Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 651: Do you really... believe me?

"Yes" the driver answered, and then started the car and left the airport.

Three cars followed, heading towards the city.

The man has been looking out the window, because the speed of the car is fast, the man can only enjoy the passing scenery, but the mood is always happy.

"Cheng, Nuo." The man faintly spoke and said two words, with a smile in his eyes, and his face was naturally relaxed.

In the leisure bar, Cheng Nuo finished his work in the office, and then sat in a corner of the private room on the second floor, sitting quietly, but in a bad mood and even upset.

I don't know what I have now? The person you love has become the lover of other women, living in such a big room every day, but you don't feel a trace of warmth, but feel very cold, very cold.

The children are not as happy as they used to be because they don’t have the love of their father. Especially Xiaomei, looks gloomy every day. I am worried that if the child goes on like this for a long time, it will leave a shadow on her heart and affect her. growing up.

Cheng Nuo didn't know how long he sat here for a long time, and how long he was in a daze. It wasn't until the person in front of him sat down that Cheng Nuo took back his thoughts and looked at the unknown man in front of him.

"Something on your mind?" the man asked, with a slight smile on his face.

She is much more beautiful than the picture, and it seems that He Zikai's vision is pretty good.

Cheng Nuo didn't intend to hide the thoughts that were guessed by the man, because his heart was very tired and he had no energy to pretend or pretend to behave.

"Well," Cheng Nuo replied, and then looked to one side, staring at a quiet spot with a serious expression, and said, "I don't know how to live in the future?"

The man doesn't need to guess what the trouble is because of Cheng Nuo. He cast his gaze on Cheng Nuo's face and said, "You can talk about it, maybe I can help you out."

The man would say this sentence without any malice. He just wanted to see if Cheng Nuo would tell a stranger about him?

However, Cheng Nuo told.

At this time, Cheng Nuo had no defensive psychology, and said directly, "The original happy and warm home, because my husband had other women outside, our whole family became very desolate."

The man looked at the expression on Cheng Nuo's face and the tone of her words, without any thoughts of diverting her attention. He continued to look and listen.

"In the eyes of outsiders, living in such a big luxury villa must be very happy," Cheng Nuo's tone has been calm, as if narrating a normal thing, "but only those who live in it will understand. If there is no love in the villa, what a cold, gloomy, and terrible thing it would be."

"Why not find that woman?" the man asked, "Your marriage is protected by law. If you argue with that woman, you have a great advantage."

Cheng Nuo listened to the man's words, shook his head, and said, "Look for her? What about driving her away? Maybe after a while, another woman will appear."

Cheng Nuo said, his eyes slowly moved to the man and said, "The root of the matter is not in that woman at all, but in the person who has the name of a husband and wife but does not love me."

The man looked at Cheng Nuo's gaze, did not say anything, but was already affirmed in his heart, it seemed that Jiang Yin was really with He Zikai.

It's just that He Zikai abandoned this beautiful wife. Could it be that his marriage has always been a false name?

But he and this woman have three children, how could it be


The man can't figure it out, but he doesn't plan to think about it, because after that, some time investigation.

"Are you married?" Cheng Nuo suddenly asked the man in front of him.

The man was startled, but he still answered, "No."

Cheng Nuo nodded, saying that he knew it, and finally pulled out a reluctant smile at the corner of his mouth. He restrained his emotions and said to the man, "I hope you can meet the person you like, and then love her. In fact, women don't ask too much. With so much material and external things, she only needs a man's heart and company, and a man's heart. Even if she is poor, a woman is willing to spend a lifetime with him."

Something in the man's heart touched, and an unknown emotion emerged in an instant, running through his entire body.

No one has ever said this to myself. I have never had such a way of communicating with my heart.

The people around him are almost all his subordinates. They only obey orders and never ask their troubles or even speak out.

All the time, from childhood to adulthood, it seems that at this moment, I have experienced a feeling that I have never had before. This feeling is throbbing.

"Do you regret marrying him?" the man asked with restraint.

Cheng Nuo shook his head and said seriously, "I don't regret it. After all, I have loved deeply and had true love. I always remember his kindness to me."

Speaking of this, Cheng Nuo's mood improved a bit and continued, "It may be that people's hearts will change. It is normal to like the new and dislike the old. We have lived for so many years. Even if we have had true love, it will not last for the time."

Listening to Cheng Nuo's words, the man was thinking about a question in his heart.

He Zikai, really don't love Cheng Nuo anymore? Or is he just acting on Jiang Yin? Confused Jiang Yin?

The last sentence of Fu Cheng Nuo awakened himself. Maybe his heart will change. He loves the new and dislikes the old. He is bored with Cheng Nuo, but has feelings for Jiang Yin?

Hmph, even if they have feelings, I think it's impossible for them to be together.

Cheng Nuo would completely come back to his senses, only to feel that he had said too much to this man, because he didn't even know him.

"Sorry, I told you this just now." Cheng Nuo said apologetically.

The man shook his head, the corners of his mouth moved, but instead of smiling, he stared at Cheng Nuo's eyes and asked, "May I ask, why would you talk about your private affairs to a stranger?"

Such private affairs were painful, helpless, and sad, but she seemed to have no defense at all and told herself all.

Cheng Nuo looked at the man in front of him. He didn't want to go back to find the previous feelings. He followed the inner thoughts at the moment and said, "Because, there is a feeling that I think you are a good person, trust you!"

Suddenly, the man widened his eyes in surprise and looked at Cheng Nuo, because what Cheng Nuo said this time really shocked him.

From the very beginning, I sat down, as if this woman had always surprised herself, feeling like she had never felt before.

"Do you really believe me?" the man asked, staring at Cheng Nuo's eyes.

Ever since I was young, whether it is a foster father or mother, or anyone around me, I have never said to believe in myself. I no longer know what it feels like to believe in me.

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