Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 511: I am your little beauty

Cheng Nuo felt the force of the big hand on his waist, and when he looked again, He Zikai had already opened his eyes and he was looking at himself.

"Get up, I'll get Xiaomei to get up." Cheng Nuo felt that there was no need to worry about waking him up, and said calmly.

After speaking, Cheng Nuo broke away from He Zikai's hand and got out of bed to wash.

He Zikai didn't speak, and saw Cheng Nuo go to wash, he got up and went to the bathroom.

Before the wash station, when Cheng Nuo had just finished brushing his teeth and was about to wash his face, He Zikai walked in and stood beside her.

In a natural and simple movement, He Zikai turned Cheng Nuo's body around, and then one hand wrapped her slender waist, the other hand clasped the back of her head, and leaned down and kissed her lips.

I haven't tasted her for two days, and I can't restrain myself, I can only do so.

Love her, her heart, her body, everything and everything about her, love can't help it.

Cheng Nuo struggled for a while at first, but later realized that his resistance was useless, and he didn't struggle anymore, letting He Zikai's actions alone.

After the kiss, He Zikai reluctantly left Cheng Nuo's lips, moved the hand behind her head to her back, and hugged her in her arms.

"Nuoer," He Zikai yelled, and only the breathing of two people and He Zikai's voice could be heard in the quiet bathroom. "What happened that day was my fault, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so to you, I wrong."

Listening to He Zikai's apology, Cheng Nuo felt contradictory and wanted to forgive him, but the clear picture of that day kept lingering in his mind.

I want to blame him, but I can't blame it at all, because I love him too deeply and I know I can't live without him.

"Hurry up and wash, it's too late for a while." Cheng Nuo didn't answer He Zikai's words at all. He didn't know how to answer, so he could only change the subject.

Breaking free of He Zikai's embrace, Cheng Nuo quickly finished washing and walked out of the bathroom.

Going to the daughter's room, Cheng Nuo just opened the door and saw the little ancestor sitting on the bed, pulling the clothes and wondering how to wear them?

Seeing Mommy coming, He Xiaomei said angrily, "Cheng Xiaonuo, this dress is so difficult to wear, don't buy this next time, buy something simpler."

Hearing her daughter’s childish voice, Cheng Nuo’s original dark clouded mood instantly became much clearer, went to the bed and sat down, dressing her daughter, and said patiently, “It’s not difficult to wear. Look, here are the sleeves. "

He Xiaomei watched Mommy dress for herself, remembering every step of dressing.

After breakfast, Cheng Nuo sent her daughter to kindergarten, and He Zikai went to work in He Yi.

He Yi Building. After He Zikai came to the office, he began to work busy. During the period, An Lin came to the office to report something. Ai Qing and He Xinyan also came in from time to time to submit information and report work.

Outside the president's office, He Xinyan sat in front of her office, sorting out the information printed for the president just now.

Suddenly, He Xinyan had an idea in her mind. After thinking for a long time, a joyful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. Then she took the pen on the table and wrote two "Xinyan" somewhere in the stack of materials. word.

This information is the internal information of the President’s Office. The only people who can see it when I print it out are myself and the President. According to the regulations of the President’s Office, An Lin and Ai Qing have no right to read these information, so they write down their names. Only the president can see.

He Xinyan put down the pen and continued to organize the information, but she was extremely happy in her heart.


I hope the president can be more careful when reading this information and see his name.

Maybe when the president sees his name, he will think of himself, and then he can approach the president.

The more I think about it, the happier he is. After He Xinyan organizes the information, he binds it with a stapler, and then goes to the president's office with the information.

After hearing the knock on the door, He Zikai responded, keeping his eyes on the document in front of him, continuing to browse.

He Xinyan twisted her small waist and walked into the president's office. She wanted to show it to the president, but only after entering it found that the president was busy at work and did not look at herself.

The expression on He Xinyan's face was distorted, but when she thought of the files in her hand, she showed a smile on her face and walked to the president's desk.

"Mr. He, this is the information you want." He Xinyan showed a very gentle and well-behaved appearance and reported.

"Let's put it aside." He Zikai heard He Xinyan's voice, without even lifting his head, he gave an order.

"Oh." He Xinyan felt frustrated and unwilling, but she didn't dare to violate the president's words, so she could only put a pile of materials next to her.

After waiting for a while, He Xinyan saw that the president still did not look up, and turned around and left helplessly.

After busying all day, He Zikai has been dealing with the documents of several projects, and has no time to read other documents. The documents sent by He Xinyan are naturally thrown aside by He Zikai.

After returning home after get off work, He Zikai just walked into the villa and heard the happy voice of his daughter and the voice of Noer.

"Cheng Xiaonuo, you have to manage your leisure well, and open many branches in the future." He Xiaomei stayed in her arms and chatted with her happily.

"Small, I didn't think so, you actually think a lot." Cheng Nuo said.

"Hey, because I am your little beauty, I naturally have to consider a lot of things for you." He Xiaomei covered her mouth with her little hand and smiled, her eyes crescent-shaped because of the smile.

Cheng Nuo looked at her daughter so happy, she was also happy, but

"Xiaomei, in fact, Cheng Xiaonuo's current wish is to run this leisure bar well. Because of management, Cheng Xiaonuo still has to learn a lot, so when Cheng Xiaonuo becomes more capable in the future, he wants to open a branch. It's something." Cheng Nuo said to her daughter very seriously.

"Oh, too," He Xiaomei felt right when she heard Mommy say this, "Well, then I will listen to Cheng Xiaonuo, and wait until Cheng Xiaonuo's ability becomes stronger."

After speaking, He Xiaomei suddenly squinted and saw Dadbie who walked in.

"Dad is better than Dad, come here soon." He Xiaomei danced happily.

"Yeah" He Zikai responded to his daughter and walked into the living room.

A family of three sat together. Under the lead of her daughter, Cheng Nuo was not as indifferent when facing He Zikai. He occasionally spoke a few words to He Zikai. The atmosphere in the living room was very warm.

In the hospital, Song Jingye sat on the side of the bed, feeding Gu Yao very skillfully.

"I'll do it myself, and you should eat quickly." Gu Yao said. It is too troublesome for him to feed himself one bite at a time, and he hasn't eaten, so he can't bear his hard work.

"Hey, don't move," Song Jingye said gently, stopping Gu Yao's hand that was about to stretch out, and continued, "After dinner, I will accompany you to walk downstairs in the garden, eh?"

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