Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 486: Stay away from Long Yixi

Seeing the little woman with a worried face, I felt sorry for her, nodded and agreed.

Cheng Nuo took out his cell phone and dialed Gong Yi's number.

After the phone rang for a while, it was connected.

"Hey, Nono." Gong Yi's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Gong Yi," Cheng Nuo said, before asking, "Are you busy now?"

"Well, I just came out of the hospital and I am going to see a client," Gong Yi replied, thinking about it in his heart, guessing, "Are you worried about Jiayi?"

Nuonuo can guess how much she thinks. Every time she takes the initiative to call, she asks more about Jiayi's situation, because Shaoqin and Weina spend most of the time in the laboratory, so the chances of calling them through She was very young, so she almost always contacted herself.

"Well, is Jiayi okay now?" Cheng Nuo asked hurriedly, very excited.

"Well, everything is stable. Brother He will accompany Jiayi in the hospital," Gong Yi said. "Shaoqin and Weina also work hard to develop drugs every day. Qi Yuheng's drugs were too rare and miscellaneous. Therefore, it is difficult to develop the antidote, and it takes a certain amount of time. From the beginning of the development to the test, it is determined that there is no problem before it can be taken to Jiayi. For any risks and lesions that may occur at any time, Shaoqin and Weina must Consider every point."

"Well, I know, I know." Cheng Nuo said excitedly, his eyes flushed.

Hearing Cheng Nuo's astringent voice, even if Gong Yi couldn't see Cheng Nuo's expression, he knew what her mood was like at the moment.

I have lived with her for five years, and I can't understand her character and performance better.

"Nuo Nuo, don't worry, we are all by Jiayi's side and will take care of her carefully. She will definitely wake up." Gong Yi comforted Cheng Nuo.

"Well, Gong Yi, we must take good care of Jiayi for me and Zi Kai, please." Cheng Nuo couldn't help but cried.

Seeing Cheng Nuo crying, He Zikai felt distressed and hugged her tightly in his arms.

"Well, it will," Gong Yi knows why Cheng Nuo said this. "Xiaomei is also my daughter. Don't worry, I will take care of Jiayi on behalf of the three of us, and if Shaoqin and Weina need my help, I will try my best, you and Zi Kai don't worry too much."

"Yeah" Cheng Nuo answered.

After chatting for a while, Cheng Nuo hung up.

"Go there for a meeting, eh?" He Zikai knew that she was in a bad mood, and didn't say much.

Cheng Nuo nodded, and walked to the sofa with He Zikai to sit down.

He Zikai took Cheng Nuo in her arms, and stayed with her quietly, until she felt her mood improved a lot, and then called out, "Nuoer"

"Yeah." Cheng Nuo replied, looking bored.

"Remember, in the future for our family, no matter what happens, you should not worry. I will bear all the worries and responsibilities," He Zikai said, "You and Xiaomei, stay by my side, even if the sky falls, I will stand by and guard your safety."

"Akai" listened to He Zikai's pleasant words, Cheng Nuo poked out his head and looked up at He Zikai.

"Don’t worry about Jiayi’s affairs anymore, you know? Shaoqin and Vina, I will contact you at any time to follow up on Jiayi’s situation," He Zikai said firmly, "When Jiayi wakes up, I will be Apologize to Jiayi, you don't have to do anything, just live happily with Xiaomei every day."

"But" Cheng Nuo didn't want He Zikai to be so tired. He took all the family's affairs and responsibilities. He would be very hard. He had to bear it with him. The husband and wife share the ups and downs, and they can do it by themselves.

But Cheng Nuo was interrupted by He Zikai before he finished speaking.

auzw.com "Be good, obedient," He Zikai stretched out a hand and stroked Cheng Nuo's cheek, "You and Xiaomei are my life, so protect you and guard our home. I have to do it."

Cheng Nuo's heart was throbbing again this time, but this throbbing was different from before, this time it was love.

"Akai," screamed affectionately, Cheng Nuo clasped He Zikai's neck with both hands and hugged him tightly, "I am very happy, very happy that I have you in my life."

The greatest happiness of a woman in her life is to meet a man who loves her as a treasure.

And I have such happiness, thank you for having him by my side, thank God for giving me and his love crystallization.

Daughter is his own hope, and he is his guardian.

It is enough to have them in life.

"Nuoer, me too, I am very happy with you and Xiaomei." He Zikai answered her.

In Beth kindergarten, He Xiaomei was called to the playground by Pei Jiale and her classmate Fang Wenwen. The three stood face to face.

He Xiaomei looked at Pei Jiale and Fang Wenwen on the opposite side, knowing that they were in the same group, and did not hide his anger at all.

"Why did you ask me to come here?" He Xiaomei asked them both angrily.

"He Xiaomei, Jia Le doesn't like you being with Long Yixi, so you should stay away from Long Yixi in the future. You are not allowed to play with him, let alone talk." Fang Wenwen replied to He Xiaomei, with a more angry expression than He Xiaomei.

"Hmph, you are not allowed to play with Long Yixi, I will listen to you?" He Xiaomei asked, particularly unconvinced.

"He Xiaomei, if you don't listen to me, be careful that I'm not polite to you." Pei Jia said happily.

"I just don't listen to you, what's the matter?" He Xiaomei looked at Pei Jiale and said firmly.

Why should someone as old as yourself listen to her? Don't listen to it yourself.

"You" said Pei Jiale, and when he was about to walk forward and approach He Xiaomei, suddenly, a voice came not far away.

"Xiaomei" Qin Yan called out and walked towards He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei clenched her fists tightly with her hands, and was ready to fight Pei Jiale, but when she heard Qin Yan's voice, her tight nerves relaxed again.

Turning to look sideways, He Xiaomei saw that Qin Yan was about to walk by her side.

"Brother Qin Yan." He Xiaomei called.

Qin Yan was much taller than He Xiaomei, and naturally taller than Pei Jiale and Fang Wenwen. Pei Jiale saw a tall man approaching, and he became frightened for an instant, and took a few steps back.

Fang Wenwen's legs have weakened at this time. If this big boy knew that he had been harsh to He Xiaomei just now, would he beat herself?

"What are you doing here?" Qin Yan asked He Xiaomei, then looked at the two girls next to him, and then asked, "Who are they?"

"Classmates, the two of them called me here and told me not to let me and Long Yixi play together in the future." He Xiaomei said truthfully, in front of Qin Yan, she would not tell lies.

Qin Yan looked at the two girls, his faces suddenly became angry, Pei Jiale and Fang Wenwen were so scared that they were about to cry.

This boy is so tall, he will definitely avenge He Xiaomei, what should he do?

"If I dare to bully Xiaomei in the future, I won't let you go." Qin Yan warned the two girls.

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