Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 636: Because of her inadvertent word?

If he tells his true identity, he will definitely not survive for three days. Although he is not in Xigang now, there are many people in Xigang. It is more than enough to kill himself.

He Zikai can see from Jiang Yin's panicked expression that Jiang Yin is obviously lying.

Knowing that he couldn't ask anything next, He Zikai didn't plan to ask anymore. This news had already confirmed herself. Some things Jiang Yin did were instigated, not her own thoughts.

"We will go to Huaying together later, and I will inspect the work of our employees." He Zikai said.

"Okay, I will inform the company to do a good job in reception." Jiang Yin said happily.

When Cheng Nuo left Heyi Building and drove home, tears in his eyes kept pouring.

He really fell in love with others.

The young and charming woman finally occupied his heart.

Back on the shore of Lishui Bay, Cheng Nuo walked into the living room and saw Aunt Lan and Bai Jing who were cleaning up. Without greetings, they walked directly to the second floor.

"Madam, you" Bai Jing saw his wife's eyes red, guessing that she must have cried, but she didn't call her to stop her, so the wife walked upstairs.

"Aunt Lan, Mrs. She" Bai Jing didn't know what to do, looked at Aunt Lan, wanting to hear Aunt Lan's thoughts.

After thinking about it, Aunt Lan said, "I'll call your husband first."

With regard to his wife, the first person he can think of is his husband, because he loves his wife the most. If his wife cries because of something, he will be anxious to go home to see his wife.

"Yeah." Bai Jing nodded.

Aunt Lan walked to the fixed phone in the living room and picked up the phone to call her husband.

After a while, the phone was connected, and Aunt Lan hurriedly said, "Sir, madam, something seems to have happened to her."

"I know," He Zikai's calm voice came over the phone, without any emotion, "Is she at home now?"

"Well, yes, just came back." Aunt Lan answered hurriedly.

"Take care of her, don't let her do anything." He Zikai said coldly.

Aunt Lan heard her husband's tone, so she said "Uh" without saying more.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Jing hurriedly asked Aunt Lan, "Aunt Lan, how is it? What did your husband say?"

"Nothing," Aunt Lan replied, and then guessed, "It may be that the husband and wife quarreled."

In such a situation, only this is possible. The wife's sadness and anger must be related to her husband.

"Ah! How is it possible? The husband loves his wife so much and treats his wife so well, how could it happen?" Bai Jing couldn't believe it. After so many years, the relationship between husband and wife has been seen in her own eyes, as well as the young master at home. With the little princesses, the whole family is happy, how come

"Hey, I don't know what's going on, but my husband ordered us to take care of our wife. I will prepare lunch quickly. You will ask your wife to go downstairs for dinner." Aunt Lan said. In the morning, Mrs. Lan said that she would not come back for dinner at noon. Just had a simple meal with Bai Jing. This wife is back. It seems that she shouldn't have a meal, so she naturally wants to cook quickly.


Cheng Nuo lay on the bed in the bedroom, crying aloud, crying with the sadness and pain in his heart.

auzw.com I thought that happiness could always be with me, but I didn’t expect it, but left it inadvertently.

What should I do in the future? Without his love, my heart seemed to collapse, a ruin, helpless.

How should I live my life in the future? Children, how should we live?

Will he drive himself and the children away for that woman?

All the thoughts and guesses came to my heart at this moment.

In Huali Company, Jiang Yin accompanied He Zikai to inspect the work of He Yi employees and at the same time inspect the work of Huali employees. On the surface, everything seemed normal and there was nothing suspicious.

"Can help me arrange a meeting room, I want to hold a short meeting for our employees." He Zikai asked Jiang Yin.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." Jiang Yin replied happily, and then left.

He Zikai looked at Jiang Yin's leaving back, until the back completely disappeared, He Zikai turned around, just in time to see An Lin walking over with a document.

"Mr. He, this is a report by our employees at Huaying. You can read it carefully when you return to He Yi." An Lin said, and he was already communicating with He Zikai with his eyes.

He Zikai naturally understood what An Lin meant, and there must be news he wanted in this report.

"Yeah." He Zikai took the document and then said to An Lin, "President Jiang has gone to arrange a meeting room and told our employees that we will have a short meeting later."

"Okay." An Lin finished speaking and left.

He Zikai didn't stay in the same place much, turned around and walked to Huaying's conference area.

There are cameras everywhere in Huaying. No matter what you say or do, you must be extra cautious, because I am sure now that even if Jiang Yin is careless, the "he" behind her will not care about it.

In the meeting room, He Zikai briefly explained to the employees, and also expressed the leadership's condolences and concern.

Every employee knows in his heart that the work on the surface should continue, and the information that should be searched should not be neglected, and the search should be continued.

After leaving Huaying, An Lin drove He Zikai back to Heyi Building.

As soon as he returned to the office, He Zikai picked up his mobile phone and called Cheng Nuo, but no one answered the call.

He Zikai was anxious and wanted to go home to see how the little woman was going, but there were still a lot of things that he hadn't done, and he hadn't read the documents he brought back from Huaying.

In the end, He Zikai could only deal with official affairs first, and planned to have a good talk with Cheng Nuo after returning home at night.

Sitting at the desk, He Zikai began to look through the information he had brought back from Huaying. After reading it, He Zikai had a lot of thoughts and guesses in his mind. He immediately called Song Jingye and asked him to come to He Yi to find himself as soon as possible.

Song Jingye came quickly, and the two of them sat in the office and began to discuss.

"I'm pretty sure now, there must be someone behind Jiang Yin." He Zikai said firmly.

"Because she accidentally said something?" Song Jingye asked. Zi Kai had already told herself about his discovery and experience today.

"More than this, there are reports by He Yi's employees. They said that Jiang Yin usually stays in the office by herself, and most of the time is either on phone calls or online meetings, so" He Zikai said, "She must be talking with each other."

Song Jingye nodded and recognized He Zikai's words. If Jiang Yin's unintentional sentence was a breakthrough point, then He Yi's employee's discovery was another breakthrough point. These two points are enough to prove that there is someone behind Jiang Yin.

"At present, that person must not be in Xigang." He Zikai said, with a hint of tension in his voice.

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