Hermes was watching Bell reach out to Mord with a smile on his face. At that time he remembered one of his important conversations with Bell's grandfather.

(Grandfather): "Bell has a backbone. He has patience. He has potential. And he has a great character... he will be a great [Hero] someday."

(Hermes): 'You were not exaggerating...' - he thought in wonder.

Hermes saw that Bell not only defeated his opponent, but also inspired him and the others around him. Hermes believed that Bell would be the last [Hero] that Orario would form, but if it depended on Bell, that would not happen.

After taking Mord's hand, Bell pulled him to his feet. Mord looked at Bell's eyes still with shame, as did the other [Adventurers]. Bell looked at each of their faces.

(Bell): "I really hope it doesn't happen again and that I was able to help..."

(Mord): "And it helped... and I'm sorry for the moment..."

Bell did they remember what a [Adventurer] really should be. At that time they heard a voice and a loud eagle sound.

(??????): "MASTER!"

Bell turned and saw Astolfo coming through the skies to Bell on Hippogriff. He landed near Bell, got off the Hippogriff and went to him.

(Astolfo): "Are you okay?"

(Bell): "I am. You have nothing to worry about."

(Nero): "Praetor! Do you know how worried we are?!"

(Bell): "Sorry..."

Tamamo and Lili were about to say something, but at that very moment everything started to shake.

(Welf): "An earthquake?!"

Hippogriff was quite agitated by that tremor, and Astolfo was not managing to calm him down.

(Astolfo): "Hippogriff is not enjoying any of this."

Not Bell either, because he was still seeing the auras and saw that the walls themselves were turning black and realized that this was the hate of the |Dungeon| itself, which was increasing for some reason, he decided to stop seeing the auras at that time, it was too much for him. He, like the others, looked up and saw an image of a skull growing until it almost assumed the roof of the |Floor| whole and quickly disappearing and then the cracks in the crystals appear and yours quickly darkened.

That left everyone even more confused, but the confusion was to the shock when something stung to pass through the crystals of the |Floor| above and fall close to the big tree that was in |Under Resort|, generating a great cloud of dust, when the dust settled, revealed a giant monster of humanoid appearance, with black skin and white hair that was standing, after a while , the monster gave a great cry and soon after its cry, all the crystals on the |Floor| began to glow in blood red.

Hermes and members of his [Family] were seeing the monster that appeared.

(Brown Haired Woman): "<Goliath>?!

(Weretiger): "This one is different... it's a strengthened specie..."

(Asfi): "What's going on, Lord Hermes?"

(Hermes): "The |Dungeon| hates us for controlling everything here... it looks like she has had enough..."

Asfi found that strange. In fact, Hermes' presence should affect the |Dungeon|, but not in a way that a |Floor Boss| one goes down |Floor|. But Hermes had a theory as to why it was happening, even though he felt nothing.

(Hermes): 'You really were telling the truth about Bell... Lord Zeus...' - he thought extremely seriously.

He remembered about 9 years ago, where he went to talk to Bell's 'grandfather', who was Zeus himself. At the time of this conversation, Bell was playing somewhere around the farm, and that day was coincidentally his first contact with the [Spirits] who became friends with him.

(Hermes): "Why did you decide to create Bell, Lord Zeus? Couldn't I have given it to some [Family]?"

(Zeus): "For three reasons. One, he is the son of one of my dearest members of my [Family], Caliope Cranel."

(Hermes): "He is the son of Caliope, the |Muse|? Although he seemed familiar... he took almost everything from his mother..."

(Zeus): "Two, you know that after the failure with the <One-Eyed Black Dragon> quest, many would not do me any favors..."

(Hermes): "Indeed... what about the third reason?"

(Zeus): "It is something you will have to swear to me that you will not tell anyone, Hermes, not even him, unless the situation requires it, or he will come to you for answers if he finds out for himself." - he said in a deadly serious tone.

Hermes didn't plan to do that anyway, he was really close to Zeus, but his tone made him curious.

(Hermes): "I swear, and if I break that promise, I will go back to Tenkai."

Zeus was silent for a few seconds and then spoke again.

(Zeus): "He is my son."

(Hermes): "You gave your blessing to him... and? Is that the reason for so much secrecy?"

(Zeus): "I referred in the biological sense."

Hermes' eyes slowly widened as he processed that information that shocked him.

(Hermes): "The... Bell is..."

(Zeus): "A [Demigod]... the first [Demigod]..."

Hermes put the memories aside as he faced the white-haired boy who was watching <Black Goliath> with the members of his group.

(Hermes): 'He must have activated his divine side unintentionally and very weakly, to the point where I couldn't even feel... if he had ended up doing this below...' - he thought worriedly.

And in fact, when he gave his speech, his pupils shone in a multicolored way, the mark of a [God], but so slightly that even if you looked him straight in the eye no one would be able to tell that his pupils were shining.

But the |Dungeon| realized, and how could he not? Her hatred for all the inhabitants of the surface was immense, especially when it came to the [Gods], and she would not forgive even a half-breed who would release her divinity within her.

Meanwhile Bell and the others were watching the <Monster Rex> who made a point of going down a |Floor|.

(Tamamo): "Did the presence of Lord Hermes bring him down?"

(Welf): "The fact that Lord Hermes is here shouldn't be enough for a |Floor Boss| to go down one |Floor|."

(Mord): "And that <Goliath> is different from normal..."

(Astolfo): "The |Floor Bosses|... can they be born as a strengthened specie?"

(Lili): "There is no record about it happening!"

(Bell): "So far..."

(Tamamo): "What do we do, Master?"

Bell faced each of his group.

(Bell): "Let's face it."

(Welf): "Are you sure about that Bell?"

(Bell): "You know what |Floor Bosses| do when they're born. They call more monsters. And possibly, this one will call the |Floor| below, like the |Floor| above.

(Astolfo): "What will give us a lot of problems..."

(Bell): "Exactly. So what?"

(Tamamo): "You are the captain, Master."

(Nero): "Umu! We will follow you, no matter what the argument."

The rest of his group nodded, making him very happy to have great allies like them. He faced the [Adventurers] who face <Black Goliath> with great fear.

(Bell): "I know I have no right to say what you should do, but I would like you to do some things."

(Mord): "Like what?"

(Bell): "I want some of you to see how Riviria is doing and see who's willing to fight. And tell them to deal with the monsters that come from the stairs to others |Floors|... if they didn't suffer anything from that earthquake... whoever wants to leave feel free. "

(Mord): "Are you really going to face that thing with just that group?"

(Bell): "Yes."

(Mord): "So... let's do the best we can to help them."

All the other [Adventurers] agreed, after all they kind of owed Bell for his previous behavior.

(Bell): "Let's do it!"

He and his group ran off towards <Black Goliath>, with Astolfo flying in the Hippogriff, while the other [Adventurers] divided into two groups. One went to the staircase that led to the |Seventeenth Floor| and the other went towards Riviria.

(Nero): "How are we going to fight, Praetor?" - she said while invoking 'Aestus Estus'.

(Bell): "Me, you and Jack are going to be attacking <Black Goliath>. Me and Jack are going to be focusing more on the legs, you are attacking him as a whole. Tamamo and Astolfo are trying to attract his attention away from us. If you can, use the 'trap of argalia', Astolfo. " he said as he invoked his three swords.

(Astolfo): "Right." - he said drawing his sword

(Bell): "Welf, Lili. You keep avoiding any other monster from getting close to us while we fight and coverage so that Tamamo can focus on distracting <Black Goliath>."

(Welf & Lili): "Right!"

(Tamamo): "I thought you would ask us to go with everything." - she said while invoking her 'Amaterasu's Mirror'

(Bell): "The d.e.s.i.r.e is great... but this is the perfect chance to raise our status... if it gets too bad, you can go with everything."

(Nero & Tamamo & Astolfo): "Right!"

They ran, with Bell, Nero, Tamamo and Jack defeating all the monsters they encountered until they reached <Black Goliath>.

(Bell): "Let's win and get out of this alive!"

(Group): "Right!"

Bell, Nero, Jack and Astolfo continued to advance while Tamamo, Lili and Welf were in the rear.

Nero advanced quickly to Goliath, he tried to hit her with one of his arms. Just like Lili said, that monster was just size and strength, he was kind of slow. Nero deflected the attack and attacked Goliath's arm with rotating movements around Goliath's hand that was on the ground, causing the monster to quickly raise his arm.

Tamamo cast some spells in <Goliath>'s eyes, causing the monster to raise one arm to protect its eyes. Astolfo was flying around the <Goliath> c.h.e.s.t area while hitting him with his sword, but he was getting only a few superficial cuts. <Black Goliath>'s skin was very hard.

Jack and Bell were attacking his legs. Thanks to the fact that Bell's swords grew with him, he was able to cut the skin of <Black Goliath>. Jack sent his knives into the monster's leg and swirled around it, making an opening where a lot of blood came out.

Bell did the same thing as Jack on the other leg, and shortly thereafter <Black Goliath> cried out in pain and got to his knees. Nero took advantage of this opportunity and jumped while making a vertical cut from top to bottom in the middle of the monster's c.h.e.s.t, causing him to swing his arms trying to hit her, but Astolfo caught her before she was hit and took her close to the ground where he dropped her and returned to the monster's c.h.e.s.t height.

At that time, <Goliath> got up and some rings of energy began to appear in front of his open mouth. Bell knew what was coming.

(Bell): "WELF!"

Welf, who had just dealt with a monster that tried to attack Lili, looked towards the voice and saw what <Black Goliath> was doing, he was about to perform a spell, and understood what Bell wanted. He raised his hand and shouted his spell.

(Welf): "Blasphemous burn! Will-o-Wisp!"

At that same time <Goliath>'s mouth exploded due to |Ignitus Fatuus| that Welf's magic managed to cause. When the smoke cleared, almost the entire <Goliath> bottom of the face was skinless. However, soon after, a red aura surrounded <Goliath> and all his wounds began to heal quickly to the point where there were none of the marks of the blows they made.

Tamamo, who was on Lili's side, went to give her a break after Welf saved her, both fighting the monsters near them with Welf a little away, decided to ask her about it.

(Tamamo): "Lili, did the normal <Goliath> have this ability to regenerate?"

(Lili): "No, and I didn't even know magic."

(Tamamo): "It seems that |Strengthened Floor Bosses| have more skills than their normal counterparts... different from other monsters."

Bell, Nero and Jack were side by side dodging attacks from <Golaith> who became more frantic after regenerating.

(Nero): "He is regenerating very quickly!"

(Bell): "We will have to hit his [Magic Crystal] if we want to get this over with!"

While [Hestia Family] was going to face <Black Goliath>, half of the [Adventurers] who joined against Bell appeared in Riviria, where the residents there already seemed to be packing. He went to the leader of the city of Riviria, a man of Mord's stature, with shorter hair and a light brown, with an eye patch on his left eye and scars on his face and arms.

(Mord): "Voles! Are you leaving?"

(Voles): "There is no way we can face that! You must have realized that this is not a normal |Floor Boss|!"

(Mord): "And where do you plan to go?"

(Voles): "Let's go up!"

At that time, members of the [Hermes Family], without their [God], showed up.

(Asfi): "It won't do much good. The staircase to the |Floors| above was blocked thanks to the fall of <Black Goliath>."

(Voles): "What the f.u.c.k..."

(Mord): "|White Dawn Rabbit| and [Hestia Family] said they can handle it, but asks for help to stop the monsters from going to <Goliath>."

(Asfi): "In fact, I saw some monsters going up the staircase that leads to the |Nineteenth floor|."

(Voles): "Do you think the boy can handle it?"

(Mord): "If he can't take it, something tells me that it leaves the <Goliath> close to death."

At that time they heard the cry that <Goliath> made to activate regenerative abilities.

(Asfi): "What do you want to do?"

(Voles): "Everyone get the weapons! Give the Hestia Family as much time to deal with the <Goliath>. Deal with the monsters on the |Floor| and those who come from the |Floor| below. Prepare for the in case [Hestia Family] loses. "

And so, Riviria's [Adventurers] and the second group of [Loki Family] who were there at the time, decided to give this support to [Hestia Family].

The <Goliath> fired its magic again, which Bell saw was practically a blast of air. Bell had seen it once when he asked one of the [Spirits] who was his friend to do magic.

But for some reason, <Goliath> looked away and turned to Welf and Lili, who had gone to his side to help him and started preparing his magic again. They would not be able to dodge and Nero and Astolfo could not get the monster's attention again.

At that time, again, a new song appeared in Bell's head, and he knew the purpose of this new magic, he ran towards his friends, but realized that he would not have time to start the song in front of them so he decided to start during the race.

This shouldn't have been possible, just with an ability that both Riveria and Lefyia had, but Bell decided to try it anyway while using swords as a platform to reach them both.

(Bell): "The sun of courage illuminates us! Making light be our last barrier! May eternal courage never lose that shine! To give rise to the purest light!"

Bell landed on the floor and turned quickly to face <Black Goliath> with his hands outstretched in front of him, surprising the rest when a large golden magic circle appeared in front of him.

(Bell): "Incentive! Encourage! And protect everything and everyone! BRAVE LIGHT!"

At that time, eight triangles appeared around the circle, and their ends connected at the same time that <Goliath> launched its magic by colliding with the new Bell magic. Bell was pushed when the <Goliath> spell crashed against his shield, but managed to hold on, but <Goliath> just sent more spells in a row, the shield showed no sign of breaking, but Bell was starting to lose stability.

Welf and Lili had gone to Bell to support him, to prevent him from being too dragged by the blows.

(Bell): "ASTOLFO!"

Astolfo understood immediately what Bell wanted, he flew the Hippogriff to the monster's back and went towards the back of one of the giant's knees with the spear already ready.

(Astolfo): "Touch everything with its golden tip! Take down my enemies for glory in the tournament! Trap of Argalia!" - he said with 'Argalia' pointed in front of you, next to Hippogriff's head.

His spear began to glow with golden light and a gold circle appeared in front of the tip of the spear. At that time he advanced, and crossed the monster's right leg, where the spear touched, disappeared, causing the giant to fall.

However, this was a temporary victory because the leg was regenerating, not as much as the wounds, but it was.

(Astolfo): "And now, Master?" - he screamed.

Bell saw that he would have to take some time, he remembered what just a minute of power did to him, if he could have the entire charge...

(Bell): "Get me four minutes!"

As soon as he said that, the sound of bells began to ring and particles of light gathered around the boy's hand. All members understood what he wanted.

Jack climbed <Goliath>'s body and started drilling it into various regions of the body. Nero kept attacking his legs, and his hands when he tried to attack her. Astolfo continued to fly around <Goliath> with Hippogriff attacking him with his claws and Astolfo with his sword. They did everything they could to get <Goliath>'s attention away from Bell.

Welf, Lili and Tamamo dealt with the monsters that were approaching the Bell. Lili incapacitated them, hitting the eyes or the knees and the Welf finished, cutting them in half or beheading them. Tamamo cast spells to help both Bell, Lili and Welf, when they needed it.

Meanwhile, the other [Adventurers] dealt with the monsters trying to climb, and the number was higher than expected, but thanks to the large number of [Adventurers], they were managing to handle everything. However, even dealing with the monsters, everyone was paying attention to the battle of [Hestia Family] against <Black Goliath> and were surprised that only about seven people and a monster, could handle a |Floor Boss|, without considering the power of it.

The normal <Goliath> had the power of a Level 4, being a strengthened specie it should have the power of a Level 5. Then they started to hear the sound of bells and a part of the young man with white hair started to shine.

Time passed while the Bell group was making time for it. However, even <Goliath> has lost patience. With a great roar he fired his magic at his feet. His feet were destroyed, and they made the three |Servants| that were close to him fly away.

Nero managed to regain her balance quickly and landed with all her grace. Hippogriff managed to recover and quickly caught Jack who flew away because she was in his c.h.e.s.t when he made his attack.

After part of the distraction left, the <Monster Rex> focused on Bell, who were half glowing and started to perform their magic. Welf realized that it was time to wear his 'amulet' that was attached to his back. He stuck his big sword in the ground and went towards the monster, while screaming.

(Welf): "Blasphemous burn! Will-o-Wisp!"

Again, <Black Goliath> suffered again a |Ignitus Fatuus| caused by the magic of the Welf, while he took the sword on its back and unwrapped it, revealing the same sword that Bell saw in the Welf workshop. A Magic Sword. A 'Crozzo' Magic Sword.

(Welf): "Get away from him!"

Astolfo took Jack away while Nero went to Tamamo to lend a hand.

(Welf): 'Pathetic, isn't it?' - he asked the blade in his hands - 'I threw you away and now I'm begging you to help me.'

The sword did not respond as he prepared, while Hephaistos' words rang again in his ears, just as they did when Tamamo and Lili told him to consider using Magic Swords in the |Dungeon|.

(Hephaitos): "Do not sacrifice the things you care about for your pride."

The words rang louder and louder, aching his very soul as flame roared out from his blade, leaving a burning trail behind him. He had people who cared about him and accepted his stubbornness and even praised him for it... and he didn't wnat to be a burden to them.

(Welf): 'And so... please let me use you. Please let me break you! '

He swung the blade forward.

(Welf): "Burning Moon, Katsukiiiiiii!"

With a single swing of the Magic Sword, a massive wave of flame surged forward. The flames engufled the <Black Goliath> in a massive twister of flames, the same size as [Demi-Spirit], drowing out even its howls of pain. The flame raged and burned mercilessly, tearing away its hide and flesh faster than even its regeneration could keep up. As soon as its aura flared up to heal itself, the flames would strip it away and burn even deeper.

The power to burn the seas. Its glory reborn within this battle witnessed by a large number of [Adventurers], with one among them burning the blade's visage into his very soul. But, no matter how powerful it was, it was still a Magic Sword. And as all Magic Swords, it would shatter without question when it was fired one too many times. A weapon that could never be a truly realiable partner to their wielder. Destined to always shatter and leave their owner behind, they would never fulfill their duty as a weapon ... this was why Welf hatde them. A useless and painful sympathy that he could never accept.

(Welf): 'You were right... Lady Hephaistos... it was all because of pride...'

Welf's face scrunched up in pain as he watched a series of cracks run up and down the Magic Sword before the blade suddenly shattered into a thousand pieces, never to be used again. For a moment he looked as though he had lost something important to him.

(Welf): "...I'm sorry... - he whispered as he looked from the burning tornado and to Bell before quickly go back to where his usual sword was.

While the monster was still engulfed by the flames Bell was still carrying his ability, it had been more than two minutes, but he still needed more time.

<Goliath> was waving his arms trying to get out of the twister of flames, but Tamamo always added more fire with his magic, or Nero and Astolfo hit the monster's arm, risking themselves in the flames, preventing their movements.

After a minute <Goliath> almost managed to leave, at that time she placed six 'tao' papers lined up towards <Black Goliath>. One was activated and hit what was in front of it getting bigger, in the end, Tamamo's fire magic was the same size as <Goliath>'s c.h.e.s.t and hit him right in the c.h.e.s.t, making him stop a bit and increase the twister of flames.

Another minute passed and now Bell's entire body was glowing, he straightened up and the 'Legacy of Chaos' started to glow the same way as Bell's body as the other two swords swirled in parallel around the tip of the sword in Bell's hands.

With a massive roar, Bell launched himself foward towards the roaring twister of fire. As he advanced his grandfather's words, his first [Hero], rang in his ears as he spoke his song.

(Grandfather): "Bell... a [Hero] is not someone able to draw a sword, or someone willing to raise a shield, or someone who heals others."

(Bell): "Light is shining shadow! Shadow is silent light!"

The <Black Goliath> noticed Bell coming, and waving both arms, managed to get out of the flames before Tamamo or the others stopped, and prepared to lower his arm all towards the Bell, but before he moved a red figure got it right and found the giant's arm, preventing its movement.

(Nero): "Finish this show, Praetor!"

(Grandfather): "Only someone who's willing to risk it all can be called a hero."

(Bell): "Turn hope in despair! Turn despair in hope! Be the soul of my sword!"

He started to raise the other arm, only to make a hole appear in the elbow region where the separate parts released golden particles, causing the arm to fall.

(Astolfo): "You can do it, Master!"

He released Jack, who ran to the Bell and stood in front of him, hands together.

(Jack): "Go flying!"

(Grandfather): "Follow through on your dream, shout it out for everyone to hear. The one who does..."

Bell stepped onto her hads and she tossed him high into the air in a surprising show of strength.

(Bell): "Join the opposites and bring the true strength!

Left with only one form of defense left, the <Black Goliath> opened its mouth up and aimed its magic at the flying Bell, only for a layer of ice to block its mouth, causing a |Ignitus Fatuus|.

(Tamamo): "Finish him, Master!"

(Lili & Welf): "Take him down Master Bell / Bell!"

His [Heroes] and friends were supporting him and clearing the way, the least he could do was put all his will into this blow.

(Grandfather): "...the who does becomes a glorious [Hero]."

(Bell): "MAJESTY BURST BUSTER!" - he shouted making a vertical cut.

A white line, twice the size of <Black Goliath> appeared and a burst of ripped through the |Floor| and enveloped the <Black Goliath> in light while erasing all other sounds on the Floor.

When the light died, all that was left was two parts of the monster's extremes while the middle of it, where the width of the hole was practically from one eye to the other, no longer existed, leading to his [Magic Stone].

Bell made one of his platform swords and stayed in the air while watching what remained of the <Black Goliath> turn to ashes and leave a good part of his skin behind.

The |Floor| was silent and soon afterwards, all [Adventurers] who saw the fight celebrated.


Bell returned to the ground and the moment he touched the ground, he received a collective hug from his group.

(Welf): "You freaking did it!"

Bell can only laugh, he was very tired for some reason, but that did not diminish the happiness he was feeling, after all, only seven people managed to deal with a | Floor Boss |, that was a great achievement for those who were still at Level 2, not to mention the fact that it was a |Strengthened Floor Boss|.

All [Adventurers] who dealt with the rising monsters, went to the battle site and saw the celebration of [Hestia Family].

(Voles): "I really can't believe they made it ..." - he spoke still without believing in the scene that happened in front of him while the other [Adventurers] went to congratulate [Hestia Family] for the achievement.

(Mord): "I said."

(Voles): "And it was a strengthened ..."

(Asfi): "The future of this [Family] is certain."

In a more distant part on top of a tree was the [Messenger God] where he saw the whole fight and was amazed at Bell's performance.

(Hermes): "Glorious! Glorious!"

He knew that he would hear from [God] Uranos, and possibly many others, because of this incident, but he didn't care, as he had witnessed such a performance! Not to mention the fact that he had to cover up the divine side of the Bell. A [Hero] fighting against a giant monster with what seemed like the [Spirits] of old.

(Hermes): "These eyes have seen it! I, Hermes, have seen it all! Rejoice, Great Lord Zeus! Your son is the real deal you said! The last [Hero] of your legendary [Family] left behind! He will carry on your legacy! "

He started to laugh in a way that would be considered crazy while he thought that coming to Genkai had been the best decision that the [Gods] had made.

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