Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 456: Months later, I will let you go

Song Jingye turned around, seeing this scene, the whole person panicked.

"You are going to marry Tong Zhaoqian. She will be with you in the future. You shouldn't let me live here anymore. It will not be good for you and will affect your reputation." Gu Yao cried and said, "In the future, well. Treat Tong Zhaoqian and love her, your life will be happy, you will definitely!"

Gu Yao knew at this moment that the second elder of the Song family had persecuted Jing Ye for so long. In fact, Jing Ye had always been embarrassed in his heart. He was his parents on the one hand, and the second elder of the Song family did not recognize him and his body was alive. It won’t be long, so Jing Ye’s future should be left to Tong Zhaoqian, I hope she can accompany Jing Ye until she is old.

"Gu Yao." Song Jingye roared, walking two steps forward to Gu Yao, squatting down, grabbing her slender waist with both hands, at this moment the blue veins on his forehead burst out, "You stand up, stand up."

This **** woman, what is she doing right now? Who allowed her to beg in such a low voice?

"No, I can't afford it, Jing Ye, will you let me go, okay? Will you let me go?" Gu Yao cried and shook her head. Yuan herself, who was weak, would look even more shaky and pity.

Song Jingye's eyes were already red. If one person is his injury, then he must be exclusive to the woman in front of him. If one person can break his principles, it can only be her, only her.

"You, want me to marry Tong Zhaoqian?" Song Jingye gritted his teeth and asked, looking at her, hoping she would shake her head, but

"Yeah." Gu Yao nodded.

The heart was stabbed fiercely, Song Jingye continued, "Hope, I will let you go?"

"Yeah" Gu Yao nodded again, her eyes blurred with tears. Even though this would make it difficult to see the expression of the man in front of her, his face was already imprinted on her heart.

"Good." Song Jingye said a word very clearly.

In an instant, Gu Yao was a little dazed, looking at Song Jingye, she didn't know what his word "good" meant.

Song Jingye looked at Gu Yao, loosened her arm with one hand, reached into his pocket to take out the phone.

Lowering his head, Song Jingye dialed a series of numbers.

Gu Yao looked at the phone screen in Song Jingye's hand. It was not very clear, but he could see the three words above, Tong Zhaoqian.

Song Jingye turned on the speakerphone, and after the phone rang four times, the other party was connected.

"Jing Ye." Tong Zhaoqian's voice came.

At this moment, the room was extremely quiet.

"One month later, we will hold our engagement ceremony." Song Jingye said every word very clearly, speaking to Tong Zhaoqian on the other side of the phone, but his eyes kept staring at Gu Yao.

""The phone end was stunned for a while, before Tong Zhaoqian called again in disbelief, "Jing Ye."

In the name this time, there are obviously surprises, incredibles, and joys.

"For specific matters, discuss with my mother." After Song Jingye finished speaking, he cut off the phone directly.

Lowering his head, Song Jingye dialed his mother's number again. This time, waiting for the call to be connected, he looked at Gu Yao again, thinking about something in his heart at the same time.

"Hey, Jing Ye, why did you call me? Your Aunt Zhang and I are doing beauty care." Hu Xueqin's voice came.

"Mom, start preparing for the engagement ceremony between me and Tong Zhaoqian. One month later, it will be held." Song Jingye said, without any emotion in his tone.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Song Jingye said these words, bleeding in his heart.


Gu Yao, is this what you want?

"" Hu Xueqin reacted on the phone for a while before saying, "Son, don't you fool me, you really want to get married with Zhaoqian?"

"What? Isn't this what you have always hoped for?" Song Jingye said to his mother, more like asking Gu Yao in his heart.

If she would stop and stop herself, she would definitely invalidate what she had said to Tong Zhaoqian, but after waiting for a long time, the woman in front of her was indifferent.

"Yes, yes, of course it is what I hope." Hu Xueqin will be very happy this time, and the voice is sweet, "Son, just figure it out, don't worry about the engagement ceremony and the wedding ceremony, and leave it to mom. , Our Song family has a wedding event, we must do it luxuriously, and Mom wants you to marry Zhaoqian in the door gracefully."

After Hu Xueqin finished speaking, she suddenly thought of something and hurriedly asked, "There is also a son, you are getting married now, Gu Yao, that bitch, can't live in Yujingyuan, or Zhaoqian will be angry. Click to drive her away, she wants more money, more money, as long as you don’t correct it.

"Mom" Song Jingye interrupted his mother directly angrily, "You don't need to worry about these."

After speaking, Song Jingye hung up the phone directly.

The bedroom was very quiet, so quiet that Song Jingye could hear Gu Yao's breathing, and Gu Yao could also hear Song Jingye's breathing.

Song Jingye let go of Gu Yao with the other hand, stood up, condescending, looked at the people on the ground, and coldly threw out, "Stay here for another month. After a month, I will let you go."

After speaking, Song Jingye turned around and Juechen left.

Walking out of the bedroom, a drop of tears overflowed from the corner of Song Jingye's eyes.

Gu Yao, is it fun to force me like this?

In the bedroom, Gu Yao was sitting on the ground, crying bitterly, because of the emotional excitement, the heart was also stimulated, and the speed of the heartbeat was getting faster and faster.

Gradually, Gu Yao felt a pain in her heart, the kind of heart-piercing pain.

The heart that was originally sad was gradually shifted by the pain of the heart. Gu Yao tried to endure it at first, but tears still flowed out, but in the end, she couldn't bear it. The pain made her whole face distorted, her face pale and scary. The lips were blue and purple.

"Jing Jing Jing Ye" Gu Yao struggled to spill a few words from her mouth.

But the light and fluttering voice could not even be heard from the cloakroom, let alone the bedroom.

Gu Yao was lying on the ground, her hands covering the position of her heart, the pain made her whole expression look hideous.

"Jing" At this moment, there is only one person in Gu Yao's mind, only that person, calling him with difficulty.

After getting back a little bit of reason, Gu Yao knew that Song Jingye was no longer in the bedroom, and the only thing that could control the uncomfortable heart was medicine, but the medicine bottle was still beside the bed.

After thinking for a few seconds, Gu Yao began to crawl towards the bed with her hands on the ground.

At this moment, Gu Yao had only one thought in her heart. Now she can’t die, she can’t die, and she can stay with Jing Ye for a month. For the next month, she must cherish and enjoy every moment of being with him. Seconds, maybe, this will be the time with him in this life.

With this perseverance, Gu Yao tried her best to climb forward.

Take some medicine first, it should be much better. Tomorrow I will go to Weiwei and ask her to check for herself. Even the medicine with serious side effects will be taken by herself, as long as the next month is good.

However, Gu Yao hadn't climbed out of the cloakroom, and she had no strength. She lay on the ground heavily, with no strength in her hands, no way to support her arms, and she couldn't move forward.

The pain did not abate, but became stronger and stronger.

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