Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 638: Your choice...I respect

He Zikai didn't know how to tell her daughter, think about it, and said to her daughter, "Xiaomei, I will explain to Nuoer later."

He Xiaomei didn't get the answer she wanted, so she suddenly became angrily, walked to her mom, and asked her, "Cheng Xiaonuo, tell me."

Cheng Nuo looked up, looked at her daughter's serious and innocent look, with a smile on her face, and said to her daughter, "Xiaomei, Cheng Xiaonuo is fine, you don't need to worry."

"You said it was okay. You cried so much that your eyes were swollen." He Xiaomei said loudly, and suddenly she didn't hold back her tears.

Seeing her sister crying, He Xiaoxi suddenly felt an urge to cry, tears gradually came to her eyes, shaking in her eyes.

He Lichen sat on the soft carpet and saw his sister crying. He was also anxious. He didn't have the usual sweetness, so he called out calmly, "Mummy"

He Zikai watched the three children have their own emotions, think about it, and said to Bai Jing not far away, "Bai Jing, take them upstairs."

"Yeah." Bai Jing nodded, and then came over and was about to take the little princess and the little master upstairs, but He Xiaomei broke free.

"Daddy, did you do something that I'm sorry for Cheng Xiaonuo?" He Xiaomei asked when looking at him, staring at him seriously.

He Zikai met her daughter's gaze and did not speak.

After waiting for a long time, He Xiaomei didn't wait for Dad to speak, and she was affirmed in her heart.

I’m already this old, and I understand some things. In the past, Dadbi didn’t let Mommy talk to unfamiliar male uncles. Even Mommy’s work in the leisure bar was restricted. Dadbi was worried that those people would treat Mommy. Other ideas.

But now that I have grown up, I also know that someone as good as Dadbi must have many women who want to be close to Dadbi.

"Dad, how can you do this?" He Xiaomei asked Dad, and suddenly burst into tears, crying harder than just now.

"Sister Wuwu" He Xiaoxi also started crying at this meeting. She couldn't understand what her sister asked her father to compare, but she was unhappy when she saw her crying.

He Lichen listened to her sister, but didn't understand what it meant, but the man couldn't cry, he could only stare at Papa.

"Xiaomei, be obedient, go up first, and I will talk to Nuoer." He Zikai thought about explaining to Nuoer before returning, but he didn't expect the eldest daughter to react so intensely.

He Xiaomei did not listen to Dadbi's words, turned to look at Mommy, and said, "Cheng Xiaonuo, if Dadbi doesn't want us, we will move out of this house. You take me and my younger siblings and we will leave together."

"Xiaomei" He Zikai suddenly roared sternly, got up and looked at her elder daughter angrily.

Move out of this home? How can I allow it? How willing? Noah, children, but all of me.

Seeing that Dad was angry, He Xiaomei suddenly felt a little frightened and took two steps back.

"Wow" He Xiaoxi suddenly cried louder, even more sad than before.

Seeing this, Cheng Nuo immediately got up and walked over to pick up his daughter, tears in his eyes suddenly.

I discovered the truth today, but I haven't figured out how to solve it. The children are already like this. I am really panicked. What should I do? In order to protect the children.

"Little Xi, don't cry." Cheng Nuo tried to calm down and comforted the little daughter.

Bai Jing stood aside, seeing this scene, suddenly didn't know what to do?

Cheng Nuo worried about what He Zikai would do to the eldest daughter, and immediately looked at the eldest daughter and said, "Xiao Mei, be obedient, go upstairs and rest first."

"I'm not going," He Xiaomei said persistently, "Cheng Xiaonuo, I mean it, if this family doesn't belong."


Dad interrupted He Xiaomei before she finished her words.

"Xiaomei" He Zikai angrily walked in front of her elder daughter.

I can't let my daughter have the idea of ​​leaving, no, neither Nuoer nor the children can leave this home.

Cheng Nuo saw that He Zikai was about to walk in front of her eldest daughter, and immediately took two steps to stop He Zikai's footsteps.

He Zikai could only stop and look at Cheng Nuo.

"He Zikai," Cheng Nuo was also angry at this meeting, and he met He Zikai's gaze and said, "If you dare to touch my children, I won't let you go."

"" He Zikai looked at Cheng Nuo, with blood dripping drop by drop, not knowing what to do?

Noah, how can I do anything to our children? I just don't want Xiaomei to have the idea of ​​leaving. We are together as a family and not separated.

Cheng Nuo saw He Zikai not speaking, and after waiting a while, he said to Bai Jing, "Bai Jing, take Xiaoxi upstairs."

After speaking, Cheng Nuo put down the little daughter in his arms and signaled her to go to sister Bai Jing.

"Mummy, I want to be with you." He Xiaoxi cried.

"Hey, go upstairs first, Mommy will come upstairs to accompany you later." Cheng Nuo comforted the little daughter.

He Xiaoxi nodded, and then followed sister Bai Jing upstairs.

Seeing the little daughter leaving, Cheng Nuo walked up to the eldest daughter, reached out her hand to wipe the tears from her face, and said softly, "Xiao Mei, listen to Mommy, go upstairs and rest early, Mommy knows What to do, trust Mommy."

"But Mommy" He Xiaomei refused, but before she finished her words, she heard her say.

"Mommy loves you and will never leave you. I believe Mommy, our family will always be together." Cheng Nuo assured her eldest daughter.

It's just the family in my heart, now there is no He Zikai.

"Well, Mommy, I believe you." He Xiaomei nodded and said to Mommy.

Seeing the eldest daughter go upstairs, Cheng Nuo was relieved a lot, walked to his son, took his son's hand, and prepared to go upstairs.

It's just that before Cheng Nuo took a few steps, He Zikai took his arm.

"Nuoer, I have something to tell you." He Zikai said hurriedly.

"What do we have to say between us?" Cheng Nuo asked calmly, looking forward, not looking at He Zikai's face, "Everything I saw today should be what you want to say to me now, right? ?"

"I know what you mean with that picture," Cheng Nuo continued, "So, don't talk about it anymore."

"I respect your choice." Cheng Nuo finished speaking and took his son's hand upstairs.

He Zikai stood alone in the living room, looking at the back of Cheng Nuo and his son, a tear came out of his eyes, whether he could hold back or not.

Noah, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.

Give me some more time, and when I have handled everything, I will be honest with you and tell you everything.

But not now. I want to protect your safety. You and the children must not be injured, so I will wrong you for the time being, sorry!

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