Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 661: Is it the same person?

Yesterday it was indeed because I was too anxious, I and Jing Ye had been busy looking for Gu Yao, but I didn’t even bother to call home. When I met Jing Ye, it was already one o’clock in the morning, and I wanted to call Nuo’er. , But worried that she would have a rest, so she didn't call.

"No need." Cheng Nuo said three words calmly, and then he was about to pass by He Zikai.

He Zikai suddenly took Cheng Nuo's arm, his tone was a little firm, and he also asked, "Nuoer, send the children to school together, I have something to say to you."

Cheng Nuo knew that he couldn't get rid of He Zikai's hand, so he didn't say anything, just stood quietly.

"Mommy, I and Xiaoxi will be late for school if I don't leave." He Lichen reminded him, standing behind Mommy.

"Yes." He Xiaoxi would think the same as He Lichen, looking at Papa and Mommy.

"Let's go, today Dadbi and Mommy will send you to school." He Zikai said, taking his son's hand and walking to the door.

"Hmm." He Xiaoxi said happily.

Cheng Nuo didn't argue in the end. He saw He Zikai taking his son into his car and getting into his car with his daughter.

After He Zikai drove the children to the kindergarten, watching the children go in, He Zikai said to Cheng Nuo, "Nuoer, let's go home, I have something to say to you."

Cheng Nuo did not answer He Zikai, turned and left the door of the kindergarten.

On the shore of Lishui Bay, He Zikai and Cheng Nuo returned home. He Zikai took Cheng Nuo's hand and sat down on the sofa. When he was about to say something, He Zikai's cell phone rang suddenly.

He Zikai could only stop what he wanted to say, and took out his mobile phone to answer the call.

Seeing that the call was An Lin, He Zikai immediately connected it.

"How? Did you find it?" He Zikai asked, in a very anxious tone.

"Not yet, Mr. He," An Lin replied, and then said, "Guan Wei just contacted me so we don't have to look for it, you see."

"No need to look for it?" He Zikai repeated, naturally knowing that what Guan Wei said to An Lin was what Jing Ye meant.

"Yeah." An Lin said.

He Zikai thought for a while before saying to An Lin, "Then don't look for it first, let everyone go home and rest, and look for it later."


After hanging up the phone, He Zikai looked at Cheng Nuo next to him and said, "Wait for me, I will call Jing Ye." q1q0

After speaking, He Zikai picked up the phone again and dialed Jing Ye's number.

The phone was connected quickly, and He Zikai asked directly, "Jing Ye, why didn't An Lin and the others find it?"

"I've searched the entire Xigang City, but haven't found it yet. Yaoyao should not be in Xigang City anymore," Song Jingye said, with a feeling of uncertainty in his tone, "Let everyone go back and rest first. Let's meet later. There are some things I want to discuss with you."

"Well, I'll be looking for you in a while." He Zikai said, this meeting has already guessed Jing Ye's general idea.

After hanging up the phone, He Zikai heard Cheng Nuo's voice before he said anything.

"Yaoyao, what's the matter?" Cheng Nuo asked He Zikai suspiciously. Just now, he vaguely heard Jing Ye's voice on the phone, saying why Yaoyao is not in Xigang City, what is going on?

He Zikai did not answer Cheng Nuo immediately, but looked at Cheng Nuo's eyes and said seriously, "Nuoer, you promise me first. After listening, you must calm down."


Cheng Nuo didn't understand what He Zikai meant, and he was eager to know about Yaoyao, and nodded in agreement.

"Gu Yao, missing," He Zikai told Cheng Nuo truthfully, "maybe kidnapped."

Suddenly, Cheng Nuo opened his eyes wide and looked at He Zikai, but he couldn't react.

He Zikai continued, "Yesterday afternoon, Jing Ye and I started looking for Gu Yao, but we still didn't find it until this morning."

"No, I won't find it, I won't!" Cheng Nuo had already lost control of his emotions, and said, shaking his head.

Seeing the little woman like this, He Zikai couldn't bear it and stretched out his hand to take the little woman into his arms, comfortingly said, "You will find it, trust me."

Cheng Nuo stayed in He Zikai's arms, this would be very messy in his mind, Gu Yao's figure kept reappearing, suddenly something came to mind.

"Yesterday Jing Ye called me and asked me which children's clothing store Yaoyao went to, and if it was enough for Hui Yaoyao," Cheng Nuo asked, her voice trembling.

"It should be." He Zikai didn't know what time Jing Ye called Nuo'er yesterday, but now, guessing it, it should be that.

Cheng Nuo stopped talking immediately, and he still couldn't accept this reality in his heart.

How could Yaoyao get caught? I don’t believe it. Yaoyao usually takes care of her children at home and occasionally goes out shopping with herself.

"Akai," Cheng Nuo suddenly called He Zikai weakly, without much thinking in his heart, and asked, "Who are those people?"

He Zikai shook his head, "I don't know yet, because something went wrong in the casino."

"What?" Cheng Nuo was even more surprised, looking up at He Zikai, with panic in his eyes.

He Zikai couldn't find any words to comfort the little woman at this meeting, so she could only say in more detail, "First, there was an accident in the casino. Jing Ye was dealing with the casino. Then Aunt Song called Jing Ye and said that Yaoyao did not go home. Jing Ye went to look for it, but couldn't find it."

"Is it the same person?" Cheng Nuo asked.

"It should be, but I haven't found it yet." He Zikai replied.

Cheng Nuo suddenly didn't know what to say, and stayed quietly in He Zikai's arms.

He Zikai saw the little woman calm down, and then continued, "Nuo'er, I didn't call you last night. After I knew about Gu Yao, I looked for it with Jing Ye. I was too busy to take care of it. Don't be angry. ,Ok?"

Cheng Nuo nodded. Actually, after knowing the truth just now, he was not angry anymore.

He did not go to Jiang Yin, he was not with Jiang Yin, as long as this was confirmed, he would not be angry.

Because of the love in my heart for him, even in this life, I have not reduced my love for him.

Seeing the little woman nodding her head, He Zikai felt less worried, at least, there was no misunderstanding between herself and Nuoer because of this matter.

"I will stay with you at home for a while. I will go out and meet with Jing Ye later." He Zikai said to Cheng Nuo. He missed seeing her little woman all night, and wanted very much.

"I want to meet Jing Ye with you." Cheng Nuo said to He Zikai.

He Zikai naturally knew what the little woman's thoughts were, and shook her head and said, "No, you stay at home. If Jing Ye and I find Yaoyao, we will call you."

"But me" Cheng Nuo wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by He Zikai before he finished speaking.

"Nuo'er, be good, what about Gu Yao, with Jing Ye and me, you stay at home and take good care of the children." He Zikai said to Cheng Nuo.

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