Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 617: I must see her this time...

"Well, let's talk more about it when we come back. There are some things we need to discuss before implementing them," Song Jingye said, reminding him at the end, "After all, you know her methods."

"Well, see you tomorrow." He Zikai knew in his heart that even if there was unexpected news and a little panic in his heart, reason would still occupy the majority.

In the evening, by the Lishui Bay, Cheng Nuo accompanied the three children on the TV in the living room. Suddenly the phone rang. Cheng Nuo took the phone and looked at it. It was He Zikai's call, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Xiaomei, quickly turn down the TV sound, your dad's phone." Cheng Nuo hurriedly said to the eldest daughter.

"Yeah" He Xiaomei felt that the TV sound was turned down.

Cheng Nuo then connected the phone.

"Hey, Akai." Cheng Nuo said into the phone.

"Nuoer, have you rested with the children?" He Zikai's voice came.

"Not yet, watch TV with them in the living room. Li Chen and Xiaoxi will not be sleepy, so I will play with them again." Cheng Nuo replied to He Zikai. Hearing his voice, my heart was warm. .

"Well, I'll be back tomorrow." He Zikai said. In fact, he called the little woman because he missed her, wanted to hear her voice, and told her that he was coming back soon.

"Really? Then I'll pick you up at the airport." Cheng Nuo said in surprise.

The three small people around heard Mommy's voice and knew that Dadbi was coming back, all smiles.

"No, Jing Ye will come to pick me up. You stay at home obediently. I may have to go to the company tomorrow to deal with some things. When I go home in the afternoon, we will pick up the children together later from school." He Zikai said.

"Well, well, I'll listen to you." Cheng Nuo happily agreed.

Afterwards, Cheng Nuo and He Zikai talked for a while before hanging up.

"Mommy, Mommy, when will Dad come back?" He Xiaoxi immediately leaned forward to ask Mommy.

"Tomorrow, when you come home from school tomorrow, you can see your dad." Cheng Nuo answered her daughter happily.

"Then I won't go to the kindergarten tomorrow. I'll wait for Dad to come back at home." He Xiaoxi said.

"I'm not going either." He Lichen followed.

"I don't want to go to school either. There will be foreign teachers tomorrow, which is so annoying." He Xiaomei complained.

"No, you have to go to school," Cheng Nuo became serious now, and said to the three children, "Your dad will go to the company first than tomorrow, and will be able to go home in the afternoon. Therefore, Xiaomei will be able to see him after school in the afternoon. Dad compares, Lichen and Xiaoxi. When I compare with your dad, I will go to the kindergarten to pick you up from school."

"Good, good!" He Xiaoxi clapped happily.

He Lichen also nodded, expressing his agreement.

He Xiaomei curled her lips helplessly, but didn't say anything, so she could only go to school tomorrow, and come back to see Dad in the afternoon.

The next day, in Yujingyuan, Gu Yao was still asleep in the morning, and he heard Song Jingye lying in her ear and saying, "Yaoyao, I'm getting up first, and I'm going to the airport to pick Zi Kai back today."

"Well, then you can set the alarm for me, and I will get up later." Gu Yao said to Song Jingye.

"it is good"

After Song Jingye set an alarm for the little woman, he got up and got out of bed to wash.

At the exit of Ancheng International Airport, Song Jingye stood by the car and waited for He Zikai.

auzw.comHe Zikai walked out of the terminal building with his suitcase, and at a glance he saw Song Jingye not far away, and walked quickly to Song Jingye.

"Jing Ye." He Zikai yelled as a greeting.

"Well, Zi Kai." Song Jingye saw He Zikai coming, and immediately walked forward to pick up He Zikai's suitcase.

"How is He Yi's situation?" He Zikai asked directly.

"Get in the car first, let me tell you on the road." Song Jingye said.

After the two of them got in the car, Song Jingye drove towards the city. He told He Zikai about the two days on the road and told He Zikai about the day.

"This was taken on surveillance. Look at the person in the photo." Song Jingye said, and handed the photo to He Zikai.

He Zikai took a look at the photo, and when he saw the familiar profile face, he was not surprised at all.

"I didn't expect it would be her." He Zikai said. Actually, when Huaying appeared five years ago, he had a lot of speculations. Even the people he knew at the time, who might appear, thought about it.

I guessed that her thoughts were only for a moment. I didn't think she would be in Xigang City, so there was not much guessing, but I didn't expect that it would really be her.

"Neither did I expect," Song Jingye said, took a look at He Zikai, then continued to look at the road ahead, and asked, "Zi Kai, did she revenge on you for doing this to He Yi?"

"Obviously." He Zikai said.

Song Jingye knew the answer somewhat in his heart, and did not ask any more.

When the two returned to the He Yi Empire, Gong Yi and An Lin were already waiting.

He Zikai walked into the office and told An Lin, "I will sort out the current financial situation and give it to me immediately."

"Yes." An Lin went busy after answering.

Afterwards, He Zikai, Song Jingye, and Gong Yi discussed the next thing.

"At present, I have tried my best to save, but there is not much saved." Gong Yi said to He Zikai. After all, such a huge sum of money can be easily lost under Huaying's control, and it is not so easy to save it.

"It's okay, how much can be saved," He Zikai said. "When I decided to use this method to find the person behind Huaying, I didn't think about saving it."

Gong Yi nodded, indicating that he understood He Zikai's thoughts.

"Zi Kai, what should we do next?" Song Jingye asked He Zikai.

"They fled that day, it means that they knew we had discovered it. It is estimated that there will be no movement in the short term." He Zikai guessed.

Although she is not very familiar with her style, she knows a few points. Even if she changes over the years, it is impossible to completely change.

So in a short period of time, I don't worry about what will happen to He Yi again.

"Well, the people we sent out are still searching. It is estimated that they will be more vigilant, so that they won't have the mind to do other things." Song Jingye continued He Zikai's words.

He Zikai nodded slightly, and then continued, "But this is not a solution. It can be maintained for a few days, but not for long."

"You mean," Song Jingye asked He Zikai.

"I want to see her." He Zikai said four words firmly.

"See her?" Song Jingye repeated, and then hurriedly said, "That woman's scheming and methods are terrible. It is too risky for you to see her like this."

"She has the scheming and the means, it doesn't mean that I will sit and wait to die," He Zikai said to Song Jingye, "Jing Ye, even in crisis, I must see her this time."

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