Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 496: Forget him slowly!

"Well, okay, I will stay at home for one night tonight, accompany my parents, and be there tomorrow morning," Gu Yao said, not forgetting to say, "Weiwei, thank you."

"Silly girl, if you want to thank me, thank me with a healthy body." Luo Weiwei really feels sorry for this thin girl. She even cares about her own life for love. This kind of courage is not available to everyone, she loves To be deep, but also to love to be bitter, she is alone in suffering all the suffering.

Luo Weiwei continued, "Yaoyao, start a comprehensive physical examination tomorrow, and then the attending cardiologist will plan the treatment process for you. You must cooperate well, you know?"

"Well, I know," Gu Yao replied, "Weiwei, don't worry, this time, I will live for myself and my parents."

Far away from the world of Jing Ye, there are no intersections anymore, can you live in the future, and how long? I will fight for it, not for love, only for myself and family.

"Okay, then you should spend more time with your uncles and aunts today, rest early in the evening, and tomorrow I will be at the door of the hospital." Luo Weiwei said.


When Song Jingye returned to Yujingyuan, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon. When he walked into the villa, he instantly felt a chill hit him.

This kind of cold is the cold that Yaoyao is not in, and the chill is biting.

Wang Ma came out of the kitchen and saw her husband coming from the door, she immediately went to greet her.

"Sir, you are back."

"Yeah." Song Jingye answered, weakened, and then sat down on the sofa in the living room, lowered his head, not daring to look around.

When I looked around, I was worried about looking for Yaoyao's figure in my heart.

Mother Wang wanted to report that dinner would be fine, but suddenly remembering something, she put a hand into the pocket of her clothes, took out the bracelet that Miss Gu gave herself before she left, and walked in front of her husband.

"Sir, this is what Miss Gu asked me to give you before leaving." Wang Ma respectfully handed the bracelet to Mr.

Song Jingye raised his head and took the bracelet in Wang Ma's hand.

Seeing what she once gave her in her hand, now she is gone, and she is not willing to take it.

Without this bracelet, where will she be in the future, I won't know, and I can't find where she is?

"Go ahead." Song Jingye clenched his hand, put the bracelet away, and said to Mother Wang.

"Okay, dinner will be ready soon, you will wait." Wang Ma said respectfully and turned to the kitchen.

Twenty minutes later, Song Jingye was sitting in the dining room alone. He delivered the imported food without a taste, and the person who sat opposite was gone.

A drop of bean-sized tears overflowed from the corner of Song Jingye's eyes.

Yaoyao, without your home, I am so uncomfortable. The home is very cold and the food is tasteless, but your figure is always in my mind.

Song Jingye finally put down the dishes and got up and went upstairs.

Mother Wang looked at the food that didn't move much on the table, and she knew why.

auzw.com Miss Gu is gone, how can Mr. not be sad? There used to be Miss Gu, and the husband had a good appetite for meals, but now he has not even eaten one-tenth of his usual meals.

"Miss Gu, do you feel bad for the way your sir is?" Wang Ma muttered to herself while standing in the dining room.

Gu Jia, Gu Yao accompanies her parents to eat. Although she doesn't have a particularly good appetite, she feels more joyful when she sees the table full of meals made by her parents for herself.

"Yao, come, eat more." Yao Meilan said, putting vegetables in her daughter's bowl.

"Well, mom, I'll do it myself." Gu Yao said hurriedly. She didn't want her parents to take care of herself so carefully. She could be independent and take care of herself.

"Girl, go to the hospital tomorrow for treatment, you just listen to Weiwei, take good care, you have me and your mother at home, don't worry," Gu Qidong told his daughter, "From now on, my mother and I will take turns to deliver meals to you every day. Let my daughter have a great body, eat the most nutritious meals and get the best care."

"Dad, don't have to be so troublesome. The hospital also has a canteen. I will eat it." Gu Yao was interrupted by her mother before she finished her words.

"No, how can the food in the hospital cafeteria compare to home?" Yao Meilan disagreed, and said to her daughter patiently, "Yao, you don't have to worry about these. I will discuss it with your dad, so you can recover from illness with peace of mind, you know? ?"

After finishing speaking, Yao Meilan held her daughter's hand affectionately, with a touch of sadness, and said to her daughter, "Your father and I are just you, a girl, and our hope is all in you, Yao, you must not leave us, you must Live healthy."

My mother's words made Gu Yao tremble in her heart, nodded, and answered her mother seriously, "Well, Mom, I will. Our family will always be together."

"Okay, okay, eat quickly." Gu Qidong didn't want the mother and daughter to grieve. The future is unknown, but he believes that beauty still exists. Her daughter, who is so well-behaved and so sensible, will definitely grow up healthy.

After the family had eaten, Gu Qidong went to the kitchen to be busy, and Yao Meilan watched TV in the living room with her daughter.

When Gu Qidong came out of work, the family of three sat together, Gu Yao holding her mother's arm in one hand and her father's arm in the other, very happy.

"Dad, I want to sleep with mom tonight." Gu Yao acted like a baby in front of her father.

Gu Qidong heard his daughter say that, how could he have the idea of ​​rejection, and directly agreed, "Well, yes, I have no objection."

Gu Yao was very happy when she heard her dad agree. Then she looked at her mother and asked, "Mom, what do you mean?"

"Mom meant what you meant." Yao Meilan said, her daughter's thoughts, she would naturally satisfy her.

"Yeah." Gu Yao happily responded like a child, then put her head on her mother's shoulder and smiled happily.

In front of my parents, there is endless spoiling and endless spoiling, this feeling is too happy and beautiful.

When the family watched TV after ten o'clock, Gu Yao and his mother went back to their room to sleep.

Lying on the familiar big bed, Gu Yao hugged her mother tightly and snuggled next to her.

"Yao, go to bed, and get up early tomorrow." Yao Meilan whispered, knowing that her daughter was not asleep.

"Mom, I can't sleep." Gu Yao said dullly.

Yao Meilan guessed that her daughter was on her mind, and when she was about to ask her daughter, she heard her say.

"I miss Jing Ye," Gu Yao told her mother truthfully. His parents knew his feelings for Jing Ye, so he never pretended to be in front of them, "I miss him, really miss him. ."

Listening to her daughter's words, Yao Meilan's eyes gradually reddened, but she still comforted her daughter by reasoning, "Yaoyao, Jing Ye is about to get engaged in a few days, you can forget him slowly!"

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