Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 604: I want to be with Ouyang

"Well, yes." He Jiayi said with a smile. Although she and An Yiran met on a blind date and had a good relationship during the time they met, now that she understands her heart, there is nothing wrong with being friends with him. It's just that I hope in my heart that Ouyang will not care that he and An Yiran are friends.

Hearing He Jiayi's promise, An Yiran squeezed a forced smile on his face and smiled at He Jiayi.

In the end, An Yiran left the studio alone, and He Jiayi sent him to the door of the store.

Seeing An Yiran leaving, He Jiayi turned and walked into the studio, but the mobile phone in his pocket rang as soon as he walked into the store.

He Jiayi took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Ouyang Ruize's call. He Jiayi happily connected immediately, "Hey, Ouyang."

"Well," Ouyang Ruize first responded, and then asked, "Have you had lunch?"

"Not yet, have you eaten?" He Jiayi asked after answering.

"Neither did I," Ouyang Ruize said, and then to He Jiayi, "I'll go and drive to find you first. Let's eat together, eh?"

I just came out of He Yi, and originally Zi Kai left her to eat, but because of Jiayi in his heart, she refused Zi Kai, thinking about calling Jiayi and asking what she was doing now?

"Well, yes, I'll wait for you." He Jiayi said happily.

After hanging up the phone, He Jiayi took advantage of the time he was waiting for Ouyang Ruize, and was busy with the things to be handled today. When Ouyang Ruize came to the studio, He Jiayi had already finished the work to be done today.

"Let's go, let's go eat." He Jiayi said, walking over to take Ouyang Ruize's arm.

Since I promised him last time, I have tried to love him. Every time I meet since then, I have been in love with him, beautiful and heart-warming.

"Yeah" Ouyang Ruize answered, watching He Jiayi Xiaoniai's appearance, he liked it very much.

The two ate at a Chinese restaurant near the studio. He Jiayi may be really hungry and didn't pay too much attention to the image. Ouyang Ruize ordered her favorite food, so He Jiayi only took care of eating.

"Slow down, don't choke." Ouyang Ruize said concerned, picking up a napkin in time to wipe the oil stains on He Jiayi's mouth.

He Jiayi listened to Ouyang Ruize's words and nodded as an answer to her, but did not slow down in action, but hoped that he would take care of herself like this.

After understanding his intentions and understanding his own intentions, I have more thoughts, because I want to be pampered by him, be loved by him, because I like this feeling.

After eating, He Jiayi and Ouyang Ruize walked out of the restaurant. He Jiayi asked him, "Do you still have work this afternoon?"

"No." Ouyang Ruize replied, knowing that she had something to say, and didn't say much, waiting for her to continue.

"I want to go to the movies, you accompany me, okay?" He Jiayi said to Ouyang Ruize coquettishly.

"Okay." Ouyang Ruize agreed, she was happy to accompany her what she wanted to do.

"Yeah" He Jiayi nodded happily, and then took Ouyang Ruize's arm and walked to the car.

Three days later, it was Saturday. In the morning, He Jiayi woke up naturally. It was almost twelve o’clock. When she went downstairs, she saw her grandparents sitting in the living room. He Jiayi had a chat with her grandparents and talked with her grandparents at noon. have a meal together.

"Jiayi, how are you getting along with that boy?" Bai Wanjing asked her granddaughter.

"Grandma," He Jiayi intends to tell the truth, "Me and I are planning to be friends."

"Friend?" Bai Wanjing looked at her granddaughter, a little confused.


"Well," He Jiayi nodded, and then said, "Grandpa and grandma, I don't think I and I are suitable, so we are still friends, but"

"But what?" Bai Wanjing asked excitedly.

"I want to be with Ouyang." He Jiayi looked at her grandma and said, then looked at the grandfather on the side.

"The child of the Ouyang family?" He Peixu asked. The He family and the Ouyang family can be regarded as acquaintances. The child of the Ouyang family has a good relationship with Zi Kai. He has seen that child before and seems to be a talent.

"Yeah" He Jiayi nodded.

He Peixu and Bai Wanjing didn't have too many surprises when they heard the granddaughter's thoughts. After that, Bai Wanjing asked her granddaughter a lot, and then they knew that the granddaughter already had love for the child of Ouyang's family.

"Okay, since this is your choice, grandma is happy for you." Bai Wanjing said with a smile.

"Well, thank you grandma." He Jiayi said obediently.

"Silly boy, why do you thank the family? As long as you are happy and happy, it is too late for your grandfather and I to be happy." Bai Wanjing said.

"The people in Ouyang's family are good, and their children should be very good," He Peixu said, and then said to his granddaughter, "Let's get along again. If you are sure to get married, you tell Ouyang that child, when will our family meet Meet at the Ouyang family and talk about the specific matters of your marriage."

Hearing what Grandpa said, He Jiayi felt a little nervous and answered Grandpa, "Well, I know."

Actually, I haven’t thought about marrying Ouyang Ruize so early. I just want to get along with Ouyang like this first. When I have a chance, I take Ouyang back to the mansion and let him see his grandparents and father. I have no opinion with my father, so I will consider the marriage with Ouyang.

After the family had dinner, He Jiayi watched TV with her grandmother in the living room when she suddenly received a call from her uncle.

"Hey, uncle." He Jiayi connected the phone and called.

"Jiayi, are you at home?" He Zikai asked her niece.

"Well, here, I accompany my grandma to watch TV at home." He Jiayi answered her uncle.

"I will pick you up at the mansion later and take you to a place." He Zikai said.

"Where are you going?" He Jiayi asked suspiciously, where is my uncle going to take him?

"You will know when you go," He Zikai said, and then continued, "I will pick you up at the mansion in an hour."

"Well, I'll wait for you, uncle." He Jiayi said.

After hanging up the phone, He Jiayi heard her grandma say.

"Is it Zi Kai? Are Zi Kai and Nono coming back with the children?" Bai Wanjing asked excitedly.

"No, grandma," He Jiayi replied to her grandma, "it was the uncle who said he wanted to take me to a place, and I don't know where to go? He said he would pick me up in an hour."

"Oh," Bai Wanjing replied, and then said suspiciously, "What happened to your uncle today? He is so mysterious."

"I don't know either." He Jiayi replied to her grandmother, she didn't even think where her uncle would take him?

An hour later, He Zikai returned to the mansion and greeted her mother. His father was not at home, and He Zikai did not stay at home much. He took Jiayi and left after a while.

"Uncle, where are you taking me?" He Jiayi asked uncle before getting into the car.

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