuade Mr. and Miss Gu so that Miss Gu will be fine.

Song Jingye and Gu Yao knew in their hearts that someone was coming. At the door bell so late, they couldn't think of who would come home?

Ma Wang opened the door, and when she saw the person at the door, Ma Wang was shocked.

auzw.com"Master, old lady, what are you doing?" Mother Wang was speechless in surprise. She came here for a short time and met the master and the old lady a few times, but they never Came here so late to find Mr., today this is

"Are you so surprised?" Hu Xueqin glanced at the mother of the king. She never looked at someone who was a nanny, and then asked, "Where is Jing Ye?"

"Sir, he is here" Wang Ma replied nervously.

"Humph" Hu Xueqin hummed softly, pushed Mother Wang away and walked inside.

Song Yihai followed Hu Xueqin and walked in.

When Song Jingye heard her mother's voice just now, he let go of Gu Yao, but he kept looking at Gu Yao without moving his eyes.

Gu Yao would lean over, supporting her body on the sofa with her hands, and breathing heavily, trying to get her heartbeat back to normal.

Hu Xueqin and Song Yihai walked in and saw their son and Gu Yao sitting on the sofa. When they saw that their son's attention was not on themselves, but on Gu Yao, Hu Xueqin instantly became angry.

"Jing Ye" Hu Xueqin yelled angrily. This son is becoming more and more obsessed with the vixen. His parents didn't even look at him when he came, but his eyes were all on the vixen.

Hearing his mother calling himself, Song Jingye turned around and looked at his parents not far away.

"Dad, Mom, why are you here?" Song Jingye asked, although it is not too late, but his parents will come to Yujingyuan, I am still a little surprised.

"Why can't we come? It takes time to see my son?" Hu Xueqin said. After speaking, she turned her attention to Gu Yao with a look of disgust.

"Really someone without a tutor." Hu Xueqin said. Usually, when she comes by herself, Gu Yao still greets herself and her father to some extent. Today she sits there like that, motionless, how can she not be angry in her heart?

Gu Yao didn't care much about what Hu Xueqin said, anyway, every time she saw her, she would ridicule herself and scold herself. She had tolerated all this before, and now she didn't need to get angry.

Song Jingye knew that her mother had always had a bad attitude towards Yaoyao. He didn't feel good about her when she heard her say about Yaoyao. Her own woman would not allow others to look down upon her, including her parents.

"Mom, sit down first." Song Jingye said, then looked at Ma Wang who was not far away, and ordered, "Mother Wang, pour two glasses of water and bring some fruit over."

"Okay, sir." Wang Ma replied.

Hu Xueqin and Song Yihai sat down on the sofa on the other side, but Hu Xueqin kept looking at Gu Yao.

Gu Yao vaguely felt Hu Xueqin's gaze, and felt that the atmosphere at the moment was a bit quiet.

The heartbeat returned to normal. Gu Yao tried to adjust her emotions. Then she raised her head, sat upright, looked at the two elders who were sitting on one side, and greeted, "Uncle, aunt, hello."

Looking at Gu Yao, who was pale, his voice seemed to be different from what he had seen before. Song Yihai asked, "What's the matter? I'm not feeling well?"

Although I don’t agree with this girl being with her son in my heart, and not allowing her son to marry such an improper girl in the future, but she is a child after all, a junior. Seeing her as if emotionally wrong, I can’t help but feel a little worried. .

Gu Yao smiled reluctantly, looked at Song Yihai, shook her head, and said softly, "No, I'm fine, uncle."

Song Yihai didn't speak any more.

"Yeah, pretend to be weak, then lie to us, lie to my son, and want to marry into our house, don't you?" Hu Xueqin's eyes are full of disdain for Gu Yao. How can I ridicule her, I want to ridicule her.

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