Bell Cranel made his way deeper into the |Dungeon|, taking care of his surroundings so as not to be caught off guard by <Goblins> or <Kobolds> on the |Upper Floors|. That day he decided to go a little deeper than he normally would. Despite being an [Adventurer] for just two weeks, and his [Guild] adviser, Eina Tulle, many of the [Adventurers] newbies only stay on the first two floors without proper preparation or forming a group of at least 3 people .

However, Bell had already made a lot of progress and as he managed to deal with the <Goblins> and <Kobolds> in the first four levels, he wanted to change things up a bit.

(Bell): "How strange, nothing is coming ..." - he murmured while rubbing his own head

Although monsters are always born from |Dungeon|, the rate at which they would reappear is not constant or massive, if any group of [Adventurers] defeated the monsters in that area it would be long before they were born again.

(Bell): "I think I will take another path."

When Bell was turning around to choose another path, he spotted a c.h.e.s.t.

The c.h.e.s.t was in a dead end, it was simple without any extravagant ornaments, both the wood and the iron parts had a similar color to the wall. The only thing that would make the c.h.e.s.t stand out a little was the blood red symbol above the lock.

(Bell): "A treasure c.h.e.s.t !?" - Bell shouted before covering his mouth and looking around to see if anyone was around - "Is it some kind of prize?"

Bell thought he could only see the c.h.e.s.t because he was looking for something, after all the c.h.e.s.t was quite well camouflaged. If someone had found a camouflaged c.h.e.s.t, they would stay as far away as possible, fearing it was some kind of trap. But overcome with excitement, in addition to being inexperienced and quick to believe in others, he went straight to opening the c.h.e.s.t thinking about the type of treasure he could have inside.

(Bell): "Is it some kind of sword ... maybe an armor?" - Bell thought hopefully as he knelt in front of the c.h.e.s.t to open it - "Oh, it's not locked!"

And with little weight, he easily opened the c.h.e.s.t and found a golden cup.

Although he was a little disappointed that he was not a [Holy Sword] or a [Holy Armor], the chalice charmed him in the same way. If you pass the eye quickly you would see only a simple chalice, but it had many details engraved in the gold, which showed that whoever made it put their heart in that piece.

(Bell): "Wow ..."

He had no idea how much the cup would be worth, but thanks to all these details, he knew the sum would be high. However, the cup was so beautiful that he had no d.e.s.i.r.e to sell it, despite feeling a little guilty, after all the money could help his [Goddess] and his little [Family]. Instead of selling it, it would be better to give it to your [Goddess] as a gift.

(Bell): "That's enough for today" - he said as he stood up with the cup in his hands - "I should go back and-"

When he turned to make his way to the surface, he came upon a giant brown monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man. A <Minotaur>. A monster that would put even the upper class [Adventurers] in serious trouble if they don't take care of themselves. And he was on the |Upper Floors|, where only newbies stay.



When the <Minotaur> roared in front of Bell, he let out a not-too-male cry, when <Minotaur> raised his weapon, a kind of simple club, to attack him, Bell ran and passed between <Minotaur>'s legs, close to having his head crushed. When he was going to start running again, towards the exit, the <Minotaur>, with a movement until agile for someone of his size, hit Bell and sent him against a wall. Despite remaining alive, and feeling that luck did not break any bones, for Bell it made no difference, as he was unable to fight back as he was unable to move his body very well after that attack.

When the <Minotaur> came closer, Bell realized he was still holding the cup, Bell closed his eyes and placed the cup between him and the monster even though it was futile.

Time seemed to pass more slowly and several thoughts filled Bell's head:

(Bell): 'I don't want to give up, but I'm afraid. I don't want to be just another body. I want to be able to raise my hand against my opponents. I want to be able to stand up and fight by my own rules. I want to ... I want to be a [Hero] '

As if responding to Bell's thoughts, the chalice began to shine with an intense golden light at the same time a calm but determined voice, where one could feel the elegance of the origin of this voice just by hearing it, reached his ears.

(????): "Hmph! You must embrace your fear of death and fight no matter what fate awaits you. Commendable action, very well said! Even if the world never hears your d.e.s.i.r.e and determination, know that I admire and respect!"

When he heard those words, the golden light faded and Bell opened his eyes to see a figure in a red dress and blond hair that could have passed for gold and golden greaves, who was between him and the <Minotaur>.

(????): "Umu! You chose well! You understand that you are not wrong, Mage! But I must ask, are you my master?" - the woman asked while looking over her shoulder at Bell. Bell saw that the woman had beautiful emerald green eyes.

(Bell): "I ... uh ... huh?" - Bell could do nothing more than babble to the woman who had a smile that was both gentle, lively and childlike.

(????): "It seems like a lot to process, isn't it?" - the woman said this while looking back at <Minotaur> - "Wait just a little while I defeat this guy."

The <Minotaur>, not being shaken by the golden light or by the person who appeared mysteriously in front of him, attacked, and moving gracefully, as if he had been dancing instead of fighting, the woman in red dodged the attack, and a whirlwind of flame appeared in the palm of your hand. Bell thought she was a magician and was using a spell, although it struck her that she did not recite an incantation, when the whirlwind turned into a red and black sword, and with one stroke beheaded the <Minotaur>, whose head flew off . The moment the <Minotaur> head touched the ground, both she and the body dissolved in a black fog.

The monster Bell couldn't even scratch was defeated in an instant while Bell could only sit and watch the sword in the woman's hand go up in flames and disappear, and she took a big purple [Magic Stone] that was left by <Minotaur> .

(????): "Everything is fine with you?" - The woman asked as she turned to him.

(Bell): "Ah! Y-Yes!" - Bell said this after taking a potion that, luckily, did not break in the attack he received from <Minotaur> and after getting up, he bowed to the woman - "Thank you for saving me"

(????): "No problem, Praetor" - the woman said while playing [Magic Stone] for Bell - "Take it!"

(Bell): "Huh? W-What !?"

The [Magic Stone] bounced in the hands of Bell, who was still holding the golden cup, before actually taking it.

(Bell): "Wait. I can't accept this!" - Bell said quickly - "You who defeated him!"

(????): "As my master, my victories and achievements are yours too, Praetor" - Saber said this with an excited smile, then she observed the place where she was - "By the way, where are we?"

Bell stared at that woman.

(Bell): "Umm ... are you saying you don't know your way out of |Dungeon|?" Bell asks as the woman laughs.

(????): "No, I don't know. Could you show me the way?" - The woman replied while looking at him.

(Bell): "Oh, sure!"

Bell kept the chalice and the [Magic Stone] in his bag and guided the woman to the surface, until they met some [Adventurers] but no monsters, making the trip until smooth.

(Bell): "Umm ..." - Bell spoke drawing the woman's attention after passing a [Pallum] - "Could I know your name? Ah, I'm Bell Cranel."

(????): "I am Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus." - She said this while puffing out her c.h.e.s.t and placing her right hand on her c.h.e.s.t - "But I would like you to call me Saber, Praetor."

(Bell): "'Saber', like swords?" - when Saber nodded, another question popped into Bell's head - "Umm ... Miss Saber why did you call me master, and you refer to me as 'Praetor'?"

(????): "You don't need the 'Miss' Praetor, and you as the one who invoked me are my master, the one who guided me to battles, and where I came from, the only ones who can guide others to battles are the praetor. "

(Bell): "Did I summon you?"

With that question, Saber, by the expression on his face, was a little surprised, but soon realized that the boy with white hair and red eyes in front of him did not know what he had done.

(Saber): "You really don't know?" - Saber was a little uncomfortable with this - "Well, ignorance is a pity but it is not a sin. Praetor, do you have any place or someone who lets you have somewhere to rest? I explain everything there."

(Bell): "Well, we can go to my [Goddess], can you explain to me what happened there" - when you said that an idea came up in your head - "Ah! Saber would you like to join my [Family]?

Saber again was surprised after Bell said she had a [Goddess], but the term [Family] was unknown, which excited her a little.

(Saber): "Umm ... Praetor, will your [Goddess] agree?"

(Bell): "Don't worry!" - said Bell with a radiant smile - "We are not a big [Family] yet, so there is no reason why she refuses potential recruits!"

(Saber): "So it's okay, I'll do it."

Before going to the old church that was the home of the [Hestia Family], Bell wanted to sell the <Minotaur> [Magic Stone] and tell Eina what happened.

His [Guild] advisor, a woman with brown hair with slightly pointed ears, the mark of a [Half-Elf], who wore the guild's basic uniform, black vest, white blouse and black pants, who looked at some papers in reception desk when he entered. After asking Saber to wait at the door, Bell ran over to his counselor with a smile.

(Bell): "Miss Eina, I'm back"

(Eina): "Welcome back, Bell." - Eina said surprised, lifting her glasses a little - "You came back early today. Did you change your mind about going to |Dungeon| today? There's nothing wrong with taking a break"

(Bell): "No, I got off the |Dungeon|. I just had an accident."

(Eina): "Huh? What happened?"

Bell then told Eina about the incident in which he found the chalice, was attacked by a <Minotaur> and then was saved by Saber in time.

(Eina): "Leaving aside the fate of you having a <Minotaur>, a monster of |Intermediate Levels|, in |Upper Levels| ..." - Eina said while rubbing her forehead - "How many times have I said that a [Adventurer] shouldn't you go on unprepared adventures? You have to prepare yourself properly to descend further into |Dungeon|"

(Bell): "Y-Yes ..."

Bell was a little embarrassed. He went down more in |Dungeon| hoping to find a beautiful girl and save her. But there was this ... he wanted to save people, not just beautiful girls. Saber's back was etched in his mind. Strong, brave, proud, and without fear of danger. Like an invincible wall that would protect everyone I decided to protect.

Bell wanted to be someone like that, although protecting the girls stayed in the background, he wanted to be someone who, just showing up, would make the person in danger if he felt safe. That they had been saved.

The word [Adventurer] didn't seem right for that feeling. Was it more like ... a [Hero]?

(Eina): "Anyway ... where is this person called Saber?"

Eina's question took Bell out of her thoughts. He looked at the door where Saber decided to stay in the corner so as not to disturb who was going to enter and waved at her. Seeing him, Saber walked over to him.

(Saber): "What was Praetor?" - She asked looking from Bell to Eina - "Hello, are you the Praetor's advisor?"

Eina was a little confused by the way Saber referred to Bell but still managed to express her gratitude.

(Eina): "Nice to meet you, Miss Saber, my name is Eina Tulle" - Eina said this with a little bow - "First of all I would like to thank you for helping Bell Cranel in |Dungeon|"

Saber nodded to show that she accepted the thanks and that she would continue

(Eina): "And I would like to say that, as you appear to be someone who has just arrived in the city, there is nothing to prevent you from entering |Dungon|, but we will not exchange the [Magic Stones] for Valis until you register with the [Guild]. Speaking of which, what [Family] are you in? "

(Saber): "In the Praetor's" - Saber said in an animated tone.

(Eina): "Oh, Bell" - Eina said, while clapping and smiling - "You didn't say you got another member for your [Family]."

(Bell): "Well, it's still not official." - Bell replied, scratching the back of his neck - "We haven't seen Lady Hestia yet to receive her yet."

(Eina): "Then I will not hold you back" - Eina waved - "Oh, and don't forget to change the [Magic Stones] you collected before leaving"

(Bell): "Okay. Come on, Saber. I'll show you how it works."

After exchanging [Magic Stones], including that of <Minotaur>, who raised more money than Bell managed in the combined two weeks he was [Adventurer], he left the [Guild], saying goodbye to Eina at the door.

After Bell and Saber disappeared from their vision a question that had arisen in Eina's mind came back and she murmured to herself

(Eina): "Why does she call Bell 'Praetor'?"

After leaving the [Guild], Bell guided Saber to the [Family] home. When they arrived, it was a rather dilapidated church, where the walls were crumbling and the statue of the goddess on the roof had more holes than a Swiss cheese.

(Bell): "It's not much, since we're a little poor ..." - Bell admitted - "But it's really comfortable. We have running water and a kitchen at least."

(Saber): "Umu, in fact it is quite humble for an empress ..., but an artist like me can be inspired and express herself anywhere"

After saying that, Saber followed Bell into the church. They passed the broken benches into a small room behind the altar. It was a storage room lined with empty shelves that opened to reveal a staircase.

The two went down the stairs where Bell opened the door at the back and announced himself.

(Bell): "[Goddess], I'm here!"

With his call, a small girl who, at most, beat Bell on the c.h.e.s.t in height, with black hair in a pigtails dressed in white, appeared.

(Hestia): "Bell, welcome back!" - after greeting him, Hestia noticed Saber, and her eyes got a little cold - "And who is this?"

(Bell): "[Goddess], this is Nero, but she prefers to be called Saber. She said she wants to join our [Family]"

(Saber): "So you are the [Goddess] of the Praetor? So the [Greek Gods] have come down to earth, have you not? Nice, I'm Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, but you can call me Nero or Saber, and I would like to join your [Family]. "

Upon hearing this, Hestia was very excited and ran ahead of Saber.

(Hestia): "[Greek Gods]? Oh no matter, do you really want to join my [Family]?"

(Saber): "Yes, if you or the Praetor have no problem"

(Hestia): "Hurray!" - Hestia celebrated before taking Saber by the hand and taking her to the bed - "Now, take off your vest and lie on the bed and then I will give you my blessing, Bell can you leave the room? When I finish I call."

(Saber): "So this is how it works ..." - Saber murmured it while she and Bell did what Hestia asked.

(Hestia): "Hoh hoh ... even without a blessing, isn't it that you took good care of your body, Miss Saber?" - Hestia said while taking a silver knife

(Saber): "Umu! My uncle, Calígula, trained me since I was a child"

(Hestia): "Okay, now hold on. You can tickle."

Hestia went on and pierced her fingertip with the knife and spilled and made a bloody trace on Saber's back. When he finished, Hestia placed a piece of parchment on Saber's back and made a line with his finger and removed the parchment, where several words and numbers were written.

Saber put the vest back on and Hestia turned the scroll over to her

(Hestia): "Bell, come on in" - Hestia said that after looking at what was written on the parchment - "I already thought you had something but it surprised me."

When Saber and Bell heard what Hestia, Saber asked to see the scroll, and Bell went back to the room.

/ ******************* /

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus

Level 1

Strength: I 0

Endurance: I 0

Dexterity: I 0

Agility: I 0

Magic: I 0


Aestus Estus: Transforming flames into the "Aestus Estus" sword, as well as turning the sword back into flames.

Laus Saint Claudius - Empire of the Flowery Words of the Maiden: Creates an inner reality of someone in the world. Any action by the user will increase in damage and acquire the |Fire| within reality and will temporarily reduce the defense of opponents who enter that reality.

(See my talent!

Hear the loud applause!

So, praise!

Golden theater!

Empire of the Flowery Words of the Maiden (Laus Saint Claudius)!)


Chalice of Wealth: Increases resistance against spells that target the mind. Resistance increases as defense increases.

Imperial Privilege: Temporarily increases attack and defense and heals most wounds. It can be activated at any time, as long as two hours or more have passed since the last activation.

Unbeaten Spirit - Triple: As long as the body is whole it can rise up to three times, no matter the injury or blood loss. If you use it once, the recharge time is two weeks for each time you can get up.

/ ******************************* /

Hestia took the parchment back from Saber's hands

(Hestia): "And imagine that you have magic without Falna, and one without enchantment ... not to mention these abilities ... you are practically immortal ..."

(Saber): "See Praetor, you can trust me whenever you can" - Saber said this with a smile that looked like a child who was praised

(Bell): "This is amazing, Saber!" - Bell said while looking at Saber's scroll over Hestia's shoulder - "So this 'Aestus Estus' is that red and black sword of yours?"

(Saber): "Yes Praetor"

(Hestia): "However, I thought that [Humans] could not use magic without Falna" - Hestia murmured, then it became known how Saber referred to Bell - "and Saber why do you call Bell 'Pretor'? "

(Saber): "Because he is my summoner." - Saber replied promptly, remembering that he had promised to explain everything to Bell - "And, I'm not technically [Human]."

Both Bell and Hestia turned to face her

(Bell): "Eh? What are you talking about? You look [Human] to me."

(Saber): "Praetor, did you forget what you got in the |Dungeon|?"

(Bell): "What did I get? Ahh! I totally forgot"

Bell opened the bag and took out the golden cup he took out of the c.h.e.s.t earlier.

(Hestia): "Bell, what is this?" - Hestia asked while staring at the golden cup that was shining slightly - "This doesn't look like a normal glass."

(Saber): "This is something called |Holy Grail|, under normal circ.u.mstances is able to fulfill the wish of the one who owns it"

(Hestia): "Under normal circ.u.mstances?" - Hestia asked as she stopped looking at the chalice to look at Saber - "What is abnormal about this one?"

(Saber): "Considering that he was found in |Dungeon|, he must be one. After all he should only appear after a certain competition. I believe that the Praetor made a wish when he was attacked by the <Minotaur>"

(Hestia): "WHAT !?" - Hestia shouted as she ran and examined Bell for injuries - "Were you attacked by a <Minotaur>?"

(Bell): "I-I'm fine, Lord Micah's potion healed my wounds and Saber saved me." - Bell tried to calm his [Goddess], but in vain because she insisted on checking - "But wait, I remember what I asked for, it was 'I want to be a [Hero]', why the |Holy Grail| invoked you ? And that doesn't mean that the |Holy Grail| cannot fulfill any more wishes? "

(Saber): "I don't know how to answer any of these questions, Praetor," - Saber said a little lost - "as I said, there should be a competition for |Holy Grail|, the |Chalice| would invoke seven |Servants| to battle for yours. |Masters|, being the last one left over who could have his wish fulfilled. Or form two teams of seven |Servants| and a judge to decide the winner. But he materialized before and even made an invocation, so the normal rules they shouldn't apply here. I think the reason I showed up when you made the wish was more to be an objective or even a teacher for the Praetor, after all, the path of a [Hero] is not an easy one. "

(Hestia): "|Servants|" - Hestia repeated as she turned to Saber - "So you are one of those seven or fourteen |Servants|? And what is a |Servant| after all?"

(Saber): "A |Servant| is the physical manifestation of the appearance of some legend of a [Hero], normally. In theory, all the myths and legends of [Heroes] from the past or the future to come, can be invoked with physical form. "

(Bell): "So can I summon a [Hero] from my grandfather's history books?"

(Saber): "Supposedly, but it should be just one."

(Bell): "So Saber, were you a [Heroine]?" - Bell asked excitedly, after all the manifestation of his dream was in front of him, who wouldn't be excited?

(Saber): "My people considered me a [Heroine] until part of my reign, but then I ended up suffering a kind of mental disorder and ended up acting with a [Villain]" - Saber said that and then murmured to herself - " Did the skill |Goblet of Wealt| emerge of that? "

(Bell): "Reign? Saber... are you a queen?" - Bell asked a little surprised, but that explained all the grace that Saber showed by fighting

(Saber): "I was the 5th Emperor of Rome, at first I dressed as a man since there was a certain prejudice against women, but then I returned to dress as a woman, but the title of Emperor instead of Empress continued."

(Hestia): "The manifestation of a legend ..." - Hestia murmured - "A spirit of a [Hero] ... I understand, instead of [Human], you are closer to a [Spirit]. I don't I knew that a [Spirit] could be awarded Falna, but also, all [Spirit] I know don't want to be [Adventurers]. So the name you asked to call it, 'Saber', is a kind of title ? "

(Saber): "Yes, the |Servants| are divided into classes, the basic seven are Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin and Berserker. There are also others like Ruler, Avenger and Shilder. These classes function as a container for a [Heroic Spirit]. 'Saber' are heroes known for their sword skills or carrying a famous sword, 'Archer' is generally an unrivaled archer, but any projectile launcher can be categorized. 'Lancer' are those who wield a famous spear or are known for their immense agility, 'Rider' are those who have a famous mount or in most battles were mounted on something, could be an animal or a vehicle, "Caster" are unparalleled magicians, "Assassin" are famous and feared assassins, 'Berserker' are those who have lost their reason or went crazy at some point in their life, 'Ruler' are those who have become known as righteous, 'Avenger' are those who suffered from someone and managed to take revenge and 'Shilder' are those who are famous for their monumental defense or for using a shield more than another weapon. "

(Bell): "Hey, Saber," - Bell said timidly as he took the |Holy Grail| - "can I summon another |Servant| with the |Goblet|?"

(Saber): "Praetor, do you want to replace me?" - Saber asked in a slightly tearful voice and a sad face.

(Bell): "No, no, nothing like that" - Bell explained quickly, not being able to see that face on Saber - "I was just thinking if I can summon more |Servants|, we could increase the rank of [Family] and explore the |Dungeon| better. And by doing that we could make more money for [Goddess] "

(Hestia): "Bell ..." - Hestia said and in the next moment tears came to her eyes - "I'm sorry to be poor."

(Bell): "No, no, no, no, no! It's not your fault! You are doing your best at your job too"

(Saber): "Since there are no other masters ..." - Saber said after ignoring the two - "it would be possible for you to be able to summon another |Servant|, Praetor. But know that this is not free. While the price summons is paid by the |Chalice|, the price to keep them in a physical shape turns from the Praetor. " - Saber turned to Bell and said - "Although I don't understand exactly how this Falna interacts with us, I feel that I now have two sources for maintaining a physical form. From Pretor and [Goddess]."

(Hestia): "How exactly are you paying for your demonstration?" - Hestia asked while wiping tears.

(Saber): "Well, it would be with the magical power of the Praetor"

Hestia and Bell exchanged a look before Hestia asked Saber to get out of bed, put Bell on the bed and remove his shirt. Then Hestia repeated the same process she did with Saber at Bell.

(Hestia): "... so that's it ..." - Hestia murmured before placing the scroll on Bell's back and then removing it and showing it

/ ******************************* /

Bell Cranel

Level 1

Strength: I 77 -> I 82

Endurance: I 13 -> I 45

Dexterity: I 93 -> I 96

Agility: H 148 -> H 162

Magic: I 0 - I 50


Summoning |Servants|: Summons a [Heroic Spirit] from any of the |Servant Classes| It requires paying the price for physically maintaining them after invoking them. You cannot currently summon two servants of the same class.

(May silver and steel be the essence.

Let the stone and the archduke of the contracts be the basis.

Let red be the color I pay homage to.

Build a wall against the wind that will fall.

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-fork road in the crown reach the Kingdom.

Let it be filled. Again. Again. Again. Again.

Allow it to be filled five times for each shift, simply breaking with each filling.

My dreams form the body

Your Spirit will show me the way while I bring it by my own power

And then I swear,

That I will be all good in the world

That I will defeat all the evil in the world.

You souls who reside in the destiny that I wish to reach

Get out of the liaison circle

Oh guardian of the scale!)





Saber - Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus

/ ******************************* /

Bell let out a cry of joy when he saw the rise in his status

(Saber): "The Praetor's numbers are bigger than mine ..." - Saber noticed a little confused.

(Hestia): "This is how it works. Having zero does not mean your status is zero. Everyone starts with zero whether you are a baby or a grown man who can lift a stroller with one hand. Bell's status is higher because of two weeks as [Adventurer]. "

(Saber): "So this is how it works. Anyway, the Praetor's magic status is increasing just by keeping me."

(Hestia): "I see, so Bell's magic status will increase even though he does nothing. There is even an area to list the servants he has."

(Bell): "So? Can I summon another |Servant|?" - Bell asked while looking excitedly at Saber

(Hestia): "Don't overdo it. Hephaistos told me what happens to people who overdo it using magic. You suffer from something called 'Mind Down'. In the worst cases it can kill you."

(Bell): "Oh ... I see ..." - Bell said a little discouraged and looked back at Saber - "Probably dangerous, isn't it?"

(Saber): "And it is Praetor. But ... as I said since I received Falna, I feel that I have two sources to keep me here, from you and the [Goddess] Hestia. Depending on the type of |Servant| that you invoke more of the class that is summoned, perhaps the Praetor will be able to summon another as long as the [Goddess] Hestia gives you his blessing. But if they accept. Many heroes are very arrogant or proud that they may end up refusing. "

(Bell): "What class do you suggest Saber?"

(Saber): "I would recommend a 'Caster'. Being magic users themselves, they harbor a lot of magic so the weight to maintain them and use their skills will be less than with me. And some have skills involving the terrain in who are then could give the church a stir. "

(Bell): "Is it okay for us to try [Goddess]?

While asking Bell ended up making a look that resembled a rabbit puppy, which Hestia could not face due to the brightness.

(Hestia): "Grrr ... is there no way to reduce the price Bell pays?"

(Saber): "Has"

After saying that, Saber disappeared making both Bell and Hestia jump by surprise

(Bell): "Saber? Where are you?"

(Saber): "Here Praetor"

Both Bell and Hestia turned towards the sofa to see Saber sitting on it.

(Saber): "Dematerialization. Many servants manage to do this. We leave the physical plane temporarily and we cannot interact with anything but it helps to reduce the cost. If it is too much for the Praetor, I will stay like that for a while until he gets better."

(Hestia): "Mumumumumu ... Okay! But if he passes out, you immediately dematerialize Saber, understand?"

(Saber): "I would never risk the Praetor's life like this"

(Bell): "Thank you very much [Goddess]!" - Bell said while taking the |Goblet| and looked around - "Umm ... how do I ...?"

(Saber): "This way, Praetor."

Saber guided Bell and Hestia to the church altar and there began to draw a magic circle. While she was working, Bell remembered the first words she said to him and wanted to confirm them.

(Bell): "Saber, you were serious at that time?"

(Saber): "At what time, Praetor?"

(Bell): "About you respecting my wish? Was that you the one who said no?"

(Saber): "To that ... yes, Praetor I was serious in my words, so I will repeat them 'Even if the world never hears your d.e.s.i.r.e and determination, know that I admire and respect!'"

Saber said with that same gentle, cheerful and childlike smile from before that made Bell's heart beat faster and he even blushed a little. Seeing this scene Hestia could only sulk while trying to get Bell's attention again.

(Saber): "There. Now, Praetor, say the enchantment clearly facing the circle and a |Servant| should appear."

Bell nodded, following Saber's instructions, as he held out his left hand with the command spells and started singing.

With each verse, the circle began to shine and a gust of wind began to blow. Behind Bell, Saber was in front of Hestia to protect the [Goddess] from the screaming winds, while Bell remained undaunted.

When the lights started to glow a golden color, Bell hit the final verse.

(Bell): "You souls who reside in the destination I wish to reach, get out of the connection circle, O Guardian of the Scale!"

When Bell shouted the last part of the spell, the light exploded.

(Hestia): "Did it ... did it work?"

Hestia asked as she looked around Saber's back, while Saber could only look at the cloud of dust in front of Bell.

Meanwhile, Bell had his arms in front of his eyes to protect himself from the dust. When the dust started to dissipate, he dropped his arms and saw someone in front of him.

A pinkish brown hair woman stuck in with two ends, with topaz eyes was staring at him. She wore a blue kimono and had a blue bow right in the middle of where the hair was parted behind her head, and around her, floated a kind of mirror where the frame was blue and black. She had fox ears, and Bell thought she had summoned one [Renard], when she realized that instead of a fox tail, the woman in front of her had two!

(Caster): "If there is a call, I will come right away! Your trusted Priestess Fox! Caster has arrived ♡"

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