Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 451: I really want to love him

"Oh, good." Mother Wang said, and as soon as she finished speaking, she saw her husband walking towards the door.

Song Jingye drove the car and followed the road out of Yujingyuan, looking all the way, but Gu Yao was not found until the urban area.

After that, Song Jingye went to a few places Gu Yao often liked, but still couldn't find it.

Song Jingye's mind became more and more afraid, more and more worried, where is his Yaoyao? Is there anything wrong with her?

In desperation, Song Jingye called He Zikai and asked if He Zikai Gu Yao had called Cheng Nuo. After He Zikai said no, Song Jingye was lost again.

"What's wrong with you?" He Zikai asked Song Jingye over the phone.

"At night, Yaoyao and her hairpin were eating together. I saw it. Then when I got home, my parents came to Yujingyuan." Song Jingye said briefly, "I didn't control my emotions tonight, so I told Yao Yao, plus my parents are here"

Song Jingye didn't elaborate too much, but He Zikai understood that this brother's character and impulsive behavior, he still understood a little bit.

Because he loves Gu Yao too much and cares about Gu Yao too much, he may be a little impulsive in an emergency.

"Find someone before you talk." After He Zikai thought, he said to Song Jingye, "Gu Yao is out alone at night. It's really unsafe. Do you need me to send someone to find it?"

"No, I asked Guan Wei to send someone to find it." Song Jingye said.

"Yeah" He Zikai responded, paused, and said again, "If you need it, just say it."


He Zikai hung up, and Cheng Nuo would just be back from her daughter's room. He looked very tired.

"Who are you calling?" Cheng Nuo asked with a yawn.

He Zikai put the phone aside, walked over, took Cheng Nuo's hand, pulled her to the bed, sat down first, and then pulled Cheng Nuo into her arms and let her sit on her lap.

Cheng Nuo got used to the intimate behavior of the old husband and wife, with his head pressed against his chest, waiting for him to answer what he had just said.

"Jing Ye called." He Zikai said, thinking about it, did she not tell the woman in her arms about Gu Yao's leaving Yujingyuan.

I know too well about the relationship between Nuo'er and Gu Yao. If Nuo'er knows about her stubborn temperament, she might have to go out to find her. She has been tired for a day, and she feels distressed at the moment, how can she let her Toss something else?

But I believe that Jing Ye, he should be able to find Gu Yao, and the people of the Song family will look for it together. It is estimated that it will not be long before Gu Yao can be found.

"Oh." Cheng Nuo answered, thinking that A Kai and Jing Ye were talking about some of their affairs and work topics, so he didn't plan to bother about it.

Looking at the woman in her arms, He Zikai asked gently, "Don't go to leisure tomorrow, take a day off, and continue to be busy the day after tomorrow."

Hearing He Zikai’s words, Cheng Nuo shook his head and exclaimed, “No, I must not relax in the early stage of the opening. I have to be there every day, otherwise they can’t ask for my opinion on what they do, and all the construction schedule will be slowed down. of."

"But you are so tired, I" He Zikai was interrupted by Cheng Nuo before he finished speaking.

"Akai, I'm okay." Cheng Nuo said, suddenly wrapped his hands around He Zikai's neck, his head moved away from He Zikai's chest, met his eyes, and said, "Although I am very tired and tired during the day, I can accompany him at night. With my daughter, and you are by my side, my sleep quality is very good, I sleep comfortably at night, and wake up full of energy the next day. I am very satisfied with this life."

Seeing the little woman, there is no reason for He Zikai to object, and all that is left in his mind is to go to the shower and let her rest early.

"Well, according to you, then go take a bath now, eh?" He Zikai asked.

auzw.com "Well, you take me to the bathroom." Cheng Nuo suddenly said coquettishly, and his head rested on He Zikai's shoulder again, and the whole person hung on him.

"Good." After He Zikai finished speaking, he picked up Cheng Nuo and walked to the bathroom.

Song Jingye searched all the places Gu Yao might go and people who might contact him, but still did not find Gu Yao.

While driving the car, Song Jingye had no choice but to go to Gu Yao's house. If Gu Yao went home, then he wouldn't worry so much.

On the way to Gu Yao's house, Song Jingye called Guan Wei again.

"Is there any news?" Song Jingye asked.

"Not yet, Song Shao." Guan Wei replied, "Brothers are still looking for it."

When Song Jingye wanted to say something after hearing Guan Wei's words, something suddenly occurred to him.

Without speaking, Song Jingye directly hung up the phone.

Immediately parked the car in a safe place on the side of the road, Song Jingye held the phone in both hands, his eyes full of joy.

Why did I forget an important thing? The bracelet I gave Yaoyao before has a tracker, so she can be located where she is.

Song Jingye was very annoyed that he remembered it this time, and quickly operated on the phone with his hands until he saw a red dot on the phone screen, and Song Jingye smiled on his face.

According to the positioning, Song Jingye drove the car to speed up and rushed to Gu Yao.

On a hidden road in the suburbs, Gu Yao's car was parked on the side of the road with her mobile phone in the car.

There is a simple rest pavilion nearby. Gu Yao sits on the bench beside the pavilion, leaning against the wooden pillar, staring at the sky dullly.

I really hate myself and my heart. If it doesn’t cause problems and if it’s healthy, maybe I’ve married Jing Ye a long time ago. Maybe at this time I and Jing Ye already have children, like Xiaomei is so cute.

Tears flowed down the eye sockets, flowed across the cheeks, and fell on the clothes along the chin. Gu Yao didn't care at all, just immersed in her thoughts.

I envy Zi Kai and Nono in my heart. In fact, I also hope that I and Jing Ye are as happy as they are. Jing Ye treats him well, no less than what Zi Kai treats Nono, but his body, heart Why do you want to torture yourself like this?

Why not just stop the heartbeat? In this way, I will be relieved, and I will not hurt Jing Ye. Seeing Jing Ye angry, seeing him embarrassed, my heart really hurts.

I really want to love him, but I can't do it myself.

Suddenly, Gu Yao heard the sound of a car, and the thoughts in her mind gradually recovered.

Gu Yao didn't look back, because he didn't need to guess and knew that the person who came was either Jing Ye or Song family.

At this moment, he suddenly felt very happy. At least he was gone. Jing Ye still came to find him. He would send people to find him. His care made him feel very happy.

As soon as Song Jingye got out of the car, he saw a person sitting not far away. Looking at his back, Song Jingye must be Gu Yao.

Walking quickly, Song Jingye didn't stop until two steps away from her.

Gu Yao looked at the sky and knew that the person behind him was Song Jingye, because she could smell his breath.

Song Jingye stood for a while, then walked around to the front and sat down beside Gu Yao.

"Yao Yao" Song Jingye whispered.

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