Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 681: Are you savage in my site?

In the private room on the second floor, Bo Shaoyan just sat down for a while when he saw Cheng Nuo walking over in work clothes. Bo Shaoyan was immediately excited and hurriedly stood up.

"Cheng Nuo." Bo Shaoyan called out cordially when Cheng Nuo approached.

"Well," Cheng Nuo just nodded his head calmly, and then reached out his hand to signal, and said to Bo Shaoyan, "Sit down."

The two sat down face to face, Cheng Nuo ordered the waiter to bring two drinks over.

After that, Cheng Nuo asked Bo Shaoyan, "Come to see me today, what's the matter?"

Hearing Cheng Nuo's question, Bo Shaoyan still couldn't control his emotions at the moment, and said to Cheng Nuo excitedly, "I want to be friends with you. Let's keep in touch, okay?"

Yesterday, she said that she couldn't let go of her heart. She wanted to contact her, she wanted to be friends with her, and friends forever. So early this morning, I hurried to find her at leisure.

Cheng Nuo looked at Bo Shaoyan with no emotion at all on his face, and his tone was not as gentle and close as before. Instead, he was calm and cold. "Sorry, I don't want to be friends with you anymore. The reason I said yesterday. "

He is firm in his heart, because Zi Kai cares, and Zi Kai cares, so he would rather lose his friend Bo Shaoyan.

"Cheng Nuo, he obviously doesn't love you, why should you care about him? I just want to be friends with you and have time to chat together. I am very happy to chat with you." Bo Shaoyan said excitedly.

All I want to have is these, nothing more.

Because she was the first person to touch her heart, and she was the first person to say that she believed in herself, and she cherished her friend very much.

Cheng Nuo pulled a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said to Bo Shaoyan in a calm tone, "Although he doesn't love me, I love him, and after all, he is my husband and the father of my child."

Cheng Nuo didn’t say too much about his feelings for He Zikai in front of Bo Shaoyan, because his heart was really tired. He loved that man, but he didn’t love himself. His intention was to be friends with Bo Shaoyan, an ordinary friend. That's fine, but He Zikai cared and had to do it.

"Cheng Nuo, I" Bo Shaoyan hurriedly asked himself to fight for the opportunity, hoping that Cheng Nuo could change his mind and continue to be friends with himself.

But before he finished speaking, Cheng Nuo interrupted him.

"Shao Yan," Cheng Nuo said with a cold tone, a little helpless, looking at Bo Shaoyan, "We will be strangers in the future. If you come for leisure, the waiter will definitely entertain you, please don't call me again. ."

After speaking, Cheng Nuo got up and left.

"Cheng Nuo." Bo Shaoyan hurriedly called out, trying to stop Cheng Nuo, and rushing forward to stop Cheng Nuo.

But I didn't expect to be stopped by a woman after just two steps.

Bo Shaoyan's face changed suddenly, looking at the woman in front of him angrily, and sternly shouted, "Get out of the way."

Bai Jing didn't mean to get away at all. Looking at Bo Shaoyan's fierce face, she was not afraid in her heart, "Mr. Bo, our wife said, don't look for her again."

Mrs? Bo Shaoyan suddenly understood in his heart that this woman was sent by He Zikai.

"Huh, do you think you can stop me?" Bo Shaoyan said to the woman with a cold face.

Bai Jing did not answer Bo Shaoyan's words, but first looked behind her body and saw that his wife had already left, and then looked at Bo Shaoyan.

auzw.com "My purpose is not to stop you, but to protect our master." Bai Jing replied.

I must obey the husband's instructions, and protect his wife is what I should do.

Today, whether it is this man or someone else, as long as he is entangled with his wife, he will stop it.

"Protection?" Bo Shaoyan repeated, looking at the person in front of him with disdain, "Don't call He Zikai's surveillance of Cheng Nuo what you call "protection."

This woman did this, she knew too well what was going on.

He Zikai has been sending people to monitor Cheng Nuo secretly, huh! It seems that He Zikai is really unpredictable. He doesn't love his wife, but he has to restrict his wife's freedom. If he doesn't do something, how can he prove that He Zikai's approach is wrong?

Moreover, in order to express to Cheng Nuo that I really want to be friends with her, I must do something.

Bai Jing didn't understand Bo Shaoyan's words, because her husband only told herself to follow his wife and not let strangers approach his wife. She didn't know anything else.

But it seems that this person just mentioned her husband's name, and he should know him.

Seeing that Bai Jing didn't mean to speak, Bo Shaoyan turned around and looked outside the window, just staring at his hand outside the window. Bo Shaoyan then retracted his gaze, smiling at the corners of his mouth while looking at Bai Jing.

When Bai Jing was wondering why Bo Shaoyan was laughing, she only heard the jagged footsteps behind her, and then turned around to take a look, and many people in black strode over.

"What are you going to do?" Bai Jing didn't panic at this moment and asked if she looked at Bo Shaoyan.

"Do you think the person who stopped me will end well?" Bo Shaoyan asked Bai Jing back, without answering her words.

When Bai Jing was about to say something, only two 1.8-meter-long men walked to Bai Jing, put her hands on Bai Jing, and prepared to take her away. qaa;

However, just before the two men were holding Bai Jing before going downstairs, they saw He Zikai and An Lin coming up, and there were a group of people behind them.

Suddenly the lounge area became narrower. Fortunately, there were no guests in the private room on the second floor at this time. No matter whether the people from Bo Shaoyan or He Zikai, there was no interference in the lounge.

"Let go of her." An Lin said, immediately took out his gun and raised it to the two people holding Bai Jing.

The two men did not move, nor did they mean to let go, but looked at Mr. Bo behind them.

He Zikai had a panoramic view of the scene before him. Suddenly, he grabbed the gun directly from An Lin, and directed the two men beside Bai Jing, "Bang!" "Bang!"

The two men were shot in their respective left legs, and immediately had to let go of Bai Jing, kneeling on the ground and covering his wounds, with a hideous expression.

Bai Jing took this opportunity to rush to An Lin's side.

Bo Shaoyan was a little surprised at once, and all his staff took out their guns one by one and confronted He Zikai's people, but no one dared to act rashly.

Upstairs, after hearing the gunshot, Cheng Nuo didn't know what happened, but the first thing in his mind was that Bai Jing might have something wrong, because when he hurriedly left the room, he stood there when he saw Bai Jing. At the side, she should have stopped Bo Shaoyan.

"Bai Jing" Cheng Nuo yelled, and immediately ran downstairs.

He Zikai glanced at the people around him first, and then set his eyes on Bo Shaoyan. Even if he met for the first time in so many years, he still had no difference or surprise.

"Bo Shaoyan, did you run wild on my site?" He Zikai's voice was very angry, and the anger in his eyes kept burning.

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