Cheng Nuo looked into He Zikai’s eyes. He didn’t know what He Zikai was going to say to herself, but thinking about his previous attitude to his eldest daughter, I also felt that I needed to talk about it. Today he treated the eldest daughter like this, maybe tomorrow. What to do with my son and young daughter, so I have to say something clearly to him.

Cheng Nuo did not answer He Zikai immediately, but looked at his son on the bed and asked, "Lichen, can you be alone?"

"Well, it's okay, go, Mommy!" He Lichen said to Mommy.

Cheng Nuo nodded and walked out of the bedroom.

As soon as Cheng Nuo walked into the master bedroom, He Zikai followed. Cheng Nuo walked to the middle of the bedroom and stood still. When he was about to turn around to ask He Zikai, a pair of hands suddenly appeared behind him and hugged herself.

"Nuoer" He Zikai lay next to Cheng Nuo's ear, and yelled affectionately, enjoying the breath of Cheng Nuo greedily.

It's been a long time, I haven't hugged her like this, and I haven't approached her so close, I really missed her very much.

Cheng Nuo stood quietly, indifferent. After a while, he said, "Go ahead, what do you want to talk about?"

Knowing that the time was almost up, He Zikai let go of Cheng Nuo, put her hands on Cheng Nuo's shoulders, and turned her body around.

"Nuoer, can you persuade Xiaomei to stop looking for Jiang Yin." He Zikai looked at Cheng Nuo affectionately and said.

Cheng Nuo looked at He Zikai's eyes, without emotional focus, and suddenly wanted to laugh.

He said to chat with himself, is that just about this matter? Has he not protected Jiang Yin enough in front of his daughter?

"He Zikai," Cheng Nuo called out suddenly, and asked calmly, "What position does Jiang Yin occupy in your heart?"

Hearing Cheng Nuo's voice, He Zikai immediately shook his head, using his eyes and motions to tell Cheng Nuo that Jiang Yin had no place, no place, but he couldn't say a word.

Cheng Nuo didn't quite understand what He Zikai meant by shaking his head, and continued, "If you want to protect her, you can protect her as much as you want, but"

Cheng Nuo will become stronger now, with determination and seriousness in his voice, he met He Zikai’s gaze and said, “If you dare to hurt my children, whether it’s Xiaomei, or Lichen and Xiaoxi, I will work hard with you."

"My child is my guardian and everything to me. No matter who it is, if I dare to hurt them, I will fight that person desperately." Cheng Nuo said.

"Nuoer" He Zikai whispered helplessly, his heart dripping blood all the time.

Nuoer's determination is the same as the determination in his heart. If anyone dares to hurt his children, he will not let it go, neither will he.

But I want to protect the children and Nuoer before they are hurt. Even if the revenge after the injury, the injury has already been done. If you can protect them from harm, that’s the best. of.

"Our child, I will not hurt, really," He Zikai assured Cheng Nuo, with a gentle tone, "I was really impulsive as I did to Xiaomei in the living room, but you have to believe me. It’s for the little good, me"

He Zikai was interrupted by Cheng Nuo before he finished speaking.

"For the sake of little beauty? He Zikai, you should not base your idea of ​​protecting other women on the premise of the good of your children," Cheng Nuo and He Zikai confronted, "Don't you just want to protect Jiang Yin? Then you can protect it. Okay, I didn't say anything."

"What is the reason for Xiaomei doing that, you know it better than me," Cheng Nuo said, "If you are not with that woman, Xiaomei will not do those things, let alone you."

After that, Cheng Nuo didn't say anything further. For a long time, he never thought that He Zikai would hit the child. Xiaomei is herself and his child!

Seeing Cheng Nuo's stubborn appearance, He Zikai felt painful, but he didn't know what to say.

I just want to protect the child, protect Nuoer, and protect this family.

"Nuoer, I beg you, persuade Xiaomei, okay?" He Zikai said in a low voice, "I am worried that if Xiaomei goes to Jiang Yin again, Jiang Yin will be disadvantaged if Jiang Yin is angry."

In the end, He Zikai still said something, because she really couldn't find any other reason to persuade Cheng Nuo to persuade her daughter.

Cheng Nuo had reason in his heart. He didn't understand what He Zikai said.

Jiang Yin doesn’t understand the woman herself, but once met, you can tell from the outside that Jiang Yin is not a simple woman. Now if you think about He Zikai, it’s not wrong. If Jiang Yin gets angry, maybe What will I do to my daughter?

Cheng Nuo looked at He Zikai without directly answering He Zikai’s words and said, “He Zikai, I hope you will pay attention to your children in the future. I don’t ask you to be a husband, but please be a father and don’t hurt the children again.”

After Cheng Nuo finished speaking, he walked around He Zikai and left the bedroom.

When he returned to his son's room, Cheng Nuo saw that his son was asleep, and walked to the bed to sit beside him. Gradually, Cheng Nuo cried.

I was very wronged and sad. I always thought that giving love and giving all my sincerity would return the love and care I wanted. I didn’t ask He Zikai to give myself such a passionate love, but at least I wanted his Really, but now? His sincerity lies in other women.

Cheng Nuo didn't know how long he had been crying, and kept suppressing his voice, but he cried silently, worried that he might disturb his son.

When lying on the bed holding his son to sleep, Cheng Nuo was still sad, closed his eyes and fell asleep in sadness.

At one o'clock in the morning, in the study room by the Lishui Bay, He Zikai was standing in front of the window, looking at the night view outside, without any sleep.

I didn't have the courage to go back to the master bedroom to sleep, because there was no Nuoer in it, and in the room without Nuoer, I felt colder than winter, and my heart was already repelling.

After a long time, He Zikai turned around and looked at the study, and then stepped out of the study. Instead of going back to the master bedroom, he went to his son's room.

Opening the door of his son's room, He Zikai walked in lightly, looking cautiously, worried that Nuo'er and his son would have a rest.

Standing by the bed, watching Nuo'er sound asleep, her brows kept frowning. He Zikai looked at it seriously, and her heart hurt again.

"Nuo'er" whispered, He Zikai didn't want to wake up Noer, but couldn't help the throbbing in her heart, and whispered.

Leaning down, did He Zikai not control her emotions and kissed the little woman’s lips, but didn’t do anything else, because she kept reminding herself that she could not wake the little woman. If she woke up, she might I won't even have the kiss at this moment.

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