The main event was known as the Naming Ceremony. Hestia swallowed when she got to that part. Around Hestia, the [Gods] who had several Level 2 in their [Families] looked sadistically at newbies like Hestia. Papers were passed around the table and Hestia received one, and she realized it was reports from children that Leveled Up. First it was a child named Seti from the [Set Family].

(Set): "P-please have mercy ..."

(Other Gods): "We refuse!"


That child was named |Burning Fighting Fighter|, which could also be read with |Holy Dragon Knight of the Dawn|. For the children of Gekai, these names were the same as medals of honor that symbolized the hard work they put into Leveling Up and for those who would still receive. However, for the [Gods] they did not see it with the same excitement as their children, in fact they wanted to avoid what like a plague. Most Second Names, or Aliases, were born to make children's [Gods] feel uncomfortable. And the fact that the children looked proud while their [Gods] were uncomfortable was why they didn't stop.

(Hestia): "This is crazy ...." - she murmured, but Hephaistos heard

(Hephaistos): "Well, I thought so too the first time. You know I'm not going to help you when your kids are done, right?"

Hestia heard that as if Hephaistos had given Bell a death sentence. Hestia turned the page and saw a portrait of a pretty Far Eastern girl with long black hair.

(Hestia): "Ohh, it's Take's kid."

(Loki): "Let's see... since she is from Fare East the surname comes first ... Yamato Mikoto, isn't it? How beautiful."

(God 1): "Black hair is justice after all."

(God 2): "I think I'll feel bad if we screw with her."

(Takemikazuchi): "T-then?" - he allowed himself to hope when others praised his child.

(God 3): "You're no good though, Takemikazuchi." - he quickly took Takemikazuchi's hopes away.

(God 4): "Seriously."

(God 5): "Always flirting around with goddesses and female children alike"

(Takemikazuchi): "W-what are you talking about!?"

(God 6): "I'll take you down a peg with tis, Takemika! |Fortune Galaxy|!"

(God 7): "No, |Saint Sprite|!"

(God 8): "|Last Heroine|!"

(Takemikazuchi): "Stop it! Don't you dare do this to my precious little angel!" - he pleaded while clapping his hands on the table.

(God 9): "Angel? The how about |Heavenly Child|?"

(All the Gods): "THAT'S IT!"

(Takemikazuchi): "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

(God 10): "Hey Dionysus, you finally decided to join us for once. Have you got a suggestion?"

The blonde god mulled it over for a moment as Takemikazuchi clasped his hand together, silently begging the other [God] for mercy. Alas, his silent prayer was cruelly ignored."

(Dionysus): "|Zetsu Ei|. |Eternal Shadow|." - he said with a cruel smile.

(All the Gods): "AGREED!"

(Takemikazuchi): "DIONYSUS YOU BASTARD!"

With poor Takemikazuchi finished, the Naming Ceremony continued on with some of the more veteran and high ranked [Families] who would not be 'blessed' with the colorful names bestowed upon the lower ranked ones with Hestia stewing in agony as Bell's profile had yet to come up.

(Hephaistos): "Oh... the |Sword Princess| leveled up again?" - she murmured and Hestia turned the page to see a blonde girl, whom she could almost swear was related to Saber.

(Hestia): "Heh... Level 6 by defeating Udaeus? That's a |Monster Rex|, right?"

(Hephaistos): "That's right. The |Floor Boss| on the |Thirty-Seventh Floor|."

<Monster Rex>. Massive monsters that appeared at various point in the |Dungeon|. They spawn on floors that contained a single massive room that acted as an arena, or one large 'Boss Room' as some people would call it. The closest one was on the |Seventeenth Floor| and was known as the Goliath. Due to their strenght, it usually took them a few weeks to spawn again after they are defeated with the Goliath, the weakest |Floor Boss|, taking around two weeks to spawn again.

(Hestia): "Aren't these things supposed to be fought with multiple people?"

(God 1): "Seriously. Your child's doing one crazy things after another, Loki."

(Loki): "Din't need to tell me twice." - she replied with an ironic smile, showing her discontent.

Hestia sympathized with Loki. Loki must have been the same as she felt when Bell fought <Minotaur>, even though he won, she wasn't exactly happy with the danger he went through.

(God 2): "Do we need to think of a new Alias though?"

(God 3): "Maybe |Sword Saint|?

(God 4): "I dunno... it doesn't really fit her I think?"

(God 5): "Yeah, I've gotten more or less used to |Sword Princess|."

(God 6): "I don't know about you guys, but clearly the only viable candidate I see is |Our Wife|."

(Other Gods): "PERFECT!"

(Loki): "I will murder every last one of you in your sleep."

(Other Gods): "FOGIVE US!"

Thanks to the bloodl.u.s.t and the threat from Loki, the Alias of Ais has remained the same. Hestia turned the page and her heart almost stopped. It was Bell's turn.

(Freya): "...Level 2 in a mouth and a half..." - as everyone else was shocked by that information nobody saw Freya's eyes shine.

Below the portrait was a list of feats that Bell had done in that short amount of time as collected and reported by the [Guild]. Reached the |Fifth Floor| solo after two weeks. Successfully escaped an encounter with a <Minotaur> that had appeared on siad |Fifth Floor| with no injuries. Held half off a mass spawn of <Killer Ants> on the |Seventh Floor|, and of course...

(Hermes): "...He defeated a <Minotaur> on his own?" - he murmured with his eyes widening.

(Dionysus): "...Your children were witnesses, Loki?"

(Loki): "...Yeah, and Tiona was very excited while telling..."

A list of witnesses was available below the feat. Saber's name, the real one, and Lili's were next to Finn, Bete, Riveria, Tiona, Tione, Ais. Leaving aside the two people from the same [Family], three Level 6 and three Level 5 had witnessed the feat. It was impossible to deny what Bell had done. But how he gained excellia for doing it was what bothered him. Hestia knew what questions were on everyone's mind and had practiced with Tamamo a way to answer them. She would keep that secret. For Bell's sake.

(Loki): "Well.. let's get started shall we? How about |Little Bunny|?" - she said it with a smile.

(Hestia): "Hah!? Hey! Just because Bell looks like an <Al-Miraj> doesn't make him a bunny!"

(God 7): "<Al-Miraj>? Then how about |Blade Mirage|?"

(God 8): "No, no, |Pyonkichi|!"

(God 9): "Too bad, looks like his armor is already using that name."

(God 10): "S-someone beat us [Gods] to it? Who is this Welf guy?"

Hephaistos buried her face in her hands when she heard that name.

(God 1): "He uses two swords right?"

(Loki): "Tiona said he was using three."

(God 2): "Three? How did he use them? Did he make one float?"

(Loki): "According to Tiona, he made two of them float ... the black sword and the white sword ..."

(Freya): "So I think this will go very well."

The fact that Freya was giving a suggestion made everyone look at her, that they even forgot to ask Hestia how he did it.

(Loki): "What do you mean, Freya?"

(Freya): "I heard that this child made a certain statement during Monsterphila..." - she said while a somewhat evil smile appeared.

Hestia knew what she was talking about and she started to sweat cold. As Saber and Tamamo stayed all the day in the |Dungeon|, Hestia is the only one who receives comments because of his statement.. Loki saw how Hestia was and was already excited, as were the other [Gods].

(Loki): "Okay, by the face of the chibi here, it will be great, whatever you choose will be the end, but there must be a rabbit in the middle." - she said this while the other [Gods] agreed and Hestia despaired.

When Denatus finished it was already getting dark and Hestia was shaken, Bell's Alias ​​could be worse for his mental state, but it was still bad. After choosing Alias, Hestia had to explain about the 'soul weapons' and how Loki helped her others left her alone, which made her feel good about not having to comment on |Light, Darkness & Chaos|. On the way out Tamamo and Jack were waiting for her.

(Tamamo): "Lady Hestia."

(Jack): "Mommy!" - she said this while running to hug her.

Having Jack in her arms improved her mood right away. The other [Gods] saw that scene and didn't know what to say.

(Hestia): "Ahh ... thank you so much for coming for me."

(Tamamo): "We moved, did you forget?"

(Jack): "So Mommy said to get us Mommy Hestia."

(????): "Are these your children?"

She turned and saw Takemikazuchi.

(Hestia): "Take, yes. This is Jack and this is Tamamo. Girls, this is my friend Takemikazuchi."

(Jack): "Hi."

(Tamamo): "It is a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you, Lord Takemikazuchi." she said as she bowed.

(Takemikazuchi): "It is a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you too, and an even greater p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to see someone from Far East." - he replied making the same gesture as Tamamo.

(Tamamo): "Likewise."

(Hestia): "So, is everything in order in the new house?"

(Tamamo): "Yes."

(Hestia): "Spend an hour there Take, and take your children too."

(Takemikazuchi): "Sure, good luck with Bell." - he said that while leaving.

That made Hestia's expulsion freeze, she was going to comment on his child's Alias, but he left so fast that she couldn't.

(Tamamo): "Is there a problem?"

(Hestia): "No, let's go home" - she said quickly. while holding Jack's hand and leaving.

Tamamo guided her to their new home that was between Soma's mansion and the church where they lived. The place had two floors, it was a little thinner than the Soma mansion and the land was not so big, but only on the top floor there should be about ten rooms there.

(Tamamo): "This is our home." she said cheerfully.

(Hestia): "Are you sure we didn't get into debt with that?" - that was better than she was expecting.

(Tamamo): "Thanks to Lili's savings, which, by the way, still has a little bit left for her, and the days we had to work, it was possible to pay, despite being close to the red zone."

(Jack): "Is Mommy Hestia angry?" - She had a worried expression, as if she would cry at any moment.

(Hestia): "No, no. I am happy, very happy." - She put a smile on her face, and then a smile appeared on Jack's face.

They came in and Bell and Lili were waiting for her.

(Bell): "Welcome back [Goddess]!"

(Lili): "Welcome back, Lady Hestia! What did you think of the new house?"

(Hestia): "Incredible!"

(Bell): "Your office is down the hall on the second floor!"

(Hestia): "Thank you children, you are too good for me." - she said as she started to cry.

(Jack): "Mommy Hestia, is it hurting somewhere?"

(Tamamo): "These are tears of happiness, Jack. She is just very happy to be with us."

(Jack): "So are we."

(Lili): "Well, what is Master Bell's Alias?"

It made her freeze and give Bell a painful look and slowly she said his Alias.

(Bell): "|White Dawn Rabbit|... I like it."

Despite the rabbit part, Bell was quite happy with that Alias. It reminded him of the first time he showed his dedication to Monsterphila.

(Tamamo): "In fact, it suits the Master."

(Lili): "As expected of the [Gods]... their senses are amazing." - she said as she stroked her own tail.

(Hestia): "Anyway, we have some issues to resolve." - she couldn't stand Bell saying that name again and again.

(Bell): "What about Jack's party?"

(Hestia): "Let's do it tomorrow. From what I heard today, we will need you to invoke another |Servant|."

It caught everyone's attention, and Bell's excitement soared.

(Tamamo): "Why?"

Hestia told everyone about what Loki was worth in Denatus about the monsters that Tamamo and Saber faced in Monsterphila, the Violas.

(Hestia): "I really think we are going to need help." - she said as if she was apologizing to Tamamo and Jack.

(Tamamo): "Well, if it is for the Master's safety we should consider. If those monsters can defeat a Level 3 with just one hit and give work to two Level 5 they cannot be underestimated... they are appearing on the surface without anyone notice according to Lady Loki. "

(Lili): "But how do they get to the surface in the first place? The Monsterphila monsters were in cages by [Ganesha Family], and the entrance had a crowd when it happened."

(Bell): "And weren't the Violas the size of houses?" - he asked Tamamo

(Tamamo): "Yes, but we are talking about a plant, aren't we? What if it came as a seed, as a sleeping form?"

(Jack): "Seeds are easy to carry, Mommy."

They were surprised when she spoke. Truth be told, they even forgot that she was there. It was at this time that Bell saw how much |Presence Concealment| it was useful.

(Bell): "But the monsters in |Dungeon| are already born grown up, there is no way they could have a 'sleeping' shape, they could have this if they had come from the surface, in the same way that some species of monsters lay eggs, but so they wouldn't be so powerful as to give two Level 5 jobs. "

(Lili): "If they are so powerful then they came from |Dungeon|. But there is no way they wouldn't notice a monster of this size leaving the only entrance to |Dungeon| without anyone noticing."

(Jack): "What if they use the other door?" she said suddenly.

Everyone looked at her when she said that.

(Bell): "What do you mean Jack?"

(Jack): "If you can't use a door, just use another door, right?"

Everyone looked at each other.

(Tamamo): "In fact, that would be the most likely scenario."

(Hestia): "I KNEW IT!" - she said this while crying.

(Jack): "Mommy Hestia!" - she ran to Hestia.

(Bell): "[Goddess], stop it, it's worrying Jack." - Hestia managed to stop crying after that.

Although he said that, he himself was well timed, if they had brought those monsters to the city, the second entrance was close, or even within the city.

(Lili): "... A second entry?" - she was as horized as Bell with that thought.

(Tamamo): "Either that, or the person responsible for all this is the [Guild] itself."

(Lili): "The [Guild] needs the city, there is no reason for it to destroy it." she said quickly.

(Tamamo): "Unless there is a corrupt in the middle."

If the pillar of the city was rotten, the city falling into chaos would be very easy, that chaos would end in destruction.

(Lili): "What do we do?"

(Bell): "There is no point in doing something. After all, we are just making theories here. And if we try something, our end is certain." - His voice carried a tone of defeat.

The others sighed in relief, they feared he was going to try something, and although Bell wanted to do something, especially if it was a potential risk to the city, he knew he was too weak to try anything. The monsters they would face defeated Level 3 with one hit, and he had just gone to Level 2.

(Hestia): "Shall we summon another |Servant| then?"

(Tamamo): "I think it is better to be safe than sorry. Let's do it, how are you, Master?"

(Bell): "Sure!"

His mood immediately improved. They stirred up the living room and made the same circle as before and |Holy Grail| in the middle. Bell recited the spell and at the end the room was covered with light and dust, which he used his arms to protect his face. Between him and |Holy Grail|, there was a person of the same height as Bell, with long pink hair traced to the waist with a white streak on the left side, had little armor, just a b.r.e.a.s.tplate, waist armor that looked like a skirt, and gauntlets, which appeared to be light armor and also had a sword attached to his waist and a playful smile on his face.

When Bell saw this person he thought only one thing.

(Bell): 'Why is he wearing a woman's armor?'

He didn't know why, but he was sure that the person in front of him was a man despite looking like a woman.

(????): "Yahoo! My name is Astolfo! My class is Rider! Are you my Master? So, so… ermm, please take good care of me!" - he said while clapping his head, as if he were saluting.

(Bell): "Ah, right! Nice to meet you, I'm Bell Cranel. Call me Bell. I'll be in your care, Mr. Astolfo." he said as he bowed.

Astolfo's eyes opened a little when he heard the 'sir', quite surprised at Bell realizing, unfortunately the women in the room saw only another woman and did not absorb Bell's words.

(Astolfo): "You don't need that or the first half, Master."

(Bell): "You can only call me Bell." - he said with a smile a little hurt

(Astolfo): "I think it would be a little strange, so I'm going to be calling him Mester, all right?" - He gave an apologetic smile with that sentence.

Bell nodded, it would be the same as with Tamamo. Astolfo looked around and saw the rest of [Hestia Family].

(Astolfo): "And you?"

(Lili): "My name is Liliruca Arde. But you can call me Lili" - she said in a cold tone.

(Tamamo): "I am the |Servant| of the Caster class, Tamamo no Mae, nice to meet you Knight of Evaporated Sanity." - she said with a cold tone like Lili.

Bell did not understand the reason for their cold tone.

(Jack): "We are Jack the Ripper." - she said in the usual animated tone

Astolfo froze with Jack's presentation.

(Astolfo): "Ahh, the Fox Priestess of Peerless Beauty and the Legendary Serial Killer, but why are you telling me your names, are we in the |Great Holy Grail War|?" - he didn't seem to mind the tone of Tamamo and Lili and was very excited about working with them.

(Bell): "Actually, Astolfo, there isn't a |Holy Grail War| going on."

(Astolfo): "What do you mean?"

Bell explained to Astolfo a summary of the situation.

(Astolfo): "So ... do you want me to join your [Family]?"

(Bell): "I would really appreciate it, but if you don't want to, I won't make you."

Astolfo stared at Bell for a while which made him uncomfortable.

(Bell): "Is there a problem?"

(Astolfo): "No, you ended up reminding me of my king with that phrase, whenever I took a task he always said that. Well ... joining the [Family] of a [Goddess] looks good, where are the [Goddess]?"

(Hestia): "It's me. My name is Hestia." - the tone was the same as the other two

(Astolfo): "The [Goddess of the Fireplace], isn't she? How do I join?"

(Hestia): "This way."

Hestia took him to the office which made Bell a little strange, Astolfo could just take his shirt off. A short time later they returned.

(Hestia): "I am surprised that you are the monster tamer." - she said this with a scroll in her hand.

(Bell): "A monster tamer?"

(Astolfo): "She's talking about Hippogriff, do you want to see the status, Master?"

(Bell): "I want to."

He took the scroll in Hestia's hands and the others gathered to see it too.

/ ******************* /


Level 1

Strength: I 0

Endurance: I 0

Dexterity: I 0

Agility: I 0

Magic: I 0


La Black Luna - Magic Flute That Calls Panic: Summons the 'La Black Luna' horn. The sound emitted by the horn can disintegrate small targets, targets stronger than the user panicked.

(Dragons roaring!

Screaming birds!

May your voices be mine!

La Black Luna!)

Trap of Argalia - Down with a Touch !: Use the 'Argalia' spear to return the correct part of a target to the spiritual state. It doesn't work if you hit a vital part.

(Touch everything with its golden tip!

Take down my enemies for glory in the tournament!

Trap of Argalia!)

Hippogriff - Otherworldly Phantom Horse: Summons a Hippogriff to fight alongside you, it can be called whistling, but the Hippogriff's attack power decreases.

(Be my legs, be my wings!

Show them your true power!

My most faithful ally!


Casseur de Logistille - Destruction Declaration: Creates a barrier around you, your mount, if you are on one, and whoever is on that mount, who is immune to magic. Only possible on a moonless night.

(My heart tremble whith fear as there's no moon!

However I will not withdraw!

Casseur de Logistille!)


Riding: Increases own power when fighting mounted.

Independent Action: Parameters increase when fighting alone.

/ ******************* /

(Bell): "Incredible, Astolfo!"

(Astolfo): "Thanks Master."

Bell was surprised that Astolfo had managed to tame a monster that responded to his whistle.

(Astolfo): "I admit that I was surprised by this leaving my back, so is this a blessing?"

(Bell): "Yes and there will be a kind of tattoo on your back with everything on the parchment."

(Astolfo): "I'm glad we're not at war, that would be a big disadvantage."

(Tamamo): "Indeed."

Know the name of a |Servant| in |Holy Grail War| it was the same to knowing your weaknesses, if that were so obvious it would be disadvantageous.

(Lili): "But this is very incredible."

(Bell): "How did you manage to befriend him?"

(Astolfo): "I saved him from an evil wizard called Atlante."

Bell): "But where's your spear?"

One of Astolfo's spells involved hitting someone with the 'Argalia' spear, but he only had a sword.

(Astolfo): "Here!"

He drew his sword and soon after it was transformed into a spear.

(Astolfo): "This is 'Argalia'!"

(Bell): "So cool!"

(Astolfo): "Yeah, right?" - he said while a proud smile appeared on his face.

(Tamamo): "In fact, this is very practical, when you want to end the enemies, just make it back to being a sword."

(Lili): "What do you mean?"

(Astolfo): "'Argalia' is a spear used in a tournament so it doesn't have a piercing tip, it's more to knock down, which prevents it from making fatal attacks, unless I hit a specific region with too much force. "

(Bell): "That's why that magic doesn't work in vital areas."

(Astolfo): "Yes, because it is not her purpose."

(Hestia): "Well, when you are going to register Astolfo in the [Guild], let's see if you can also register him as a monster tamer."

(Astolfo): "What is this [Guild]?"

They explained about the [Guild] and about the |Dungeon|.

(Astolfo): "So this |Dungeon| gives light to several monsters that can't get out of their way alone because of a seal and it's under a tower in the center of the city?" - he almost had a headache with the explanation.

(Lili): "Yes. The core of the monsters are his [Magic Stones]. The [Magic Stones] are used to power everything in the world, from light bulbs to kitchen appliances. The [Adventurers] descend into |Dungeon| for these [Stones] and sell them to the [Guild] for money. "

(Astolfo): "So ... are [Adventurers] here a kind of miners?"

(Bell): "It takes out a lot of the spirit of things but ... yeah, I suppose you could see like that." - he nodded with a frow.

People go down to make money. They use that money to buy better equipment. Then they use that equipment to go down even further to make more money. That was how this world, how Orario worked.

(Astolfo): "Strange [Adventurers] don't go on adventures. And you, Master? Why are you going down?"

(Bell): "I want to get stronger. I'm surrounded by incredible people in this [Family], that I don't want to be just protected. I want to be able to fight side by side with you ... or at least be worthy to be the Master of you."

(Astolfo): "The more you say, the more you remind me of my king."

(Hestia): "Who was your king, Astolfo?"

(Astolfo): "It was King Charles the Great."

(Bell): "And Astolfo, Tamamo called you Knight of Evaporated Sanity, but it looks like your sanity is compromised."

(Astolfo): "It must be because I lost my sanity on the moon once, that why one of my spells can only be used on a moonless night."

(Bell): "Did you... go to the moon?"

(Astolfo): "Yes, once."

It just seemed impossible for Bell, but for some reason he didn't doubt Astolfo's words. Lili and Hestia had the same impression.

(Astolfo): "Well, since we are miners here, one of these days we are going to have an adventure Bell, which neither I had with my fellow riders." - he said as he walked over to him and put an arm around his shoulder.

(Bell): "Really?"

That excited him too much, an adventure with a [Hero] who had several... that would be incredible.

(Bell): "I just have one more question."

(Astolfo): "What is it?"

(Bell): "Why are you wearing a woman's armor if you're a man?"

(Tamamo & Lili & Hestia): "WHAT!?"

That scream surprised him that made Bell and Astolfo look at the three of them, the moment Astolfo saw that expression of shock from them he started to burst out laughing. The three looked embarrassed at each other. The conversation only returned when Astolfo stopped laughing.

(Astolfo): "That was really funny, no matter how many times I remember this scene, I'm going to laugh a lot." - he said while laughing again.

(Bell): "Didn't you notice?"

He was very confused, although he didn't know how he was sure of that, he knew that Astolfo was a man, but that explained the cold tone in their voice when Astolfo appeared.

(Hestia): "Come on, Bell, I'm surprised you noticed!"

(Lili): "In fact, there is no way to differentiate Lord Astolfo from a woman."

(Tamamo): "I have the same opinion of them Master."

(Bell): "But I called him sir when we meet not even two hours ago." - He spoke indignantly.

(Astolfo): "Indeed, but I don't think they heard Master." - he said while giggling.

The three did not know how to respond and just lowered their heads.

(Astolfo): "Well answering your question Master, there are two reasons for me to dress like this. First, this is an" irresistible proof of friendship "that I used to restore peace to my depressed and crazy ally, Roland. And second is why I like cute things. "

(Bell): "Okay, then."

Since that was something that Astolfo himself wanted, he had nothing to comment on, but knowing that it helped an ally of his surprised him.

(Bell): "It looks like we have one more reason to celebrate tomorrow."

(Hestia): "In fact, unfortunately, I won't be able to go."

(Jack): "Why Mommy Hestia?"

Again they forgot that she was there, and the fact that Jack didn't get involved in the conversations only made things worse.

(Hestia): "A certain unforeseen event arose, I will not be able to accompany you."

(Tamamo): "Is there a problem?"

(Hestia): "No, just that Hephaistos wants to animate Take so she invited me and some other [Gods] friends of hers to comfort him."

(Lili): "Will it be all day?"

(Hestia): "It's mid-afternoon until night. Sorry, Jack, we're going to spend another day together, okay?"

(Jack): "Okay ..." - she said that a little disgustingly, and that was the same as a stab in the heart of Hestia.

(Hestia): "Well, I'm going to sleep, how about we sleep together Jack?"

(Jack): "Okay!" - Her smile returned immediately.

The two said goodbye and went up to sleep.

(Bell): "I think we should sleep, too."

(Astolfo): "One more thing Bell, do you have another |Servant| or is it just the three of us?"

(Bell): "Actually, I have one more, Saber is in [Family] too. She's not here because she was invited on an expedition."

(Astolfo): "Expedition? What nostalgia. On these expeditions do you go very deep in |Dungeon|?"

(Lili): "Yes, sometimes, [Families] who participate in expeditions are out for weeks."

(Astolfo): "Well, then I think it's going to take a while for me to know Saber, right? And why are they using the class to refer to her and not her name?"

(Bell): "We were thinking of waiting for her confirmation to use her name, but if you want to know I think it's okay. Her name is Nero."

(Astolfo): "Nero? Do you mean Emperor Nero?"

(Tamamo): "That's right."

(Astolfo): "So the emperor of Rome is actually an empress ..."

(Bell): "Yes. She told me that she dressed like a man at first but then went back to dressing like a woman."

(Astolfo): "So that's why they said that Nero was a beauty in men's clothes. But I have to congratulate you, Master, many cannot take one |Servant|, and you can take four." - he was genuinely impressed.

(Tamamo): "Indeed Master, even with the help of Lady Hestia, this is something you can be proud of."

Bell was happy with their compliments.

(Lili): "What do we do tomorrow? Are we going to register Jack and Astolfo?"

(Bell): "No, we will do it another day, tomorrow it will be off."

(Tamamo): "Alright!"

(Astolfo): "Good for me."

(Bell): "And Astolfo, don't call Hippogriff until we settle everything with the [Guild], I don't think they will accept a monster walking around the city that easily."

(Astolfo): "Alright Master!"

(Bell): "Well, good night guys."

(Lili): "Lili is also going to sleep, good night."

(Tamamo & Astolfo): "Good night!"

And so another day of [Hestia Family] ended.

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