Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 499: What condition?

"He should be very busy today," He Zikai first answered Cheng Nuo's words, and then said, "Let's sit there for a while."

He Zikai looked at a relatively hidden place not far away.

I don't like public occasions. It would be great to have a quiet place to rest. Moreover, along the way, some men have been staring at their women, making me want to hide this little woman next to me.

"Yeah" Cheng Nuo answered. Anyway, it's okay to come today. When we meet with Jing Ye, during the engagement ceremony, he and He Zikai will sit in the VIP seats and watch the engagement ceremony.

The two of them walked to the stool on a hidden path not far away, but they heard a crisp sound before they took a few steps.

"Mr. He, Mrs. He"

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo stopped and turned around to look around, Tong Zhaoqian walking here in a white gauze dress.

Standing in front of He Zikai and Cheng Nuo, Tong Zhaoqian smiled and said, "You are welcome to join the engagement ceremony between Jing Ye and me."

"He is my good brother. I must come on such occasions." He Zikai answered Tong Zhaoqian with a cold expression.

Tong Zhaoqian wanted to build a relationship with He Zikai and his wife. After all, He Zikai's identity and status are superior in Xigang City. It is an honor to meet and chat for a few words, but his indifference made him a little surprised.

He is Jing Ye's good brother, and he is Jing Ye's fiancée. It stands to reason that everyone should be good friends. Why doesn't He Zikai have the friendly attitude that friends should have?

"Oh, hehe." Tong Zhaoqian was a little embarrassed, and adjusted the atmosphere and laughed twice.

Afterwards, Tong Zhaoqian looked at Cheng Nuo, showing the gentle smile between her and her sisters, and said to Cheng Nuo, "Mrs. He, you are so beautiful today."

"Miss Tong, I dare not say that I am pretty, but you are at home today." Cheng Nuo is not weak at all, and he doesn't really want to see Tong Zhaoqian in his heart.

If it weren't for Jing Ye to be engaged to her, I would definitely not want to know her. For myself, people who have beaten Yaoyao would never be friends for the rest of their lives.

Tong Zhaoqian was speechless and could only smile far-fetched.

"Miss Tong, you should be very busy today? Then you go and let's sit there for a while." After Cheng Nuo finished speaking, his eyes turned away, and the two of them moved forward at the same time.

Tong Zhaoqian looked at the two people's backs, with the anger of the embarrassing atmosphere in her heart, but she did not really hate He Zikai and Cheng Nuo, because she had lived in the wealthy circle for a long time, and this gap in status and status led to the gap in communication that she understood.

It’s just usually heard that He Zikai and Cheng Nuo are very friendly to their friends. Why do they become so superior here?

Tong Zhaoqian couldn't figure it out, and didn't intend to continue thinking about it, but told herself in her heart that she should look for more opportunities to get along with Cheng Nuo in the future. After all, it is too easy for women to get along with Cheng Nuo, and the relationship with Cheng Nuo will naturally get better. .

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo sat on the stools, until 11:30, when the guests were walking towards the engagement ceremony in the hotel garden, He Zikai and Cheng Nuo got up and walked towards the hotel garden.

Song Jingye wore a black handmade suit. The meeting was over. He Zikai and Cheng Nuo were found among the guests.

After searching for a while, Song Jingye saw He Zikai and Cheng Nuo.

"Zi Kai, sister-in-law." Song Jingye walked over and stood in front of He Zikai and Cheng Nuo.

Seeing Song Jingye, the expressions on the faces of He Zikai and Cheng Nuo were more joyful among friends.

auzw.com "Are you done?" Cheng Nuo asked Song Jingye with a smile.

"Well, when I was done, I didn't forget to entertain you, so I came to see you." Song Jingye said, without the slightest smile on his face.

How can I laugh at such an engagement banquet?

He Zikai didn't speak aside, and every look of this brother could be seen in full view.

"Uncle and aunt are still in the hotel?" Cheng Nuo asked.

"Well, my second elder and your second elder are all inside. I guess they will come out soon." Song Jingye nodded and replied.

The engagement ceremony begins at 12 o'clock, when all guests will come to the hotel garden.

"I just said why I didn't see my parents, it turned out to be in the hotel," Cheng Nuo said with a smile, then looked at He Zikai and said, "Zi Kai, let's go over and say hello to my parents later. "

Since arriving here, he and He Zikai sat there to rest, and did not go to find the second elder, out of politeness, should go to say hello to the second elder.

"Well, go there later," He Zikai replied.

Song Jingye was not busy at this meeting, and the three of them stood together and chatted.

"Are you okay?" He Zikai asked Song Jingye, his mood today is completely different from usual, and under such a disguise, he can't bear it for this brother.

When asked by He Zikai, Song Jingye didn't intend to hide anything, because in front of two people who knew it, it wouldn't help to hide it.

"How can it be good? You know, this occasion today is not what I want," Song Jingye said, showing a trace of helplessness on his face, and continued, "If I can, I don't want to be here."

Where there is no Yaoyao, I don't want to appear.

Such an occasion is not a promise to Yaoyao for the future, and I feel that it is not an engagement banquet at all, but a funeral banquet to bury the love in my heart.

Hearing Song Jingye's words, He Zikai and Cheng Nuo looked at each other, and both of them understood Song Jingye's sadness.

He Zikai stretched out his hand and patted Song Jingye's shoulder twice, expressing comfort, "Don't think too much."

"Well, now such a scene can only be carried out according to the meaning of the two elders." Song Jingye said helplessly.

Cheng Nuo's thoughts were a little more delicate, and after thinking a lot about Jing Ye and Yaoyao, he asked Jing Ye, "Jing Ye, after you and Yaoyao, don't you plan to contact?"

"Maybe," Song Jingye said, the expression on his face gradually saddened, "Let go of her, it already means that our two lives will no longer intersect. What's the point of contact?"

I hope that Yaoyao can come and find herself actively. As long as she takes the initiative to find herself once, she will always appear next to Yaoyao in the future to accompany her and help her. The person she loves has never changed, and she has no plans to change. Tong Zhaoqian was just a reputation, and he did not apologize to her.

After listening to Song Jingye's words, Cheng Nuo felt a sense of loss in his heart. Inadvertently, he blurted out, "Hey, it's a pity for the two of you, Yaoyao will live alone in the future, and I don't know if her condition has fully recovered?"

Cheng Nuo just remembered that he was worried about Gu Yao's illness in his heart, so he said casually.

However, Cheng Nuo's unintentional sentence made the two men around him open their eyes.

"What's the condition?" Song Jingye asked, looking at Cheng Nuo with wide eyes, with all doubts in his eyes.

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