Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 475: Only by letting you disappear can she interrupt her thoughts?

Song Jingye shifted his gaze and looked at Gu Yao slowly. Her voice, and even her whole person, was an eternal weakness in her heart.

Without answering her, Song Jingye stretched out a hand and motioned to Gu Yao to come over.

Gu Yao saw Song Jingye's movements and understood what he meant, hesitated for a while before moving forward.

Song Jingye grabbed Gu Yao's arm and violently tugged, and the petite woman fell into his arms.

Suddenly slipping into Song Jingye's arms, Gu Yao eagerly wanted to leave, but Song Jingye's long arms circled herself, and she didn't give herself a chance to leave.

Just when Gu Yao tried to break free, she heard a faint voice in her ear.

"You said, let him die, OK?"

Song Jingye was lying next to Gu Yao's ear, his voice was very soft, with a hint of molesting, but what he said was firm and unquestionable.

In an instant, Gu Yao opened her eyes wide and looked at Song Jingye in disbelief.

One second, two seconds, Gu Yao shook her head hurriedly when the thoughts in her mind came back to her senses.

"No, Jing Ye, no, don't do this." Gu Yao said in fear.

If Qi Shaoheng had an accident, he would blame himself for a lifetime and would be guilty for a lifetime.

Qi Shaoheng was involved, and it was all his own fault.

Seeing Gu Yao worrying about Qi Shaoheng more, Song Jingye's hatred deepened.

"Yaoyao." Song Jingye whispered again, lying next to her ear, and said ambiguously, "If you are so worried about him, I can only kill him."

"No, no, Jing Ye, no." Gu Yao was so anxious that tears were about to flow out, and she begged Song Jingye with two slender hands.

Song Jingye looked at the urgent woman in his arms and suddenly called, "Guan Wei."

Guan Wei, standing not far away, knew what to do immediately.

"Yes." Guan Wei replied to Song Shao first, then looked at the younger brothers around him, a look passed, the younger brothers already understood.

I saw five or six younger brothers stepped forward, Qi Shaoheng, and started punching and kicking.

When Gu Yao saw Qi Shaoheng being beaten up by the Song family, Gu Yao could no longer control her emotions, desperately trying to break free from Song Jingye's arms.

"Shao Heng, Shao Heng" shouted, tears in Gu Yao's eyes flowed out of her eyes.

"Stop fighting, you guys stop."

"Shao Heng"

"Song Jingye, you let me go, let me go."

Gu Yao yelled like crazy, her eyes kept looking at Qi Shaoheng, trying to rush over, but Song Jingye confined herself, not letting herself leave.

Shaoheng is innocent, he shouldn't bear this, he shouldn't.

Song Jingye held Gu Yao tightly with both hands, not letting her leave a little bit, but his heart was tearing apart.

At this moment, I can't describe what it feels like.

He hurts, she panicked, what about herself? Who knows the heartache?

Gu Yao had been struggling, but for a long time, she still didn't break free.

Shaking all over, Gu Yao gradually stabilized her emotions, turned around, and looked at Song Jingye with hatred.

Song Jingye would clearly see Gu Yao’s tearful face and the look in her eyes.

auzw.com When I saw the hatred in Gu Yao's eyes, my whole heart was broken.

In the face of a loved one, she uses hatred to look at herself, this feeling

It's just that before Song Jingye's mind came back to his senses, he suddenly slapped him with a "slap", and Song Jingye felt the heat that rose instantly on his face.

Gu Yao looked at Song Jingye in a daze, her expression did not change a bit, but she just let go of her hand.

"Sister Gu" Guan Wei was stunned at the side. Sister Gu hit Song Shao? This this

"Let go of me." Gu Yao said three words with difficulty. This would cause the heart to hurt, and the speed of her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Beating him, I don't know how much courage and ideological struggle I have done before I succeeded.

I love him, I really love him. In my life, I just want to be entangled with him, and I only want to owe him debts.

Qi Shaoheng, I only think of him as a friend, so I want to draw a clear line with him, and don't want to owe Qi Shaoheng anything. Today, if the Song family continues, even if my heart stops and died here today, I will be ashamed of Qi Shaoheng. Go to another world.

Song Jingye looked at Gu Yao, his face was hot, the anger in his eyes, the feeling at this moment, how clear and clear, his hand gradually loosened.

Gu Yao was free, without saying a word, turned around and walked in front of Qi Shaoheng.

At this moment, there is only one thought in my mind, and that is to stop their brutal beatings and prevent Qi Shaoheng from being injured, but

The pain came from my heart, I almost couldn't stand on my feet, and I was short of breath, and I felt blurred in my mind.

"Stop her." Seeing the woman walk quickly over her slender body, Song Jingye suddenly ordered viciously.

Suddenly, in just two seconds, the two Song family brothers stopped Gu Yao and took Gu Yao's arm to stand aside.

Gu Yao felt that she couldn't stand anymore, but she still didn't want to be restrained by others. She exhausted all her strength and broke free of their hands. As soon as she broke free, she fell on the ground.

Song Jingye didn't care about Gu Yao who was on the side, got up, strode towards Qi Shaoheng.

When the Song family brothers saw Song Shao coming over, they all stopped and let their way to Song Shao.

Qi Shaoheng's face was colored, and he fell to the ground, still holding his head in his hands, afraid to look at people.

Song Jingye stopped only one meter away from Qi Shaoheng and looked at Qi Shaoheng, whose forehead was covered with dust on the ground.

Song Jingye asked himself, what does Gu Yao love for such a cowardly man?

Thinking of the way Gu Yao was struggling just now, she even slapped herself in order to save the man.

Haha, the first slap in my life was actually slapped by my beloved woman for the man she loved. It was ridiculous.

Qi Shaoheng, can you interrupt her thoughts only if you disappear?

If this is the case, I will kill you myself.

For her, I did everything by myself.

Song Jingye stretched out his hand, Guan Wei who followed not far away immediately understood the meaning, took out a small pistol and placed it in Song Shao's hand.

Not in a hurry, Song Jingye raised his gun and pointed it at Qi Shaoheng's heart.

Just when Song Jingye was about to load the gun, he heard a sound not far away.

"Song Shao, sister Gu," a younger brother of the Song family hurriedly called.

I hadn't noticed it just now, but I would look at it unintentionally, and saw that Sister Gu was dying, her entire face was pale and scary, and her lips turned blue and purple.

Song Jingye immediately turned around to look at the urgent voice of his subordinates.

When she saw Gu Yao lying on the ground, Song Jingye was completely blinded.

"Sister Gu" Guan Wei also saw the face of Sister Gu lying on the ground at this time, and he couldn't help but screamed.

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