After doing everything with Welf, Bell made his way home, when he arrived there only Tamamo and Hestia were present. Lili, Jack and Astolfo are not back yet.

(Bell): "I'm back!"

(Hestia): "Welcome back Bell."

(Tamamo): "Welcome back Master!"

(Bell): "Are the others back yet?"

(Hestia): "Not yet."

(Tamamo): "Did you get your armor?"

(Bell): "Yes, from the hands of the blacksmith who made it. And Tamamo, can you see this here?" - he said while handing the black coat to Tamamo.

Tamamo's eyes opened when she saw that coat.

(Tamamo): "Wow..." - she murmured while taking the coat from Bell's hands and examining it.

Hestia and Bell waited for Tamamo to finish, but she just stared and turned that coat over without saying a word. Sometimes an expression of doubt appeared on her face, but she said nothing. They waited for her to speak, but Hestia's patience ended before.

(Hestia): "What's so special about that, so you don't take your eyes off?"

(Tamamo): "The amount of protection that this has." - she said with a serious voice and face.

(Bell): "What protections?"

(Tamamo): "This will protect you from the cold and excess heat, that is, while using it you will only feel the temperature pleasant for you, even if you are in the heart of a volcano or on a frozen mountain. a great resistance against the darkness to prevent the corruption of your mind, and it seems to have a high adjustment, so if you grow this here it will grow to accompany you. And there are some more things that I am unable to understand, but it does not seem that hurt you."

(Hestia): "Bell, how much did you pay for that?" - she was already imagining that they would be in debt.

(Bell): "Nothing."

(Tamamo & Hestia): "WHAT!?"

Bell told how he found that coat, and how he ended up paying nothing for it.

(Hestia): "Did someone just drop there?" - that didn't go into her head.

(Tamamo): "I am sure that all the protections I said are working."

(Bell): "Maybe the owner didn't know, and decided to get rid of it."

In fact, if someone had sold it with the offer that would offer a different protection and in the end it wouldn't, the owner would normally be irritated. And the protections she commented on were not widely used in |Upper Floors| of |Dungeon|.

(Tamamo): "Anyway, better for Master, prove it." - She said offering the coat to Bell very excited.

(Bell): "Okay." - he said that taking the coat from Tamamo's hands.

The coat had a zipper, but Bell didn't even need to open it to put it on, he didn't even do it with a T-shirt, after all the coat was a little big for him, when he took his head out of his clothes, he saw the coat adjusted to its size.

(Bell): "This is incredible..." - he said while examining himself, but stopped when he looked at his hands.

In each of his hands there was a glove made of the same material as the coat he had just put on.

(Bell): "Where did these gloves come from?"

(Hestia): "They were not the only thing that came up." - She said pointing to Bell's legs.

Bell looked at where she was pointing and saw that on each of her feet there was a black boot that almost reached the knee and that his pants changed to one of the same color and material as the coat.

(Bell): "How is that possible?"

(Tamamo): "It must be one of the things I couldn't identify, it looks like the coat will change the clothes underneath."

(Hestia): "Wow, how did anyone not notice that."

(Tamamo): "In fact, the clothes being changed was something that should show how special this is."

Bell moved a little and saw no problem moving with that, the coat was not as heavy as his normal clothes, and it did not hinder him in any way. Bell decided to put the hood on, when he put it on he realized he still had a good sense of his surroundings, it was like he didn't even have it.

(Hestia): "Bell! Your face is gone!"

(Bell): "What?"

(Tamamo): "When the Master puts the hood on, it is no longer possible to see his face."

(Hestia): "The person who discarded this is very stupid."

(Tamamo): "Let's just thank her for her stupidity."

Bell removed his hood and sat down, he decided to wait for the rest of [Family] to say about the contract with Welf. Shortly afterwards the three arrived and just behind them was the Hippogriff.

(Lili & Astolfo): "We're back!"

(Jack): "We're back, Mommy!" - she said as she ran to the Bell and hugged him and then went to Hestia to hug her.

(Bell): "Astolfo, is that your Hippogriff?"

(Astolfo): "Yes, Master."

(Hestia): "Did you walk with him around town?!" - she was afraid to have scared someone.

(Lili): "No, Master Astolfo sent him away a little after we left the [Guild], he called him back to show Master Bell."

Bell approached, when he got close enough Hippogriff lowered his head a little and Bell started to c.a.r.e.s.s.

(Bell): "So the monster tamer license was acquired." - he said looking at Astolfo.

(Astolfo):"Yes, Mr. Mardeel, he said that Lord Uranus gave special permission."

(Hestia): "Really?" - she was quite surprised by this information.

(Bell): "Is that rare?"

(Hestia): "Uranus rarely gets involved with these things."

(Astolfo): "Anyway, Master, this outfit suits you."

(Bell): "Really?" - he said looking at his own body.

(Lili): "Yes, Lili doesn't know why, but something says that this outfit is perfect on Master Bell."

(Jack): "We agree."

(Tamamo): "Do you have anything else to comment?"

(Bell): "Actually, yes, I made a direct contract with the blacksmith who made my armor."

As a direct contract it was something that benefited both [Adventurer] and blacksmiths benefited. After all, the [Adventurers] delivered the materials and obtained great weapons and armor while they served as a kind of propaganda for the blacksmiths. The only way this system could go wrong was for one side not to do its part. The [Adventurers] do not bring materials or use the weapons made, or the blacksmiths do poor work.

(Lili): "Is that so? Lili doesn't think that is something everyone needs to know about though. If Bell likes that Smith's work then it's Master Bell's choice."

(Tamamo): "But why make a direct contract if it is only because of the armor?"

(Bell): "I was thinking of also having another sword, or a two-handed sword to go with it."

(Astolfo): "If the Master can make the 'Legacy of Chaos' float like the other two, having a two-handed sword would not be bad."

(Bell): "And ... well ... he wants to join our party when we go into the | Dungeon |."

Everyone looked at him.

(Tamamo): "Why? Can't the smith go with others in his [Family]?"

(Bell): "Well ... he said that his [Family] often left him out so he had been going solo all this time and can't get pass the | Tenth Floor |. So he wants to join us until he hits Level 2 and gets the Development Ability 'Blacksmith'. "

(Lili): "That is definitely suspicious! They are definitely trying to take advantage of you! Lili tried to do the same after all!"

(Bell): "... And that's why I want to help him." - he said calmly with a smile.

Lili fell silent immediately. Jack chose that moment to part with Hestia and go to Bell.

(Astolfo): "The idea sounds good, but can you go with such a large team? Counting on Smith, this team will have six members ... seven if we count Hippogriff." - he said that and immediately afterwards the Hippogriff made a happy sound, as if he were happy to be considered.

(Bell): "It would normally be divided, but there are teams that go even further."

(Tamamo): "So there's only one thing left. Jack."

Jack was already clinging to Bell's waist when he looked at Tamamo.

(Jack): "Yes, lady fox?"

The blood seemed to drain from Tamamo's face when she heard the way Jack addressed her, but she managed to continue.

(Tamamo): "One of the reasons why we went down for Mestre to become stronger, so you can't fight much, understand? Only when Mestre or Lili are in danger can you go with everything."

(Jack): "Don't fight any faster than Mommy ... Okay."

And so, the formation of the new party of [Hestia Family] was finished.

The next day they prepared and headed towards | Dungeon | early. Bell trained a little with Astolfo, but he himself said he couldn't take it as long as someone in the 'Saber' class, so the training didn't last long. Bell put on the armor and then the black coat and to everyone's surprise, the armor disappeared. He touched where she would be but only felt the cloth. Then everyone convinced him to put the armor on top, as it was gone they did not know if she would still protect him. As soon as the group was seen on the streets, everyone moved away. The reason? Astolfo had been riding the Hippogriff since they left the mansion. Which generated several looks of fear, respect and admiration for him, including everyone present at the 'Hostess of Fertility' when they spent there, after all it was Syr's day to make Bell's lunch.

(Jack): "Lili is amazing!"

Jack has been repeating those words since she saw Lili carrying that huge bag without a problem.

(Lili): "Fufu, this much is nothing!" - She said while puffing out her c.h.e.s.t with pride.

And in fact it was nothing to the point of any [Support] with | Artel Assist | succeed in doing. It excited Jack that she decided to scale the bag.

(Lili): "Hey ... wait! Don't climb up!"

(Jack): "Whee!"

(Tamamo): "Where are we meeting this smith?" - She asked while looking worriedly at Lili who was trying to adjust to the sudden addition of Jack's weight in her bag so that the ability could come into play.

(Bell): "Umm ... he should be right over ... ah, there he is!" - he said pointing to one of the fountains in the square in front of [Tower of Babel].

Sitting in the corner, waiting patiently, was the boy with red hair with a two-handed sword resting on his legs. When he saw Bell, he stood up, took the sword and put it on his back. It was certain that he would go to Bell to greet him, but Hippogriff shocked him a little, as did everyone in the square.

(Bell): "Hi Mr. Welf!" - he said when they approached.

(Welf): "Y-yo Bell, I didn't know that in your [Family] there was a monster tamer."

(Bell): "He registered yesterday."

(Welf): "Oh right, before I forget ..."

He lowered hid head in a bow for the group.

(Welf): "Thanks for accepting me into your party! I promise to not get in your way!"

(Tamamo): "It's okay, if that will help you to help the Master. The fight will be your responsibility until |Eleventh Floor|."

Welf blinked for a moment before understanding washed over his face.

(Welf): "Yeah I get it. Sorry to have you stuck babysitting me."

(Tamamo): "Don't worry. Another training session. Just be careful."

(Welf): "Don't worry about me. I've been going solo for a while so I won't get caught off guard short of a Monster Party spawning on top of us."

(Lili): "Please do not jinx us ..." - she said with a sigh.

Jack finally slid off the bag and landed on her feet with her arms stretched out to the side and a smile.

(Bell): "Ahaha ... anyway let's get started with introductions. Welf, these are my [Family] members. Tamamo, Liliruca Arde, Jack and Astolfo."

(Welf): "Nice to meet ya! Wait! Who is Astolfo?" - He said the first part with a smile, but a confused expression appeared on his face in the second part.

(Astolfo): "Me." - he said that raising his hand.

(Lili): "Before you ask, Astolfo is a man." - Her eyes and voice were almost dead when she said that.

Welf looked at Astolfo in amazement, but unlike the others he did not ask questions or shout, and quickly returned to a normal expression. Astolfo liked someone to accept it so quickly, but he would like to see a funny expression.

(Bell): "And guys, this is Mr. Welf Crozzo, the one who I signed an direct contract with."

(Lili): "...Crozzo?" - she repeated with her eyes opening wide.

Welf's smile faded as if he knew what was going to happen.

(Lili): "Crozzo? The cursed house of magic swordsmiths? The noble family of smiths that fell into ruin?"

(Bell): "Do you ... know them, Lili?" - He asked as he turned to face the Welf who was with a sour look on his face.

(Lili): "Lili heard that long ago, the Crozzo family was granted noble status by an old king of Rakia for the magic swords they forged. It's said that he only thing they made was magic swords ... you have, hendreds of thousands Some claim that their magic swords were so powerful that they could set fire to the oncean. But one day they fell out of favor with the king. They lost their noble status and their house fell into ruin ... "

Lili then turned toward Welf as if asking him for for confirmation or to correct her. Wlf does neither as he just scratched his head with a sigh.

(Welf): "Let's not worry about that unimportant stuff. I'm just a plain old smith trying to make a living here in Orario. Besides, we're here to dive into the |Dungeon|, right?"

(Bell): "Yeah." - he said quickly to get the conversation off the subject.

He didn't need to delve into his past after all. He wouldn't want Welf to try to delve into Lili's past | also.

(Lili): "All right. Then shall we settle on the formation?"

(Welf): "No problem! Oh and uh ... is this kid also joining us?"

(Jack): "We're not 'this kid'. We're Jack!"

(Bell): "Don't underestimate Jack. Take your eyes off her for one second and she'll disappear." - he said with a smile.

(Welf): "Really? Sounds like any other-huh?" - He turned to look at Bell and then Jack.

When he looked back at Jack, she was gone.

(Welf): "Where did she-"

(Jack): "BAM!" - with a loud voice he jumped on Welf's back and poked his throat with his finger.

(Welf): "Dowah !?"

(Jack): "Bam! You're dead! Hee hee!" - she said with a big smile.

(Welf): "Hahaha ... okay okay, you got me, I'll counting on you down there as well, Jackie." - he said as Jack got off his back and he patted her head.

(Jack): "Uh-huh!"

Seeing that Welf had nothing against Jack, Bell stepped up and started discussing the lineup.

(Bell): "Very well ... I think Mr. Welf should go ahead to | Middle Floors |."

(Lili): "Lili thinks the same thing."

(Welf): "Are you sure, Bell and Lil'li?" - he was surprised that the two put him at the forefront even though he was a newcomer.

(Lili): "That is the only place for Master Crozzo. Bell and Jack should be in the center as they are fast enough to cover both the front and the rear ... and don't call Lili that!"

(Jack): "Oh!" - she celebrated as she pulled out one of her daggers and one of her cleavers and held them above her head.

(Bell): "That's dangerous!" - he said while quickly making her lower her arms.

(Tamamo): "I will cover all of you guys."

(Astolfo): "Hippogriff and I are going to side with Tamamo, if you want to change places with us Welf, just ask." - Hippogriff made a sound confirming his partner's words.

(Welf): "No problem. Man, knowing there's a place to run back to is really reassuring."

(Bell): "Well, I won't deny that." - he said this remembering the two weeks before invoking Saber and Tamamo - "Well then, let's go! Or first goal is the | Eleventh Floor |!"

(Everyone): "Ohhh!"

When they came down to the | First Floor |, Bell invoked the three swords, the 'Legacy of Chaos' in his hand and the other two floating, which made Welf's eyes widen. As they descended, he asked Astolfo to fight monsters without Hippogriff. Tamamo called him a knight, so Bell was excited to see a knight fight. Astolfo faced a group of five <War Shadows> without any problems. He took his sword and turned it into the spear, which made Welf's eyes widen a second time, and moved forward. Astolfo hesitated a little and Bell was almost sure that he would introduce himself before starting the fight. He defeated everyone with the spear. The first he made the tip go right into the crystal. He hit the side of the second, making it hit the wall, he turned the spear back into a sword and cut the third in half with a spin. The fourth tried to attack but he turned the sword again into a spear and hit the head with such force that the crystal broke and the fifth attacked him, but he took a step back, turned the spear into a sword and impaled it with her, and pushed him until the second that had already risen from the blow. The five disappeared after they died.

(Bell): "Incredible Astolfo!"

Astolfo just smiled and raised his hand making a V sign with his fingers.

(Welf): "I really need to know about your weapons." - he said looking at Bell.

(Bell): "Ummm ... where's Jack?"

(Jack): "Up here!"

Bell followed the voice and found little Jack waving at him on top of Lili's bag. Jack hopped down before Lili could yell at her and presented Lili with some tiny [Magic Stones].

(Lili): "... Where did you get these?"

(Jack): "We pulled them out of some monsters down that way." - she replied, pointing down a path to the side.

(Lili): "Don't leave the party to go wander off by yourself!"

(Welf): "... You weren't kidding when you said she could just wander off when you weren't looking." - he whispered to Bell as Lili stated scolding Jack who seemed to understand that she did something wrong.

Bell nodded his head as he walked up to the two girls.

(Bell): "Lili, I think she got the point." - he said as Lili turned from Jack to Bell then to Jack to see that she had tears in her eyes.

(Jack): "We're sorry ..." - she said through her tears.

(Welf): "Ah, you made her cry, Lil'li"

(Lili): "L-Lili isn't the bad guy here! But if you understand then that's fine! So stop crying, okay?"

Jack let out a loud sniff as Lili pulled out a hendkerchief and had Jack blow her nose into it.

(Welf): "Guess you actually are babysiting us, huh?" - he asked with a smile toward Tamamo.

(Tamamo): "It's okay, after all I have to make sure that a certain rabbit is in a position to fulfill his promise." - she said this looking at Bell's back.

Bell knew what she was talking about and his face got a little red, and Lili looked at him with a hopeful look too, which only helped to make Bell's face redder. Welf seeing how Bell was getting he saw it was personal and asked nothing. And so, once Jack stopped crying, they continued their adventure untill they stopped in front of the stairs to the |Eleventh Floor| where Bell called for a break. As Bell ate his lunch, Lili showed Jack the different kinds of [Magic Stones] and |Drop Items| they gathered. Welf was also taking the opportunity to check his and Bell and Astolfo's weapons. In the case of Bell he had to float them close to him, explaining about his 'soul weapons'.

(Welf): "Incredible ... it doesn't even make sense for you to make a contract with me with these swords." he said, examining the swords that were floating.

(Bell): "I thought about adding another sword, to continue with the double hilt, or a two-handed sword."

(Welf): "I see ... so they never need repairs, and your Astolfo spear-sword?"

(Astolfo): "Here!" - he said handing the sword to Welf.

Welf tried to turn the sword into a spear but failed.

(Welf): "How did you do that?" he asked with a surprised look at Astolfo.

(Astolfo): "Actually, the spear belonged to a companion who was caught breaking the rules of a competition where I lived, when we fought I broke the spear I used and my sword and he broke that spear, so I took the spear as they compensate and with the help of a mysterious smith I kind of put the two together. Whenever I want, I can use my sword or 'Argalia'.

(Welf): "So the name of the spear is 'Argalia'. And the name of the blacksmith?" - he was wanting to meet a blacksmith capable of doing such work.

(Astolfo): "I don't know, I found a workshop and asked for help, he refused at first, but when I said I wanted to put a sword and spear together he agreed at the time. It was the only time I saw that place, I tried to go back to to know if he would help me more, as well as asking his name, after all he only spoke to me when it came to the gun, but I never found it, it was as if he had moved the entire workshop. "

(Welf): "What a pity, I would like to meet you. And this here barely needed any work ..." - he said this by using his magic on the sword and then returning it to Astolfo.

(Astolfo): "Anyway, I'm surprised that the monsters have this partnership system ... even though Hippogriff is on our side, the monsters completely ignore him." - he said that sheathed his sword.

In fact, monsters never attack each other, in some cases, they even unite to end [Adventurers] who descend to |Dungeon|, which were the Monster Party.

(Lili): "Some say that they get the anger of |Dungeon| towards mortals and [Gods], so they cooperate to achieve that goal.

(Astolfo): "I see ..."

(Welf): "All right, we're all done then. Onward to the |Eleventh Floor|!" - he said with excitement flooding into his body.

(Astolfo): "Sure!" - he said excitedly.

(Bell): "R-right" - he said as forced down the rest of his food and stood up.

(Tamamo): "Calm down a little. And don't take any chances."

The three nodded before heading down the stairs. Hippogriff flew after them shortly thereafter.

(Tamamo): "... Boys do love adventures after all ..."

(Welf): "Yahoo! |Eleventh Floor|, I have finally arrived!" his voice echoed up the stairs.

(Lili): "Lili thinks Master Welf really watned to come down here..." - she said while Jack nodded.

(Bell): "Guys! I think it's a monster party!" - Bell's voice echoed from below and then a shout from Hippogriff ensued, making the three run down the stairs.

When Bell, Welf and Astolfo, mounted on the Hippogriff, arrived there, they were fighting several <Orcs> and <Imps> right at the bottom of the stairs. Bell made one of the swords fly to the head of an <Orcs> while he attacked the legs of the other and pierced their c.h.e.s.t with the remaining swords, which he was wielding. Astolfo kept alternating between sword and spear while he and Hippogriff attacked the <Imps>, and even with Hippogriff attacking the monsters, they did not defend themselves against him. Welf was managing to deal with an <Orc> he was facing. Jack quickly went to the <Orc> back that the Welf was facing and stabbed him in the back, making the monster scream in pain and move away from the Welf. She then threw two knives at the other two <Orcs>, hitting him in the neck, making them fall. Whenever a monster went to attack Bell or Welf while they dealt with the <Orcs>, Lili shot an arrow to stun them and Bell finished off some by making one of the swords go to their head. Tamamo cast a spell or two, but there was no reason why it interfered too much.

Welf went to deal with another <Orc>, since Jack had everything under control and Lili went to help him, since Bell was not in need of much help at the rear. The control over his surroundings that Bell had was something that surprised Tamamo, seeing that his Master and future husband was making wonderful progress. With the help of Lili, who either distracted the <orcs> from going on top of the Welf or managed to take them down, he managed to take down an <Orc> by hitting him in the leg and then beheading him, or if he fell with Lili's attacks he just beheaded. Jack pulled out her cleaver and crushed the head of the <Orc> she was assembling and soon after she ran to help Lili who was being pressured by the <Orcs>, even with Welf helping her.

(Lili): "Oh, Master Crozzo can do it after all." - she said while applauding after Welf cut an <Orc> that approached her in two with just a single blow.

(Welf): "Hey ... I won't ask you to like me right away but can you at least not use Crozzo?" - he asked while going to one of the <Orcs> that Jack hit him in the neck when he threw the knives and finished him off - "Also ... you're kinda brutal, aren't you Jackie?"

(Jack): "Hmm?" - she replied simply by tilting her head to the side as she tore the Orc's back with her knives and pulled out a [Magic Stone] before moving to the remaining <Orcs> and hitting the back of the skull with her cleaver.

(Welf): "... There are just some things a girl that little should not be doing ..." - he murmured to himself.

(Astolfo): "Are the monsters stupid? Even the attacked Hippogriff they only focused on me." - he said, a little indignant, as they descended from the Hippogriff, around them were several bodies of <Imps>.

He understood why the monsters worked together, but not fighting back even when attacked was proof that there was no salvation from this idiocy. He turned to Bell and saw the bodies of <Orcs> and <Imps> around him.

(Astolfo): "Good Master!"

(Tamamo): "Welf, duck!"

That was the only warning the Smith had before he threw himself foward onto the ground, feeling something brush right past his head. Rolling on his back, he saw that a <Silverback> had jumped him from behind ... before a piece of paper touched him, and then the <Silverback> caught fire.

(Tamamo): "Are you okay?"

(Welf): "Yeah, sorry! Damn, more of them!" - he said after seeing two more <Silverback>.

In the sonner did he say that, Bell went straight to the fight, he jumped with the two swords in front of him and pierced the throat of a <Silverback>, and then immediately released the swords on the body and took the sword that was floating and launched it at the second <Silverback> that hit right between the monster's eyes. Both monsters fell shortly thereafter.

(Welf): "Damn ..." - he murmured impressed.

(Tamamo): "Oh, you've come a long way since being chased around by a <Silverback> during Monsterohilia, Master!" - she said trying to clean the blood that had fallen on his face as Bell scratched the back of his head with a smile.

(Welf): "Yep, having a party is great!"

(Jack): "Do you not have parties often?" - she asked, having retired her weapons before leaping onto Welf's back again.

(Welf): "Well ... not as much as I'd like." - He replied with a bitter smole as he patted Jack on the head before his hand froze mid-pat as he gave the girl a big closed-eyed smile - "... You got monster blood all over my back, didn't you ? "

Jack looked down at the spot between her c.h.e.s.t and Welf's back before looking back at Welf.

(Jack): "... No?" - she replied as she started blowing air out with her mouth as if trying to whistle but failing.

She then jumped off the smith's back and bolted.

(Lili): "Really now ... This party has gotten rather lively." - she signed as Welf started chasing Jack around the immediate area.

(Bell): "I don't think that's a bad thing ... Do you need help gathering the [Magic Stones]?"

(Lili): "Don't worry about that. Just leave this to Lili. It is her job after all."

With that said, Lily ran to each of the corpses and started dragging them off to the side into a pile as Welf came back witha a giggling Jack under his arm like a sack.

(Welf): "Hey Lil'li, think you can take out the <Orc>'s [Magic Stone] first to get rid of this blood?"

Lili responded by digging her hand into the orc's c.h.e.s.t and pulling out the stone, causing the blood on all three of them to vanish alongside the <Orc>'s corpse.

(Welf): "Thanks!"

(Lili): "Master Welf is welcome... and stop calling Lili that!"

(Welf): "Man, sorry that I keep saying this but being in a party is definitely reassuring."

He dropped Jack onto the grass with a thud. She pushed herself up and spat out the grass that entered her mouth before she trotted over to watch Lili carve out the [Magic Stones] from the monster with a fascinated expression.

(Welf): "But you're pretty fast aren't you man? I didn't even see you fly in."

(Bell): "I suprised even myself. It's the first time I entered the |Dungeon| since I Leveled Up so I'm still getting used to things. It's a world of difference."

(Welf): "Is that right? Something to look forward to then."

(Astolfo): "Master, other [Adventurers] are coming down." - he said as he joined them on the Hippogriff.

(Tamamo): "We are still right by the staircase after all."

Lili had already dragged their 'winnings' so to speak off to the side and piled them up before she started digging out the [Magic Stones] from the corpses. This way no one could try to claim that one corpse or another was actually theirs. And with Jack balancing on top of the pile, no one could steal one without them noticing either.

(Tamamo): "Shall we continue here or find a different room, Master?" - she asked after a group of four, each of a different race, who looked in a strange way at Astolfo who was riding on the Hippogriff, passed them.

(Bell): "Hmm ... lets move on. Once Lili gathers up the [Stones], lets try to find an empty room since more people are coming down now."

(Welf): "You sure? There's a lot of fog in the other rooms after all."

(Bell): "You got a point there..." - he muttered as he looked over toward Jack who was poking the snout of a dead <Orc> with her finger.

Come to think of it, Jack had a skill that let her vanish even easier when there was fog or mist out. It was rather fitting and terrifying skill for an assassin to have ... which probably what allowed her to become a serial killer if she could just fade away after a kill .. It was difficult to Bell to connect the cheery, if a bit creepy , girl to an 'Assassin' class |Servant|. Rather than a [Hero], she was more like someone whose legend came from their notoriety rather than their noble deeds. Bell turned his gauze towards Astolfo, who was stroking Hippogriff's neck. Astolfo was a knight. Even the way to fight, almost presenting himself to the enemies he was there and wanted a fair fight. And there was Tamamo and Saber, who were way above him. It made him realize how far his goal was. He wanted to earn the title of 'Mestre' and make his [Family] one of the most powerful in Orario. He wondered if he was being naive. But he realized that even though he was a little bit, he was getting closer to his [Heroes].

(Tamamo): "Master!"

(Welf): "Oi, Bell, what the heck is that?"

Bell looked over toward Tamamo, Welf and Astolfo and saw that the three of them were staring at him. Looking down at his hand, Bell saw small specs of light kind of bluish, no bigger than grains of sand pulsating around his hand. They were emitting small pings like a small chime.

(Astolfo): "Is this one of your's skill Master?"

(Bell): "Skill?"

At that time he remembered that he had two skills, one that helped to control swords and the other that he did not know what to do. A lound roar suddenly echoed through the room, causing the four of them to turn. At the far end of the room at the exit leading deeper into the |Dungeon|, a massive monster covered in ambar scales stomped out of the fog.

(Random Adventurers): "<Infant Dragon>! Run!" - one of the [Adventurers] who had passed by Bell's party earlier called out.

Standing only about one and a half metters tall yet over four metter in length walking on all four legs was a dragon. Dragon types were the strongest ones to be encountered within the |Dungeon|, not counting the <Monster Rex>. This particular rare species found on the |Upper Floors| did not have wings so it couldn't fly but its body was covered in scales tougher than any armor [Adventurers] Level 1 or 2 could afford without the support of a powerful [Family] and its powerful muscles could easily crush said [Adventures] without a second thought. Faster than anyone can react, the <Infant Dragon> moved forward, and the direction he was going was where Lili and Jack were. Lili let out a yelp as Jack, in rather surprising sow of strenght that constrasted with her tiny frame, picked her up and started running the opposite direction of the <Infant Dragon>. Bell felt his body move on his own. Lifting his still glowing hand up, he held it toward the dragon and as if on instinct, uttered a single spell.

(Bell): "RAY OF LIGHT!"

A beam of white kind of bluish cackling light shou out of Bell's hand, cleaving its way across the room and slammed into the <Infant Dragon>. The beam picked the monster up off the ground and carried it all the way to the other end where it slammed into a wall and collapsed into a heap. The room fell silent. Welf, Tamamo and Astolfo was staring at Bell from a gap in their arms, having shielded his face from the bright light, Hippogriff even used one of the wings to protect his eyes. Lili, who had been thrown over Jack's shoulder, was gaping at Bell with the same expression wide-eyed open-mouthed expression as Jack. These reactions were mimicked by the other [Adventurers] around them.

Shock. Awe. Envy. Hostility. Fear. Multiple emotions were ringing around Bell but he paid them no heed as he pulled his arm close to his c.h.e.s.t. This was his new power. The d.e.s.i.r.e within him.

His |Heroic D.e.s.i.r.e - Argonaut|.

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