Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 608: Xiaoxuan

Suddenly, He Zikai's face sank, and said, "That kid is different from me. I never liked pretty girls when I was a kid."

When Cheng Nuo heard He Zikai's answer, his heart was warm, but he looked at He Zikai with a disbelief on the surface.

"I will give him less pocket money in the future. It is estimated that girls will buy gifts." He Zikai continued to say to Cheng Nuo.

"If it is not enough, and he buys gifts for the girls with the only pocket money, wouldn't it be our son who is suffering?" Cheng Nuo continued He Zikai's words.

He Zikai thinks about it, too, the child's mind still understands a little.

Seeing He Zikai's pensive look, Cheng Nuo smiled and said, "Okay, don't worry, I told my son that he will pay attention to it in the future."

"However," Cheng Nuo continued, "Li Chen has more opinions on Xiaoxi."

As soon as Cheng Nuo finished speaking, He Zikai immediately changed his face, feeling angry at his son, "He has an opinion on Xiaoxi? He doesn't take good care of Xiaoxi, but he still has an opinion on Xiaoxi? It seems I should teach this kid. ."

"What are you going to do? You are not allowed to beat my son." Cheng Nuo is protecting his son, knowing that He Zikai has always loved his little daughter, and he almost has two daughters to the sky, but he is annoying when he sees his son.

"That kid owes a beating." He Zikai said.

"You can't beat you, he is my son." Cheng Nuo and He Zikai rebelled. The daughter is his favorite, and the son is his own heart. As long as he is there, no one is allowed to hurt his son.

He Zikai looked at the serious look of the little woman in her arms, and knew that she had always loved her son more than her daughter. Thinking about it, she was simply up to her, "Well, okay, listen to you."

Seeing that He Zikai was sincerely convinced, Cheng Nuo said coquettishly, "Akai, you love your two daughters more than me."

After so many years, although my relationship with him has been very good and has not changed, every time I see him doting on his daughter like that, I am actually a little jealous in my heart.

"Where is it?" He Zikai said, "Of course the person I love most is you."

"Really?" Cheng Nuo asked deliberately.

"It must be true," He Zikai said, with a charming smile at the corner of his mouth. He looked at the little woman in his arms and said, "Would you like to confirm it tonight?"

Cheng Nuo immediately understood what He Zikai meant, and patted He Zikai's chest with a small hand, burying the small head in his chest.

He Zikai suddenly remembered something, his expression became more natural, and he whispered, "Nuoer, I need to tell you something."

"Well, what's the matter?" Cheng Nuo raised his head and looked at He Zikai.

"Next Monday, I'm going on a business trip to South Africa," He Zikai looked into Cheng Nuo's eyes and said, "Something happened to the company over there, and I have to go and solve it myself."

"Suddenly?" Cheng Nuo was obviously surprised. He knew that there were things in other areas, and Zi Kai sent people to execute them. But why did he go there in person this time?

"Well, the incident over there is also sudden, so we must go and deal with it as soon as possible." He Zikai said, in fact, he is also reluctant to bear this little woman and the children. Ying is obviously much more difficult to deal with than it was five years ago. It is handed over to others, and he has no chance of winning.

Cheng Nuo nodded, signalling his understanding, and then asked, "How many days will you go? When will you be back?"

"I don't know yet, but I will come back as soon as possible." He Zikai said, holding the little woman in her arms tightly, obviously reluctant.

"Well," Cheng Nuo responded, putting his little head on He Zikai's chest, and said, "My children and I will miss you."

"Me too," He Zikai said affectionately, "we keep in touch with you, and I will call you when I have time."



This night, He Zikai was a beast, and wanted the woman she loves. The heart that loves her has never changed, and the body of her greed has never changed. She has always been addicted to her own poison, and can't get rid of it.

A new day came, Yujingyuan, after seven o'clock in the morning, Song Jingye and Gu Yao were still asleep in the bed, they heard the sound of crying in the crib.

"Jing Ye, go and see Xiao Xuan." Gu Yao said to Song Jingye hazyly.

"Yeah" Song Jingye answered, then got up and got out of bed and went to see his three-year-old daughter next to the stroller.

Song Jingye stood by the stroller, picked up her daughter, shook her body, and coaxed her and said, "Xiao Xuan, don't cry, don't cry"

But the little man didn't listen to Dad's words at all, and continued to cry loudly. He wanted Mommy and hugged Mommy.

Gu Yao wanted to sleep again, but the cry of her daughter really made her feel uneasy. She could only endure the sleepiness, got out of bed and walked to Song Jingye's side and hugged her daughter.

"Little Xuan, mommy is here, don't cry." Gu Yao said softly.

Suddenly, the little man saw Mommy, and suddenly stopped crying, staring at Mommy with two clear eyes and giggling.

Gu Yao breathed a sigh of relief when her daughter was finally happy.

This little daughter is much harder to serve than her son. At the beginning, the son was very obedient and sensible when he was young, and he never cried or made trouble. But this little man loves to cry when everything is fine, and she has to take care of herself, so she doesn’t cry. .

Song Jingye looked at Gu Yao's sleepy look and felt sorry for her, and said, "Hold Xiaoxuan and lie down on the bed. I'll make a cup of milk powder."

Because of his childhood experience, Song Jingye knew that his daughter would be hungry, so he was noisy and crying for Mommy to hold him.

"Yeah" Gu Yao nodded, then carried her daughter to lie down on the big bed.

Song Jingye quickly rushed to the milk powder. After Gu Yao fed her daughter and drank it, her daughter fell asleep shortly after.

"This little ancestor has tossed me too much." Gu Yao complained, and after covering her daughter with the quilt, she turned around, got into Song Jingye's arms, and continued to sleep.

Song Jingye embraced the little woman in his arms, and kept looking at his daughter, worried that she would wake up again.

It wasn't until nine o'clock before that Gu Yao gradually woke up, grunted in Song Jingye's arms, and slowly opened her eyes.

"I'll go to bed again, Xiao Xuan hasn't woken up yet." Song Jingye said to the little woman in his arms.

"No, I have to go to see Yiyang. I guess he will soon wake up too." Gu Yao said, about to get up and get out of bed.

Song Jingye immediately stopped the little woman's movements, and said, "I'm going to see Yiyang, you can stay with Xiaoxuan, you can lie on the bed for more rest."

"Well, that's fine." Gu Yao nodded.

Song Jingye put a kiss on Gu Yao's forehead before getting out of bed and leaving the room to see his son.

In the small bedroom next to the master bedroom, five-year-old Song Yiyang was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, occasionally moving his hands and feet, but did not get up.

When the door of the room was pushed open, Song Yiyang instinctively turned his head and looked towards the door, and suddenly a joyful expression appeared on his face.

"Daddy, Daddy!" Song Yiyang yelled twice happily.

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