Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 465: I want to go to America and stay with Jiayi

When the family of three returned home after eating out, it was already past nine o'clock. Cheng Nuo returned to the master bedroom after sleeping with her daughter.

After taking a shower and lying on the bed, Cheng Nuo and He Zikai did not go to sleep immediately. Both looked at the ceiling and fell into quiet contemplation.

"Akai, I asked Yaoyao today." Cheng Nuo suddenly said a word.

"Yeah" He Zikai answered, knowing that Cheng Nuo had something to say next.

"Yaoyao was very calm when talking about Jing Ye. Yaoyao didn't seem to care much about Jing Ye marrying someone else." Cheng Nuo described how she chatted with Yaoyao at that time, "Yaoyao only said later , She and Jing Ye are not the same, and won't go on forever, and then they didn't say anything else."

"I think she is very calm, there is no sadness in her heart, and it is not good to ask other things." Cheng Nuo said, in fact, in my chat with Yaoyao today, I didn't see Yaoyao's heart and couldn't guess what she was thinking. Do you really think so? It's just Yaoyao's indifferent appearance. As a good sister, she can't ask other things carefully.

"Well, maybe, the two of them really got fate!" He Zikai said.

Hearing He Zikai's words, Cheng Nuo knew that the result had been set, but he was still a little unwilling to say, "I originally wanted to persuade Yaoyao. After all, she had a relationship with Jing Ye before, and she stayed with Jing Ye. After so many years, but seeing Yaoyao's words and expressions, I don't have any feelings for Jing Ye, so I just"

He Zikai understood Cheng Nuo's thoughts and hugged her tightly. He said, "Emotions are two people's business. Let them handle it by themselves. Don't worry too much."

I had said these words to this little woman before, and I believed that I would remind her again and she would understand in her heart.

"Yeah." Cheng Nuo nodded, with a little regret in his eyes, sorry for Yaoyao.

At the beginning of a new day, He Zikai rushed to He Yi after sending her daughter to kindergarten.

When he arrived at He Yi Building, He Zikai just stepped out of the elevator and saw An Lin and the director of the personnel department were already waiting for him.

"Mr. He."

"Hey Mr. He"

An Lin and the director of personnel bowed their greetings.

"Well, go in and talk." He Zikai responded and walked straight into the office.

An Lin and the director of personnel department followed He Zikai and walked into the president's office.

Standing at the president's desk, An Lin handed a document to President He who had just sat down.

"Mr. He, this is the list confirmed for the new recruitment period." An Linhui reported.

"Mr. He, these are the specific results of the appraisal during the internship period. Take a look." The president of the personnel department also hurriedly submitted the information in his hand.

He Zikai first browsed the assessment results and then looked at the recruitment list.

auzw.com"The directors of each department have also reviewed it?" He Zikai asked.

"Well, yes." The director of the personnel department immediately replied, and then said again, "President He, this time we also recruited two secretaries for the president's office, He Xinyan and Ai Qing. They were internships in the personnel department during the internship period. , I personally reviewed their work abilities. Two very outstanding fresh graduates, I believe that in the future working in the President’s Office, they will definitely be your right-hand man and will also reduce the workload of Assistant An."

An Lin listened to the report from the Director of the Personnel Department and stood aside without speaking, because the final decision was in the hands of Mr. He and he had no right to speak.

He Zikai thought about it and said to the director of personnel, "Let them both start working tomorrow."

With two more secretaries, An Lin's work will indeed be reduced a lot. I have not considered the pressure of An Lin's work for a long time. I will realize that, let these two people who passed the company's assessment work.

"Okay." The director of the personnel department immediately replied, "Mr. He, you can look at the people in other departments. If there is no problem, if you sign, I will start to notify these new employees and the departments."

He Zikai took the pen beside him, signed his name on the last page, and handed the document to the personnel manager.

After An Lin and the Director of Human Resources left the president's office, An Lin was about to return to his office to work. When he saw the elevator door opened, An Lin was also shocked when he looked over.

"Master, you" An Lin didn't expect He Cheng to come to He Yi Building.

"Hello." He Cheng smiled and greeted An Lin politely before asking, "Is Zi Kai here? I have something to do with him."

"Well, Mr. He is here, wait a moment, I'll let me know." An Lin also responded politely.

An Lin knocked on the door of the president's office, and after hearing the response inside, he went in and informed him, and then he came out to ask He Cheng to enter.

"Brother, why are you here?" He Zikai closed the documents in front of him, got up and walked to the sofa.

"You haven't returned to the mansion these few days. I have something to find you, so I came here." He Cheng said as he sat down on the reception sofa.

The brothers communicated face to face.

"What's the matter?" He Zikai asked.

"I thought about it for a long time. I want to go to the United States and be with Jiayi." He Cheng said that this decision was made after a lot of thoughts and a long time inwardly.

My own daughter, my precious daughter, feels too guilty for her, I can't sit at home and wait peacefully, my conscience will be troubled.

"Jiayi has Wei Na and Shaoqin, as well as special caregivers. They will take good care of Jiayi." He Zikai said that he was not willing to let his eldest brother go to the United States. He was much older than himself. Although I have been abroad, I have stayed for a while. I am worried that he will not be used to living in the United States, and I don't know when Jiayi's situation will be good. Therefore, the time that the older brother stayed in the past is even more uncertain.

"I know that your two friends are very good, they will take care of Jiayi carefully." He Cheng said, there is already a strong affection in his eyes, "but Zi Kai, do you understand my heart? I am a Incompetent father, I’m sorry for my two children. Now that I’m getting older, I don’t know how much I will have in the future, so I want to be able to make up for my previous mistakes in my lifetime. I want to atone for my sins. Make up as much as possible for what you owed to the two children."

He Zikai looked at the eldest brother in front of him, and did not speak, because at this moment, he could understand his heart.

I have never participated in Xiaomei’s childhood, and I feel owed, so every time I am with my daughter, I cherish every second of being with her. Anything that depends on her, she will do everything to satisfy her wish. To help her daughter realize her wish, this is a father’s love for the child, and a previous apology.

"Zi Kai, Tianyu, I have communicated with him. Although the truth has come out, there is a gap in our hearts, but fortunately, Tianyu is more sensible and doesn't say anything on the surface, so I'm very satisfied. ." He Cheng said to his heart.

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