Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 669: He didn't say, that would be death!

"What you just said, Yaoyao was missing on the way back to the mansion?" Song Yihai asked her son.

"Yeah." Song Jingye answered.

Song Yihai thought for a while and continued to ask, "Did you find anything in the casino? Who did everything?"

"I haven't found it yet." Song Jingye said.

Song Yihai thought about it seriously, and then said, "After dinner, you continue to find Yaoyao. I will go to the casino and find some friends later."

I can’t just sit back and watch things about gambling and my daughter-in-law.

"Well," Song Jingye responded, suddenly remembering something, and hurriedly said to his father, "Dad, you know now, but can you not tell my mother or the children."

"My mother will be sad when she knows it, and the children are so young, I don't want them to know." Song Jingye said.

Song Yihai nodded, "Well, I know, your mother and the children, I won't talk about it for now."

After finishing speaking, Song Yihai raised his head to meet his son's gaze, and said again with certainty, "The most important thing at the moment is to find Yaoyao first. Let's put it aside."

I don't care how much money I lose. Even if the Song family doesn't have the income from the casino, they will not be poor for a while.

Just a daughter-in-law is very important to the family. She is the life of the son, the support of the children, and even the center of the family. She and Xueqin also like this daughter-in-law. She is gentle and virtuous, and very filial to herself and Xueqin.

"Yeah" Song Jingye nodded.

The father and son chatted for a long time in the study, until Hu Xueqin came upstairs to ask them to eat, the two of them left the study and went downstairs to eat.

In the restaurant, Song Yiyang didn't cling to Dadbi much, and Song Xiaoxuan, staying in Dadbi's arms, asked Dadbi to feed herself, with a happy smile on her face.

"Daddy, with you here, I eat deliciously." Song Xiaoxuan said happily.

"Well, then eat more, okay?" Song Jingye said to his daughter.

"Fine." Song Xiaoxuan replied.

While feeding her daughter to dinner, Song Jingye said to her daughter, "Xiao Xuan, I and Yaoyao are busy these days. You and your brother have to listen to grandparents at home, you know?"

"I see," Song Xiaoxuan nodded and answered seriously, and then asked Dadbi again, "Daddy, will you come back to see me often? Will Mommy come back?"

Song Jingye thought for a while before answering her daughter, "Yaoyao won't come back to see you recently, but Dadbi promises that if there are no accidents, Dadbie will come back to accompany you every day, ok?

I was worried that the children would miss Yaoyao too much and would cry and make noises, so I decided to take time to come back to see the children every day, even if they stay at home for a while, so that the children would not think about it or make a fuss about seeing them. Yaoyao.

"Well, that's great, then I can see Dadbie every day from now on." Song Xiaoxuan said happily. Although she missed Mommy in her heart, it would be great to see Dadbie every day in the future.

And what Mommy said before, you have to listen to what Dadbi said to her, so what Dadbi said now is what it is.

Seeing that his sister was happy, Song Yiyang felt a little happy in his heart. He said to Dadbi, "Daddy, I want a toy. Can you buy it for me next time you come back?"

"Well, no problem, what do you want? Tell Dad all." Song Jingye promised his son.

"I have to think about it first." Song Xiaoxuan said proudly.

"Okay, think about it and tell Dad Bi." Song Jingye will try his best to rely on the children.

After eating, Song Jingye greeted his mother and children, and was about to leave the mansion with his father, when the phone rang suddenly.

Song Jingye took out his mobile phone and saw that it was the number of his younger brother and hurriedly connected.


"Say" Song Jingye said a word to the phone.

"Song Shao, I found someone who was in the casino before." Xiaodihui on the other end of the phone reported.

"Where?" Song Jingye's mood suddenly became tense, and he asked hastily.

"In the alleys of South Street, our brother has already caught him." The younger brother reported.

"Send me the exact location. I'll come here now." After Song Jingye finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"What's the matter?" Song Yihai asked when seeing that the child's mood was different from just now, there must be some clues.

"I found someone, I'll go over and take a look now, maybe he has a clue about Yaoyao." Song Jingye said to his father.

"We will go there together." Song Yihai decided.

When the father and son walked out of the mansion, Song Yihai said to the butler who was waiting before, "I'm in Jingye's car, and you drive with us."

I planned to ask the butler to send myself to the casino, but if there is news from my son, then go and check it out first.


Then, two cars drove out of the mansion one after another.

In the corners of the alleys of South Street, there are many people in black, and among these people in black, a man trembling all over, holding his head in his hands, looking at the people around him in horror.

The Song family's younger brother stood around, staring at the man, without speaking, just waiting for Song Shao to deal with it.

Suddenly, a person shouted, "Song Shao is here."

All the younger brothers of the Song family, as well as the man, suddenly became nervous.

Then, the person who had just shouted shouted again, "Master Song is also here."

At this time, all the Song family brothers immediately stood in two rows and bowed at ninety degrees to express their welcome to Song Master.

"Master Song, Young Master Song." All the younger brothers greeted the two masters politely.

Regardless of his little brother’s greetings, Song Jingye hurriedly walked to the man. The next action was to pull up the man’s collar and asked angrily, "Where is my woman?"

The man looked at Song Jingye tremblingly and saw the murderous anger in his eyes. He was afraid in his heart, but he did not dare to betray Mr. Bo. Mr. Bo's methods were too cruel, and he could not imagine the fate of betraying him.

"I, I don't know." The man replied.

"Don't tell me?" Song Jingye asked again.

The man did not speak, but stared at Song Jingye in panic.

Song Jingye had seen it himself, had seen it in the casino, and he knew a little bit about the strength of the Song family and Song Jingye's way of doing things, but he was more afraid of Mr. Bo than Mr. Bo.

Song Jingye didn't speak any more, just took a hand away from the man's collar, and then stretched it back.

The younger brothers understood what Song Shao meant, and a younger brother immediately stepped forward and handed his gun over.

Song Jingye took the gun and pointed it at the man's head. The anger in his eyes had reached its limit.

He didn't say, that would be death!

When the man saw Song Jingye's movements, his body trembled with fright, and when he heard Song Jingye's fingers trying to pull in his ear, the man immediately said, "I, I said"

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