Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 624: For He Yi, I want results

At the beginning of the new day, when He Zikai first arrived at the office, he received an internal call from An Lin.

"Mr. He, do you need to transfer the call of President Huaying?" An Linhui reported.

"Well, transfer in." He Zikai said.

Without hanging up the phone, after a while, He Zikai heard Jiang Yin's voice on the phone.

"It's really not easy to contact you." Jiang Yin said jokingly on the other side of the phone.

He Zikai ignored Jiang Yin's ridicule and said, "We will talk about cooperation."

"Okay," Jiang Yin readily agreed, "I have booked a private room, and the address will be sent to you later. See you in half an hour."

"Yeah." He Zikai replied, said his mobile phone number, and then hung up without much communication.

After receiving the address, He Zikai left He Yi Building and went to the appointment.

In the private room of a tea restaurant, Jiang Yin had already arrived, with two documents in front of him, waiting for He Zikai's arrival.

Under the leadership of the waiter, He Zikai came to the private room and saw Jiang Yin sitting there. He didn't intend to greet him. He walked over and sat down opposite Jiang Yin.

"He decided to see me, did he agree to cooperate with my company?" Jiang Yin said with a noble look, sitting on the sofa and looking at the opposite He Zikai.

"If He Yi is profitable, he is naturally willing to cooperate." He Zikai answered Jiang Yin.

"Is it not clear in yesterday's document?" Jiang Yin asked.

"How about clear? It's just in black and white," He Zikai looked at Jiang Yin and said, "What I want is real benefits, a certain future."

"Haha" Jiang Yin suddenly chuckled and said, "He is really cautious in his work, and he deserves to be the hegemon of the business world.

"It is estimated that every businessman will think of this, not just me." He Zikai's tone has always been indifferent.

The two of them didn't communicate very bluntly, and gradually talked about cooperation.

"If everything on the document can be achieved, I think our cooperation should be very smooth." He Zikai said.

"Then I want to say, I hope President He will give me a trust?" Jiang Yin asked.

"I will give this trust, but only for the first time. If I cooperate for the second time, I will refer to the results of the first cooperation." He Zikai said.

"So, can we cooperate?" Jiang Yin asked, expecting more in her heart.

"Yeah." He Zikai answered, having decided in his heart that no matter whether the road is smooth or trapped, he must cooperate with Jiang Yin. Only in this way can he approach her.

After discussing the cooperation, the two communicated about some specific cooperation matters. In terms of career, Jiang Yin was somewhat serious.

"It's almost twelve o'clock, please have a meal." He Zikai said calmly.

""Jiang Yin was taken aback for a moment, never expected that He Zikai would invite herself to dinner?

"Why, not willing?" He Zikai asked Jiang Yin.

"How come?" Jiang Yin smiled like a flower and promised He Zikai.

After the two left the tea restaurant, Jiang Yin took He Zikai's car to a high-end restaurant in the suburbs.

auzw.com In the restaurant, He Zikai had already booked a place. After the two sat down in the private room on the second floor, He Zikai took the initiative to arrange tableware and hand over napkins for Jiang Yin.

Jiang Yin watched the man's movements in front of him, and for a few seconds, she sank in.

When I was in college, I wanted to get his favor, even a little bit, but he was always indifferent to himself and turned a blind eye to him, but he cared more for the woman named Liu Ziying.

Now that so many years have passed, at this moment, he is like taking care of a spoiled person. His actions are very skillful, and a woman will be intoxicated by it.

"Eat, be careful." He Zikai said, putting a dish in Jiang Yin's tableware.

Jiang Yinmu returned to his senses, feeling a little nervous, and said, "Well, thank you."

During the quiet meal, He Zikai didn't say anything, but Jiang Yin ate very happily.

After eating, He Zikai said to Jiang Yin, "Shall I take you back?"

"Yeah." Jiang Yin nodded fiercely, without thinking about it at all, this would be dazzled by joy.

After getting on the bus, Jiang Yin reported the address. He Zikai sent Jiang Yin downstairs to a high-end apartment. He watched Jiang Yin get off the car and walked into the apartment. He Zikai took out his mobile phone and dialed Song Jingye's number.

"Hello, Zi Kai." Song Jingye answered the phone.

"Jing Ye, Jiang Yin lives in Mingzhu Apartment, Building 3." He Zikai said.

"Okay, I know how to do it." Song Jingye replied.

After He Zikai hung up the phone, he drove back to Heyi Building.

I have decided in my heart that from now on, I will collect more information about Jiang Yin, so that I can better know how to deal with Jiang Yin.

Also, is there anyone behind her? Who will that person be?

As soon as Jiang Yin returned to the apartment, the mobile phone in the bag rang. After taking out the mobile phone, Jiang Yin trembled instinctively before connecting to the phone.

"Hey." Jiang Yin knew who the other party was, but only responded.

"Cooperation is negotiated?" A magnetic male voice came on the phone.

"Well, He Zikai agreed to cooperate," Jiang Yin replied, because He Zikai is friendly to him today, and this will make his voice have a hint of joy that cannot be hidden." He said that the first time he cooperates, what he wants is benefits. Once it’s good, there will be more opportunities for cooperation."

However, after listening to Jiang Yin's words, the man on the other end of the phone did not follow Jiang Yin's topic, but asked, "What did He Zikai do to you?"

""Jiang Yin would be taken aback on the phone, only to realize that there was joy in her voice just now, and hurriedly explained, "No, nothing was done."

"Humph" The man was obviously angry on the other end of the phone, "Jiang Yin, do you still expect him to be tempted by you?"

"If a man loves you early, he would not protect another woman in front of you, nor would he have three children with another woman." The man seemed to warn Jiang Yin, and he seemed to remind her.

"I know," Jiang Yin said to the mobile phone, which would converge her inner emotions, "I know what I want to do, and I also know that the person he loves is not. Don't worry, we My goal, our task, I will definitely complete it."

"Naive," the man said as if scolding Jiang Yin, and then changed the subject, "You have all the execution rights of Xigang Huaying. To deal with He Yi, what I want is the result."

"Well, I know." Jiang Yin finished speaking, and wanted to continue talking, but the phone was already hung up.

Cheng Nuo was busy in the lounge today, checked the quarterly report, and told the person in charge of the lounge a few points for improvement.

After everything was busy, it was already more than two o'clock in the afternoon. Cheng Nuo was sitting in the office and was fine. Thinking about it, suddenly wanted to go to He Yi Building for a long time. I haven't visited the company for a long time to see He Zikai.

After Cheng Nuo was confirmed, he left the lounge and drove to He Yi Building.

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