Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 622: There must be someone behind her

After hearing what He Zikai said, Cheng Nuo suddenly laughed, raised her head to look at He Zikai, and asked happily, "Why do you remember that you said this to me today?"

I and him are already old husbands and wives. I understand and believe in my own love and his love. After so many ups and downs, I now have three children. No matter what the future is, I They will believe him, love him with their sincerity, and guard this family.

He Zikai didn't know how to explain to Cheng Nuo. He couldn't tell the real reason. Thinking about it, he could only say, "Suddenly I was afraid of losing you, so I just said it."

Cheng Nuo felt warm in his heart, stretched out his hands to stop He Zikai's waist, and stayed in He Zikai's arms with a soft look, and said dumbly, "Akai, you will not lose me, because I will always be by your side. , Stay with you until you are old."

"Well, let's grow old together." He Zikai nodded and said, but suddenly remembered the woman Jiang Yin, she was very uncertain about what she had just said, and even made a big rebuttal.

Can you really grow old together? If there was no Jiang Yin, maybe I would think it was really possible, but now

There were speculations and worries in his heart, but He Zikai did not show these, and he was still very indifferent on the surface.

The two cuddled together in this way. He Zikai and Cheng Nuo realized the time when Bai Jing was about to leave home to pick up Xiao Mei from school, and they were ready to pick up their son and young daughter.

In a luxurious apartment in Xigang City, Jiang Yin was sitting on the sofa. There were two men on the left and assistants on the right. The mood of the four people was not very good, which caused the atmosphere in the room to be very cold.

"Master, the hotel has already checked out and there is no trace left." The assistant reported to the master respectfully.

"Yeah." Jiang Yin responded without saying anything, because he had previously booked a room at the hotel to give Song Jingye a message, but when He Zikai arrived, he was somewhat satisfied with the result of this message.

Jiang Yin thought about it, and then said, "From tomorrow, all the company's work will be in normal operation, and within three days, the normal company's operation will be reached."

After speaking, Jiang Yin looked at the assistant and ordered, "Start to prepare and cooperate with He Yi."

"Cooperation?" The assistant said two words in wonder, aren't Hua Ying and He Yi rivals? How can we cooperate?

"Yes, cooperation," Jiang Yin repeated, and continued, "In the future, I will let He Zikai be my biggest partner."

If you want to destroy, you must get close first. Only by staying with He Zikai can you do what you want to do more closely.

Destroying He Yi and killing the woman by the Lishui Bay, he wants to make He Zikai nothing. When the time comes, he will beg for mercy in front of him in a low voice. These are what he wants.

The assistant seemed to understand, but knew not to ask too much, and nodded in response.

"Then, shall we continue to attack He Yi?" a man sitting on the side suddenly said, looking at Jiang Yin.

"Pause all attacks," Jiang Yin said, gradually looking at the man who was speaking, and continued, "But stand by at any time and be prepared for everything. If there is a change, act immediately."


In the evening, by the Lishui Bay, after the family had dinner, He Zikai went to the study, but instead of being busy, he stood in front of the window, and his thoughts fell into sorrow.

Today’s conversation with Jiang Yin made me have to worry about the safety of Nuoer and the children, but now, what should I do? Can you protect Nuoer and the children?

In a happy family, I have been immersed in it for a long time. I love Nuoer and the children very much, and I don’t want to lose everything I currently have.

He Zikai didn't know how long he stood in front of the window, until he heard the door not far behind him open, did He Zikai pull back his thoughts, turned around to look, and Cheng Nuo walked in in pajamas.

"Akai, are you finished?" Cheng Nuo asked as he walked towards He Zikai.

"Well, it's over." He Zikai replied, walking towards Cheng Nuo.


"Then why don't you go back to the bedroom to rest?" Cheng Nuo asked with a bit of aegyo on his face.

He Zikai stood in front of the little woman, stretched out her hand to stroke her face, and said affectionately, "Preparing to go back, let's go!"

Cheng Nuo nodded, unaware of He Zikai's emotions, and left the study with him and walked towards the bedroom.

At the beginning of a new day, as soon as He Zikai arrived at He Yi Building, he called Song Jingye.

"Zi Kai." Song Jingye connected.

"Are you busy today? If you're not busy, I'll go to the casino to find you, it's something." He Zikai said.

"Well, I'm not busy, you can come over anytime," Song Jingye said.


After He Zikai hung up the phone, he explained some work to An Lin before leaving the company and drove to Crown Casino.

At Crown Casino, Song Jingye was working in the office. Guan Wei was waiting at the door on the first floor. When he saw Mr. He’s car parked at the door, Guan Wei immediately stepped forward to greet him.

"President He." Guan Wei greeted Mr. He.

"Well, Jing Ye is in the office?" He Zikai asked Guan Wei.

"Well, I will take you up." Guan Wei replied.

He Zikai nodded and followed Guan Wei into the casino, only to find out that although it was morning, there were not many people in the casino. There were almost people at the gaming table in the middle of the first floor.

"Business is very good these days?" He Zikai asked Guan Wei casually.

"Well, it's not bad," Guan Wei said, and then explained, "Recently, a group of foreign gamblers often come over, so from morning to night, there are always people on the first floor."

"Yeah" He Zikai answered and didn't ask any more, but vaguely felt that this situation was a bit special and a little weird.

When they came to Song Jingye's office, He Zikai and Song Jingye sat in the reception area and directly entered the topic conversation.

"How was the situation when I saw her yesterday?" Song Jingye asked.

He Zikai shook his head with a low tone, and said, "Her current character is more extreme than before."

Song Jingye could guess how much, and then asked, "Then did she mention Yingzi?"

"No, maybe I know that Yingzi is gone," He Zikai said. "Her main purpose is to target me and He Yi, but it will affect Nuoer and the children."

Song Jingye was a little nervous now, and he immediately thought about it and said, "Is she so capable? Even if Huaying has a good international influence, she is still not capable of doing some things."

"No," He Zikai almost directly rejected Song Jingye's ideas, and said to Song Jingye's eyes, "Do you think Jiang Yin is the only one?"

Jing Ye felt so, but he didn't think so.

Song Jingye was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"There must be someone behind her," He Zikai guessed, but his tone was firm, "I don't think it is Jiang Yin's own ability to make Huaying develop to where it is today."

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