Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 644: Little princess

"Yes." Jiang Yin said, cooperation really needs to be discussed again.

"He Yi's people will go back to the company temporarily. At noon, I will invite you to dinner. In the afternoon, we will discuss the next cooperation plan." He Zikai said.

Jiang Yin did not clearly distinguish the main points of what He Zikai said, and paid full attention to He Zikai's invitation to eat at noon.

"Well, do as you said." Jiang Yin said.

At the school, He Xiaomei and Long Yixi were sitting in the stands of the playground. Long Yixi gave He Xiaomei a few photos in his hand and said, "Xiaomei, this is a picture of that woman."

He Xiaomei took a look at the photo. The woman in the photo is very beautiful. It seems that she is indeed younger than Mommy. I don’t know if she is not old, or she has taken care of her.

Long Yixi looked at He Xiaomei looking at the photos seriously, and continued, "Xiaomei, I asked my cousin to check it. My cousin said that this woman is from abroad, not a local, and this woman is now a family The person in charge of the company."

"Hmph, this woman must have used the opportunity of work to get close to my dad." He Xiaomei said with certainty.

"I think so too," Long Yixi agreed with He Xiaomei, then looked at He Xiaomei and said, "Xiaomei, what are you going to do then?"

"Long Yixi, can you help me find out where this woman lives?" He Xiaomei did not answer Long Yixi's words, but asked Long Yixi instead.

"It should be possible, wait, I'll call my cousin." Long Yixi said.

"Yeah" He Xiaomei nodded, waiting for Long Yixi to call his cousin.

After Long Yixi called his cousin, he waited with He Xiaomei. Ten minutes later, Long Yixi received the call from his cousin. After hearing the result, Long Yixi was very happy.

"Long Yixi, did you find it?" He Xiaomei hurriedly asked when she saw Long Yixi hang up the phone.

"Well, I found it, in an apartment." Long Yixi said.

"Then we will go find that woman in the afternoon. I want to see that woman with my own eyes." He Xiaomei said.

"Well, I'll accompany you." Long Yixi said.

"Okay, I'll call sister Bai Jing first, so that she won't use it to pick me up this afternoon." He Xiaomei said to Long Yixi.


After school in the afternoon, He Xiaomei and Long Yixi sat in the car of Long's family and went to the Mingzhu Apartment together.

"Master, Princess Xiaomei, this is the apartment you are looking for." When the driver of the Long family parked the car at the door of the apartment, he said to the two young masters in the back row.

The young master is his own young master, and the little princess is the little princess whom I want to compliment, because I know that the young master likes the little princess, maybe in the future, the little princess will become the young master's wife.

Long Yixi and He Xiaomei did not answer the driver's words, and they lay down and watched.

"I don't know which room she lives in." He Xiaomei said dullly. Long Yixi's cousin only found out which apartment he was in, but did not find out which building in the apartment and the specific location.

Long Yixi's mind moved and immediately said, "Xiaomei, we can wait here, that woman will definitely come back, if she passes by here, we will definitely be able to see."

"Yes," He Xiaomei suddenly realized in her heart, turned her head to look at Long Yixi, and said happily, "Yes, we are waiting for that woman here, she will definitely appear."


At this time, there were two men standing by the windows on the first floor of a building. They were Xiaomei of the Song family. They were going to stare at the entrance and exit of Building 3, because Jiang Yin was coming back soon.


It's just that they found it weird to have a car parked there.

"Second, go to find out whose car is that car?" a man ordered to the people around him.


After a while, the man who was called the second child came to report, "Brother, I found it, it's the car of the former Mayor Long's house."

Long Chenghe is no longer the mayor of Xigang City now, and has been transferred to the national government as the backbone. However, in the hearts of the people in Xigang City, he will never forget this mayor.

"Long Chenghe? Why is his car here?" The man was puzzled. The Long Family Mansion was far away from here. It was so strange that his car came here.

"I don't know, but I shouldn't have come to stare at Jiang Yin?" the second child asked.

"Let's observe and observe first," the man said, "you call the two brothers over again. The car and Jiang Yin are all watched for me. If there is a problem, immediately report to Song Shao."


In the car, He Xiaomei and Long Yixi had been waiting. When a nanny car stopped not far away, Long Yixi stared at the car earnestly until he saw a woman getting out of the car and seeing her clearly. Behind his face, Long Yixi immediately said to He Xiaomei next to him, "Xiaomei, look."

Hearing Long Yixi's voice, He Xiaomei immediately looked over. Sure enough, the woman was the woman in the photo.

"It's her, yes." He Xiaomei said affirmatively.

"Let's see which building she entered first, and then we will go in and look for it." Long Yixi said to He Xiaomei, worried that Xiaomei would be impulsive because of her anxiety.

"Yeah" He Xiaomei nodded and said.

Jiang Yin and his assistant walked side by side into the apartment, followed by two men.

Because of their special identities, the two men behind Jiang Yin were very suspicious, and looked around from time to time, worried that someone would follow him.

It's just that when a man looked at a car, he vaguely saw movement on the window. He didn't know whether it was reflection of light from outside or something inside. The man immediately increased his vigilance.

"Master, there is a problem with that car," the man said immediately.

The footsteps of a group of four immediately stopped. Jiang Yin turned around and looked at the car. It was a luxurious car, but it didn't look brand new, as if it had been in use for a long time.

"Check, who is inside." Jiang Yin said in a cold voice.

"Yes" the man finished answering, and began to take out his phone contacts.

Subsequently, Jiang Yin and his party walked into the apartment.

In the car, Long Yixi and He Xiaomei saw Jiang Yin entering. The two of them would be anxious and wanted to open the door and get out of the car.

"Master, Princess Little Mei, or you stay in the car, I'll go down and have a look." Long's driver said.

I was worried about what happened to the young master and the little princess. Their lives were worth more than their own. If something happened to them, I couldn't afford it.

"No, let's go by ourselves." After He Xiaomei said to the driver, she opened the door and got out of the car.

Long Yixi saw Xiaomei getting out of the car, and then he also got out of the car. The two of them were going to the apartment in Building 3.

After seeing the two children getting out of the car, the Song family didn't have much reaction at first. When a little brother saw He Xiaomei's face clearly, he immediately said in surprise, "It's the He family princess."

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