Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 478: Children's marriage

"Yes, long time no see." Yu Yu answered Hu Xueqin with a smile.

I also recognized the Song family’s relatives. First, because of Hu Xueqin’s enthusiasm, she brought the two children together, and she really saw her hard work. Second, because her daughter said she also liked Jing Ye very much. Moreover, Jing Ye's excellence is recognized in the wealthy circle, so he naturally has no opinion.

After Hu Xueqin and Yu Yu hugged, they looked at Tong Zhaoqian with an unconcealable smile on their faces.

"Auntie, I also want to hug." Tong Zhaoqian is very good at acting like a baby, and when he finished speaking, he walked forward and took the initiative to hug Hu Xueqin.

"Oh, my dear daughter," Hu Xueqin had already treated Tong Zhaoqian as a daughter at this meeting. After the hug, in front of Yu Yu, he happily said to Tong Zhaoqian, "It won't be long, but I have to change my name to mom. Oh."

Tong Zhaoqian deliberately showed a shy face, lowered her head and said nothing.

"Zhaoqian," Hu Xueqin kindly took Tong Zhaoqian's hand and said kindly, "Don't worry, you can marry to our Song family. My father and I will treat you as your own daughters, and you won't be wronged. In addition to Jing Ye's kindness to you at that time, you will be our baby, and our whole family will love you."

These words touched Tong Zhaoqian's heart. Yu Yu on the side was also happy. His daughter was able to marry into the Song family. The Song family is kind to her daughter. What else can she and the old man worry about?

The three of them walked into the studio while chatting.

Twenty minutes later, Song Jingye's car stopped at the entrance of the studio, got off the car, and gave the car key to the security guard at the entrance of the studio. Song Jingye walked into the studio.

"Jing Ye, Jing Ye, here." Tong Zhaoqian saw Song Jingye walking in at a glance, and immediately waved to Song Jingye.

Song Jingye saw Tong Zhaoqian and the two elders around him, and walked straight over.

"Mom," Song Jingye called his mother first as a greeting, then looked at Yu Yu, "Hello Auntie."

"Well, coming to the photo studio today shouldn't delay your work, right?" Yu Yu asked with a smile.

Needless to say, the handsome son-in-law in front of him was excellent, and his appearance was even more difficult to choose. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it, and his heart became more determined about the marriage of the two children.

"No, the assistant will help me handle some non-urgent matters." Song Jingye answered politely.

Tong Zhaoqian stood up happily, walked to Song Jingye's side, took Song Jingye's arm naturally, smiled and said to her mother, "Mom, you care about Jingye more than usual now."

Yu Yu heard her daughter's words and smiled deeper, "Zhaoqian, Jing Ye is my son-in-law, shouldn't I care too much?"

After speaking, Yu Yu asked again, "Why? Is it possible that only you are allowed to care? I am not allowed to care about her son, my future mother-in-law?"

Listening to her mother's words, Tong Zhaoqian was very happy, and yelled, "Mom"

"Okay, okay, since they are all here, let the people in the photo studio bring the photos, Zhaoqian, you and Jing Ye choose together, and Xueqin and I will take a look together, and help you choose by the way." Yu Yu said .

"Yeah" Tong Zhaoqian replied happily, and then contacted the photo studio staff.

Choosing photos all morning, Song Jingye and Tong Zhaoqian were sitting together, and the two elders were sitting not far away.

Song Jingye didn't have any thoughts since he chose the photos. As long as Tong Zhaoqian liked it, he would say ok, so it was almost 12 noon when the photos had been selected.

"Everyone is so tired in the morning. We have dinner together at noon. I'll treat you." Hu Xueqin said when the four walked out of the studio.


Song Jingye didn't plan to refuse this meeting either. After all, Tong Zhaoqian's mother was there, so it would be impolite to refuse.

"There is a nice restaurant near here. Let's go over there. I'll take this meal today." Song Jingye finished speaking and looked at Tong Zhaoqian.

Tong Zhaoqian thought Song Jingye was asking what she meant, and only happiness was left in her mind at this moment.

"Well, yes, let's listen to Jing Ye, let's go to that restaurant." Tong Zhaoqian said coquettishly in front of the two elders.

"Well, well, you two like to eat, we adults don't care, let's go." Yu Yu naturally agreed.

Song Jingye booked a private room on the way to the restaurant. When he came to the restaurant, the four of them went down to the private room under the leadership of the waiter.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Song Jingye said, standing up from his seat and walking to the private room door.

Just when I left, I didn't take the phone on the table.

There were three people in the private room. At first, Tong Zhaoqian was chatting with the two elders until she inadvertently saw Song Jingye's mobile phone on the table.

Suddenly, Tong Zhaoqian had an idea in her heart.

After taking Song Jingye's mobile phone, Tong Zhaoqian pressed the screen to light up. She thought that a password would be needed to open it, but she swiped the screen and entered the main interface directly.

Tong Zhaoqian was delighted and looked up at the two elders opposite, they were still engaged in their conversation.

Tong Zhaoqian lowered her head again, quickly found the phone book in the phone, and found Gu Yao's number.

After reading it silently in my heart, and memorizing it, Tong Zhaoqian exited the phone book and returned to the main interface, then turned off the screen of the phone and put the phone back in place.

Picking up her mobile phone again, Tong Zhaoqian quickly stored the number she had just memorized into her mobile phone. After making sure to save it, she breathed a sigh of relief, and the tension on her face gradually disappeared.

When Song Jingye returned to the private room, the food was ready, and the four of them were sitting together for dinner. Song Jingye rarely spoke, almost the two elders were chatting.

After eating, Tong Zhaoqian took Song Jingye's arm, clinging to him and walked out of the restaurant.

"Jing Ye, shall we go to the movie in the afternoon? A movie recently released is not bad." Tong Zhaoqian said happily.

"No, I still have something to do this afternoon." Song Jingye refused directly and coldly.

The two elders also heard these words, so when Song Jingye later apologized to them to say goodbye, the two elders did not refuse.

Song Jingye drove in the direction of Yujingyuan, worried about the little woman at home, wondering if she had eaten yet? Will it be during the lunch break or watching TV?

In Yujingyuan, Gu Yao was sitting in the living room watching TV after lunch and suddenly received a call from He Zikai.

"Hey, Zi Kai." Gu Yao answered the phone, feeling a little depressed. What can Zi Kai call herself?

"Well, the leisure bar will officially open tomorrow. Will you and Jing Ye have time to come over tomorrow?" He Zikai asked, and added an explanation at the end, "Nuoer is too busy, so I can only inform everyone."

"Well, I have time." Gu Yao knew this in her heart, and immediately felt very happy. "I will definitely be able to go tomorrow, but if there is anything wrong with Jing Ye, I don't know. When he comes back, I will ask him if he is okay. , We will go there together tomorrow."

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