Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 567: The operation was successful

He Zikai did not expect that her mother would be at home and walked to Cheng Nuo to sit down. Then he looked at her mother and asked, "Mom, when did you come?"

"I came over at noon," Bai Wanjing said to her son with a smile, "knowing that you are busy, I am worried that Noon will be bored at home alone, so I will come over to accompany her."

Bai Wanjing didn't intend to elaborate on the reason for coming here, and after chatting with her son and daughter-in-law for a while, she left first.

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo sent their mother to the door, watching the housekeeper drive away slowly, and they returned to the villa.

"Have you had lunch?" He Zikai asked Cheng Nuo, caring about everything about this little woman.

"I have eaten it." Cheng Nuo replied in a calm tone, and then asked, "Have you eaten?"

He Zikai shook his head and answered truthfully.

The expression on Cheng Nuo's face changed. It's been afternoon in this meeting. He hasn't eaten lunch yet?

Cheng Nuo didn't say anything to He Zikai, turned around and looked at the kitchen, and shouted, "Aunt Lan."

Aunt Lan hurried out of the kitchen and greeted his wife, "Mrs."

"Prepare some food." Cheng Nuo ordered.

"" Aunt Lan was startled, didn't Mrs. do not eat?

"Oh, good, good." Aunt Lan replied, hurried to the kitchen to prepare.

After the food was placed on the table, He Zikai took Cheng Nuo's hand and walked to the dining room to sit down.

"You want to stop eating, huh?" Nuoer is now two people, and hungry easily. This will happen to be able to eat with herself.

"You eat, I'm not hungry now." Cheng Nuo said calmly, without much emotion on his face.

He Zikai nodded, and did not force the little woman.

She is now willing to talk to herself and care about herself, which is already very content for herself.

After eating, He Zikai glanced at his watch and felt that it was almost time to go to the kindergarten to pick up her daughter from school.

"Nuoer, stay at home obediently, I'll pick up Xiaomei from school." He Zikai said to Cheng Nuo dozingly.

Cheng Nuo heard He Zikai's words, and when He Zikai turned to leave, Cheng Nuo suddenly grabbed He Zikai's clothes.

"I want to go with you." Cheng Nuo looked at He Zikai and said.

He Zikai saw the little woman waiting for her answer. Although worried about her body and fearing that she would be uncomfortable after sitting in the car for too long, he couldn't refuse her.

In the end, He Zikai nodded, took her hand, and the two left home together.

In a hospital in a certain country, Song Jingye was standing in the corridor, looking at the three characters in the operation, and he was always nervous.

Waiting anxiously in the corridor, Song Jingye kept wandering, unable to calm down.

There is anxiety, worry, tension, and joy of expectation.

One hour passed, two hours passed, and finally, the door of the operating room suddenly opened.

Song Jingye heard the sound of the door opening, and when he looked at the door of the operating room immediately, he had already walked towards the door.

"Doctor, how is the operation?" Song Jingye asked the doctor who came out nervously.

The doctor took off the mask, with joy on his face, smiling to Song Jingye, "The last treatment was a successful operation."

Hearing what the doctor said, Song Jingye couldn't believe it in surprise. He couldn't react to it for a while, and was still immersed in the result of joy.

"Your wife's illness is basically no problem. If you observe for a while later, if there is no abnormal reaction, you can leave the hospital," the doctor continued. These days, knowing that this young man has worked hard, he patted his shoulder with one hand. , "You have worked hard, I wish you a happy life in the future."

After the doctor finished speaking, he went to the office to rest. After six hours of surgery, he was almost exhausted and collapsed.


Song Jingye stayed at the door of the operating room for a long time. After reacting to his emotions, he accompanied a few nurses to send Yaoyao to the ward.

When Gu Yao woke up, it was already three hours later.

"Yaoyao, wake up." Song Jingye was very happy to see Gu Yao wake up.

"Jing Ye, I want to drink water." Gu Yao said weakly.

"Well, wait, I'll pour a glass of water." After Song Jingye finished speaking, he hurriedly left to pour water.

Bringing a glass of warm water over, Song Jingye helped Gu Yao up, sat on the edge of the hospital bed, let her snuggle into his arms and feed her water.

After drinking the water for a while, Gu Yao's complexion gradually improved, and her lips were not as blue and white as they were at the beginning, but gradually became bloody.

"Jing Ye, what did the doctor say?" Gu Yao asked about her condition with concern.

"The operation was successful, and you are healthy," Song Jingye said to the little woman in his arms. "We will be hospitalized for observation for a period of time later. If there is no physical problem, we will be discharged from the hospital, OK?"

"Yeah" Gu Yao answered, very happy in her heart.

He finally survived. From now on, he and Jing Ye will stay together forever and never be separated again.

After the two stayed in the ward for a while, Song Jingye's cell phone rang.

Song Jingye held Gu Yao in one hand, and took out his mobile phone in the other hand to see that it was the phone at home.

"Whose phone number?" Gu Yao looked at Song Jingye's mobile phone while asking Song Jingye.

"At home." Song Jingye replied.

"Come on, uncle and aunt may have something." Gu Yao said lightly.

"Yeah" Song Jingye answered Gu Yao before answering the call.

"Jing Ye, is Gu Yao's surgery finished?" Song Yihai's voice came over the phone.

I called my son before, and my son said that today Gu Yao is the last operation, so I remember this time today, and I will call my son to ask.

"Well, it's over, Yaoyao and I are in the ward." Song Jingye answered his father's words.

"How is it? Did the operation go well?" Song Yihai's voice sounded a little nervous.

"Very well, Yaoyao is fine." Song Jingye answered his father.

"Great." Song Yihai said joyfully.

Song Jingye could hear his parents on the phone.

"Father, call me, I want to talk to my son."

"Give it, women, love to show off!"

Hu Xueqin on the other end of the phone didn't care what the old man said to herself. He took the phone and put it to his ear, and said, "Jing Ye, are you all okay over there?"

"Mom, we are fine." Song Jingye replied.

"I'll tell you that you live in a ward, and the environment is definitely not as good as your home. You can buy what you want to eat. Don't be wronged, you know? Our family doesn't need money, you two can just spend it." Hu Xueqin said.

Song Jingye said "um", then looked at Gu Yao beside him.

Gu Yao could clearly hear the voice on the phone at this meeting, but he heard it earnestly without saying anything.

"Jing Ye, is Yao Yao there? I want to say a few words to Yao Yao." Hu Xueqin's voice was obviously a little excited and happy.

"Well, mom, you wait." After Song Jingye finished speaking, he passed the phone to Gu Yao, who was next to him. Knowing that she could hear her mother's words just now, she didn't need to repeat it anymore.

Gu Yao was a little nervous, but after thinking about it, she answered the phone.

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