(NOTE: I will change the name of the Ray of Light, Ray of Darkness and Ray of Chaos spells to Lightbolt, Darkbolt and Chaosbolt, respectively.)

After the Bell group defeated <Black Goliath>, the [Adventurers] started removing the debris from the staircase that would lead to the |Floors| above, while [Hestia Family] and Welf were resting after getting |Drop Item| that <Black Goliath> left behind, while receiving praise from practically all [Adventurers], especially those who ambushed Bell, but he did not hold a grudge, and he and the others accepted the praise, although Bell controlled it the darkness of some people who tried to flirt with Nero and Tamamo while congratulating her, making them run a long way, and making them both look at him with amus.e.m.e.nt.

(Welf): "With that our popularity goes through the roof." - He speaks with a smile on his face, after all advertising for a blacksmith was the best thing, although he was sure that people would make him hell because of the Magic Swords.

(Lili): "Lili agrees. All Rivira saw, as well as half of [Loki Family], no one will doubt our achievement."

(Astolfo): "I wonder if you three achieved a Level Up with this battle. - He speaks looking at the only non [Spirits] in the group."

(Bell): "If we didn't make it, there is certainly little left, after all, the normal <Goliath> was considered a Level 4, right?" - He speaks looking at Nero while stroking the head of Jack who was in his l.a.p.

(Nero): "Umu, and as this was a streghtened, it was possibly a Level 5."

(Welf): "Seven people to defeat a streghtened |Floor Boss|... the city will go crazy."

(Bell): "My only fear will be the unnecessary attention that we will receive."

(Tamamo): "In fact, a lot of people are going to come after us."

(Lili): "Lili thinks so too, but we have a year before they try anything."

(Jack): "What do you mean, Lili?"

(Lili): "When a [Adventurer] registers with one [Family], he has to wait a year to enter another."

(Welf): "Changing the subject ... Bell, since when have you been practicing |Concurrent Chanting|? - He speaks with astonishment in his voice while looking at his white-haired friend."

(Bell): "I didn't practice ... I don't even know how I managed to do that." - He speaks a little embarrassed.

(Astolfo): "|Concurrent Chanting|?"

(Lili): "It is a skill that allows you to sing a spell while moving, it is one that is achieved with training."

(NOTE: Concurrent Chanting does not depend on the fauna like |Heroic D.e.s.i.r.e - Argonaut| so it will not be in the status.)

(Welf): "The |Nine Hell| has this ability, but they say she had unparalleled training. Many cannot sing while they move because it distracts them and may cause a |Ignis Fatuus| I don't risk moving a muscle more than necessary, even though my song is small. "

(Nero): "Incredible Praetor!" - She speaks with her eyes practically overflowing with her Master's pride.

Bell just gave an embarrassed laugh but said nothing, after an hour, the [Adventurers] cleared the debris that blocked the staircase, some monsters that had descended attacked them, but the [Adventurers] managed to deal with the monsters without problem, the second half of [Loki Family] was the first to go up, and right after that it was Hermes' group, where Asfi apologized to Bell before going up, he didn't quite understand why, but when he saw her aura, he saw sadness and regret, so he just accepted the excuses.

After saying goodbye to Mord and Volas, who were still congratulating the Bell group, they started to climb, as the [Loki Family] had gone, they didn't find any monsters on the way during the |Middle Floors|.

(Bell): "I wonder if Lord Hermes is going to be in trouble because of <Black Goliath>."

(Welf): "Possibly, although with certainty, the [Guild] will make an investigation, after all <Floor Boss> went down one |Floor|. Only one [God], who did not even release his divine side, should not be enough for that. "

Tamamo bowed his head a little because of that, after all, technically speaking, she was a [DemiGoddess], since she was reincarnation of a part of [Goddess] Amaterasu, and that could have stoked |Dungeon|, although she was born as a mortal. Bell saw this and took her hand, who looked at Bell in gratitude for his emotional support.

(Bell): "Well, it doesn't matter, we are just going to take the day off... although I think the [Goddess] will charge that date." - He said the second part murmuring, but the others managed to hear, but said nothing.

(Astolfo): "Anyway... what kind of members do you think Lady Hestia got for Family?"

(Nero): "I wonder about that too... and Welf, the |Goliath Hard Skin| will be used for what?"

(Welf): "Let's wait for me to have Development Ability Blacksmith first, okay? But I'm more likely to use it in armor or cloak... maybe to risk a weapon, since it's something different, but it is very heavy and may not be very useful, after all [Loki Family] offered to take it because of the number. " - He talks getting thoughtful at the end.

They continued the rest of the way to the |Upper Floors|, when they were on the |Second Floor|, they saw a group of five people, 4 [Humans], a red-haired boy with a bastard sword resting on his shoulder, a boy with black hair with a claw-shaped gauntlet and a cutlass, a blond boy in white armor and a strange white weapon, a purple-haired girl with a scepter and a green-haired [Elf] with a bow, and even far away, thanks at the echo of the tunnel, they managed to hear them as they approached them calmly.

(Red): "Do you want to wait for the monsters to be born again?"

(Boy): "We can go down more."

(Girl): "The [Loki Family] has recently risen, the monsters below must have already been defeated and have not yet been born again."

(Blond): "Besides, we are already very deep for newbies, after all we started two days ago."

(Elfa): "I agree, if we want to continue, we better wait, or we can go to another area or go home."

(Red): "Maybe wait ... but I still wonder what that tremor was."

(Elf): "It must have been the |Dungeon| reacting to something, after all, I'm pretty sure I saw a man with Lord Hermes' characteristics next to a woman who matches the appearance of his captain."

(Girl): "I hope nobody died because of that."

(Moreno): "But where did the problem go?"

(Blond): "I hope our captain and the others are doing well."

(Red): "Yes ... Lady Hestia was already worried, with that she will freak out."

When the group heard this, they looked at each other and went straight to the group.

(Bell): "Excuse me."

The five turned to see him, and their eyes widened.

(Red): "White hair and red eyes ... are you |White Dawn Rabbit|?"

(Bell): "Yes, it's me. And you are?"

(Red): "It is a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you captain, I am Elsword Sieghart, and my friends are Aisha Landar, Raven Cronwell, Rena Erindel and Chung, we joined [Hestia Family] for two days." - He speaks animatedly while introducing himself and his friends, who were as excited as and the mention of each, they make a small bow.

That left the members of the Hestia Family who came down with wide eyes, especially the |Servants|, as they saw great potential in the people in front of them.

(Bell): "I didn't think the [Goddess] would get so many new members."

(Raven): "All the other [Familys] were kicking us, some saying that we were too young, and Elsword saw a pamphlet of it that said that Lady Hestia didn't care about age."

(Astolfo): "So you went through the same thing as Master."

(Aisha): "Master? Are you from a wealthy family, captain?"

(Bell): "No, I'm not, it's just the way they called me, but you can only call me Bell if you want."

(Raven): "But did you go through the same as us?" - He asks curious.

(Bell): "Yes, I was kicked by all the [Familys] I tried to join, after a week of searching, it ended up happening that [Goddess] found me."

(Rena): "How lucky."

(Bell): "Anyway, as you know, my name is Bell Cranel, and these are Nero, Tamamo, Liliruca Arde, Jack, Astolfo and my hired blacksmith from [Hephaistos Family], Welf". - He said introducing each one, where he held himself in order not to say Welf's last name because of Rena.

(Newbies): "Nice to meet you."

(Nero): "Umu! It is a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you."

(Tamamo): "I'm glad that [Hestia Family] has increased."

(Astolfo): "You were saying that you already finished with the monsters of this |Floor|?"

(Chung): "Actually, not all, but we didn't find any more, and we passed by some people who had the |Emblem| of [Loki Family]."

(Elsword): "Not to mention the tremor of a few hours... do you know what happened?"

(Tamamo): "<Goliath> went down one |Floor| and went to |Eighteenth Floor|."

(Rena): "WHAT ?! But they said that the only monsters that never changed |Floor| were |Floor Bosses|."

(Astolfo): "A certain... penetrates, it went down when it shouldn't have." - He speaks, but everyone understood who penetrated him.

(Raven): "So you really saw Lord Hermes, Rena." - He speaks looking at [Elf] who just nods.

(Nero): "Umu, not to mention that this was a streghtened." - She talks and makes the [Hestia Family] newbies even more shocked.

(Aisha): "How much shit did Lord Hermes do down there to provoke the Dungeon so much?" - She asks shocked.

(Bell): "You won't want to know."

Welf was not paying much attention to the conversation, he was more focused on looking at the rookies' equipment, and saw that they were all of good quality, but the weapon of the one who identified himself as Chung was the one that most intrigued him.

(Welf): "Excuse me... Chung, is it?" - He speaks to everyone's attention, especially Chung who just nods. - "What kind of equipment is this?" - He asks pointing at Chung's gun.

(Chung): "This is a cannon." - He speaks simply.

(Lili): "Lili has never heard of this type of equipment."

(Chung): "It's kind of complicated to explain, but every member of my family gets a stone that becomes a weapon and armor, and my weapon is described in the family's books as a cannon."

Welf's eyes started to shine as several ideas started to pop into his head in the same way that Bell's swords did before.

(Welf): "Could I examine your cannon one of these days?"

(Chung): "It's fine with me. After all, I think he has room for improvement, and as the captain trusts you, I think you may be able to make those improvements. "

(Welf): "You said your family's books describe this weapon, didn't you?"

(Chung): "I ... have some family problems ... and the books stayed there." - He speaks while lowering his head, making Welf just feel that he found someone similar.

(Welf): "I understand how that is."

(Astolfo): "Well, since we're here, why don't you show us what you can do on the way back, if the monsters have already been reborn?"

The newbies nodded and they went down to join Bell's group on the |First Floor| some monsters had already been reborn and newbies showed what they knew how to do. Bell and Jack were surprised with each other, Nero was more impressed with Raven and Elsword, thanks to their sword skills, Tamamo was impressed with Aisha, who already had two spells even though she was a novice, Astolfo was surprised by Rena, who produced flecahs out of nowhere and making the wind help her and Welf and Lili were impressed with Chung, or rather with his gun.

(Welf): 'This is really a big thing ... and as it has a refillable load ... maybe it will help in my future project ...' - He thinks while several ideas started to come up in his head.

(Bell): "Incredible, did you train before you came to Orario?"

(Elsword): "Yes, my sister trained me from three to seven years old before I had to travel, but she left the sword for me to use when I grew up."

(Raven): "I was trained by a friend who I saw as a brother, on his deathbed he gave me his tailor and I decided to come to Orario."

(Aisha): "My grandfather was a magician too, and he was sure that I would be like him, so he trained me to recite the songs quickly."

(Rena): "My father taught me in archery and my mother in martial arts since I was a child."

(Chung): "And my father trained me ... before the problems happened."

(Nero): "You are good and you have as much potential as Praetor, you are going to make great [Adventurers]."

(Rena): "Thanks for the compliment, Lady Nero."

(Bell): "Well, let's go back." - He speaks and everyone nods.

The group left the |Dungeon| and went on their way, with everyone staring at them, some with astonishment and others with envy, they went straight to [Guild] to be able to exchange the |Magic Stones| of newbies and theirs. When they entered the [Guild], they went straight to Eina's counter, which opened their eyes wide when they saw Bell.

(Eina): "BELL! Are you alright!" - She speaks with a face of extreme relief.

(Bell): "Yes, we are, I think [Loki Family] has already talked about what happened as they brought in |Drop Item|."

(Eina): "Yes, and the [Guild] is thinking about compensation for the problems that Lord Hermes caused." - She speaks clearly annoyed. - "But why did you decide to face a streghtened |Floor Boss| with only seven members? " - She speaks in a tone that is clearly giving a lecture.

Upon hearing this, the newcomers to Hestia [Family] widened their eyes at hearing that, and great admiration for the group arose, especially for Bell who was in their age group.

(Bell): "It was kind of the moment ... but anyway, we want to talk about streghtened | Floor Boss | and about that. " - He talks while he fiddles with Lili's purse and takes out a piece of cloth with a | Emblem | in him.

Seeing this, Eina understood what it meant and her face was filled with regret.

(Eina): "I will warn [Family] about this, thanks for bringing the news."

(Nero): "And are you going to talk about streghtened |Floor Boss|?"

(Eina): "The [Guild] decided to wait in relation to this."

(Tamamo): "WHAT ?! Why?"

(Eina): "Because of Lord Hermes, as he was there, they believe that he is the only cause, and that |Dungeon| won't be doing this type of |Floor Boss| anymore, so we'll have to wait and see if another one comes out. "

(Astolfo): "But by then it will be too late."

(Eina): "I know, but my hands are tied here." - She speaks clearly frustrated.

Bell was, too, but he wasn't going to discount that on Eina, who clearly had nothing to do with the story.

(Bell): "Okay, we can report that we beat <Black Goliath> and sell the |Magic Stones| do we have? "

(Eina): "Sure!"

They went to the trading area where they sold all the |Magic Stones|, the new ones, the Bell group and the ones that Nero got on the expedition with [Loki Family], then showed the |Goliath Hard Skin| , that [Loki Family] had already brought with them because they weighed a lot and they wanted to kind of thank them for defeating <Black Goliath>, and they said all their skills, which shocked Eina on hearing each one.

(Eina): "Thank you for that, I'll see if I can convince senior management with this information."

(Bell): "Until another day, Miss Eina."

(Hestia Family): "See you."

(Eina): "See you, and be careful."

The group left the [Guild] and Welf said goodbye to them going straight to their workshop, while the group went to the mansion they bought, everyone entered and soon afterwards their [Goddess] appeared with tears in their eyes.

(Bell): "We are back, [Goddess]." - He says that with his usual smile, just like the others.

(Hestia): "Welcome back." - She says that and then she runs over to them and hugs Bell. - "Welcome back, all of you."

After Hestia calmed down, everyone sat in the living room and caught up on the conversation.

(Hestia): "HAVE YOU FACED <MONSTER REX>?!" - She exclaims totally indignant.

(Bell): "There was no way to send, besides, the fall of <Monster Rex> blocked the exit, there was no escape."

(Hestia): "I will end the Hermes race the next time we meet."

(Nero): "Anyway, I think it's time for updates."

(Hestia): "Of course, everyone in line, the newbies first."

/ ******************************* /

Elsword Sieghart

Level 1

Strength: I 12 -> I 31

Endurance: I 10 -> I 24

Dexterity: I 11 -> I 26

Agility: I 6 -> I 14

Magic: I 5 -> I 11

/ ******************************* /

Raven Cronwell

Level 1

Strength: I 14 -> I 29

Endurance: I 5 -> I 10

Dexterity: I 16 -> 39

Agility: I 20 -> 42

Magic: I 0

/ ******************************* /

Aisha Landar

Level 1

Strength: I 1 -> I 2

Endurance: I 2 -> I 4

Dexterity: I 3 -> I 8

Agility: I 4 -> 10

Magic: I 13 -> 36

/ ******************************* /

Rena Erindel

Level 1

Strength: I 6 -> 11

Endurance: I 5 -> I 8

Dexterity: I -> 16 -> 36

Agility: I 11 -> 28

Magic: I 12 -> 30

/ ******************************* /

Prince Seiker

Level 1

Strength: I 10 -> I 21

Endurance: I 5 -> I 11

Dexterity: I 10 -> I 25

Agility: I 2 -> I 6

Magic: I 15 -> I 30

/ ******************************* /

The older members saw the status of the newcomers, they got the name of Chung ingrained, but did not comment when realizing that the fight with the family was more serious than they imagined. After that it was the veterans.

/ ******************* /


Level 1

Strength: I 11 -> I 54

Endurance: I 5 -> I 19

Dexterity: I 17 -> I 71

Agility: I 25 -> H 101

Magic: I 2 -> I 6

/ ******************* /


Level 1

Strength: I 12 -> I 48

Endurance: I 5 -> I 29

Dexterity: I 10 -> I 58

Agility: I 9 -> I 49

Magic: I 10 -> I 68

/ ******************* /

Liliruca Arde

Level 1

Strength: H 121 -> H 172

Endurance: H 145 -> G 201

Dexterity: G 278 -> F 345

Agility: E 402 -> D 487

Magic: D 569 -> C 698

/ ******************* /

(Hestia): Congratulations Suporter, you can have a Level Up! - She speaks animatedly.

That made Lili shocked while the others congratulated her, she didn't imagine that she had finally been able to Level Up.

(Lili): Lili wants to have Level Up after the others update, Lady Hestia.

(Hestia): Understood, continuing.

/ ******************* /

Tamamo no Mae

Level 1

Strength: I 4 -> I 6

Endurance: I 2 -> I 13

Dexterity: I 26 -> I 48

Agility: I 16 -> I 27

Magic: I 45-> I 67

/ ******************* /

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus

Level 1

Strength: I 4 -> G 205

Endurance: I 0 -> H 121

Dexterity: I 3 -> H 185

Agility: I 7 -> G 243

Magic: I 2 -> G 221

/ ******************* /

(Hestia): "You really had a hard time down there to have grown so much."

Nero just nods and Hestia turns to Bell, who has already taken off his black coat and shirt. Hestia did the whole procedure and when she was finished she got a serious face.

(Hestia): "Bell, did the two new spells wake up in the same way as the others?" - She asks making all the newbies' eyes widen.

(Bell): "Yes."

(Hestia): "I see... well, the other part should be good news, but I think it will give you a certain headache."

(Bell): "Which one?"

(Hestia): "You can do a Level Up." - She speaks simply while extending the scroll to Bell.

Everyone's eyes widen as Bell takes the parchment from Hestia's hands and the rest of [Family] gathers to see the status.

/ ******************* /

Bell Cranel

Level 2

Strength: D 512 -> SS 1021

Endurance: E 475 -> S 995

Dexterity: C 687 -> SS 1078

Agility: C 796 -> SS 1069

Magic: B 867 -> SSS 1236


Summoning |Servants|: Summons a [Heroic Spirit] from any of the |Servant Classes| It requires paying the price for physically maintaining them after invoking them. You cannot currently summon two servants of the same class.

(May silver and steel be the essence.

Let the stone and the archduke of the contracts be the basis.

Let red be the color I pay homage to.

Build a wall against the wind that will fall.

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-fork road in the crown reach the Kingdom.

Let it be filled. Again. Again. Again. Again.

Allow it to be filled five times for each shift, simply breaking with each filling.

My dreams form the body

Your Spirit will show me the way while I bring it by my own power

And then I swear,

That I will be all good in the world

That I will defeat all the evil in the world.

You souls who reside in the destiny that I wish to reach

Get out of the liaison circle

Oh guardian of the scale!)

Forgetfulness of Darkness: Transform darkness into the 'Forgetfulness of Darkness' sword, as well as turn the sword back into darkness. The sword's power increases as the strength increases.

Promise of Light: Transform light into the 'Promise of Light' sword, as well as make the sword light again. The sword's power increases as the strength increases.

Legacy of Chaos: Transform chaos into the 'Legacy of Chaos' sword, as well as turn the sword back into chaos. The sword's power increases as the strength increases.

Lightbolt: Fast spell.

Darkbolt: Fast spell.

Chaosbolt: Fast spell.

Dark Rain: Throws a countless number of needles of darkness, can change the size of the area of ​​effect, the smaller the area you plan to hit, the faster it will be, but the power remains the same.

(Born in the night without light.

Darkness takes shape.

May the darkness judge you for your sins.

Fall on those who take advantage of them.

Stab the corrupt with an endless rain.

Dark Rain!)

Majesty Burst Buster: Envelop your sword in light and darkness and launch a powerful cut.

(Light is shining shadow!

Shadow is silent light!

Turn hope in despair!

Turn despair in hope!

Be the soul of my sword!

Join the opposites and bring the true strength!

Majesty Burst Buster!)

Miracle Hour: Summons twelve pillars of energy that revolve around the user and spread out.

(From the beginning of creation the hours have come!

With light and darkness as your guides!

May the miracle arise from the eternal hours that pass!

May this cycle hang for eternity!

Miracle Hour!)

Brave Light: Forms a light shield with the shape of the sun, the shield only protects in one direction, but can be moved by the user.

(The sun of courage illuminates us!

Making light be our last barrier!

May eternal courage never lose that shine!

To give rise to the purest light!



And protect everything and everyone!

Brave Light!)


Light, Darkness & Chaos: Control over Light, Darkness and Chaos.

Heroic D.e.s.i.r.e - Argonaut: Charges up a active action.


Saber - Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus

Caster - Tamamo no Mae

Assassin - Jack

Rider - Astolfo

/ ******************* /

Bell and the others were shocked, especially the newbies with a focus on Rena due to the first magic of their captain being able to bring [Spirits].

(Bell): "I will definitely have a lot of headaches."

(Astolfo): "Well ... Mestre may just not do Level Up ... although it is a waste since everything is up."

(Rena): "What about that first magic?"

All the old members looked at her and the newbies and then looked at each other.

(Bell): "What I'm going to say is [Family]'s secret, you can't tell anyone, even if you decide to change." - He speaks in a totally serious tone and newbies just nod.

Then Bell told how he found |Holy Grail| and as each of the [Hestia Family], with the exception of him and Lili, is [Heroic Spirit] that he keeps in the world, and if he dies, the Servants will not be able to stay here.

(Elword): "I never imagined that I would meet [Spirits] in Orario."

(Raven): "Even more, those who come from legends."

Rena was still static, she always wanted to find a middle class or higher [Spirit], and she realized that dream even very quickly.

(Aisha): "So the reason for the captain's magic rank is SSS is because of you? - She asked looking at the others."

(Nero): "Umu! After all, we need Praetor's magic to keep us here, like some kind of anchor."

(Chung): "That's why the nicknames."

(Tamamo): "Normally we would be summoned to war and if they knew our names, they could research our weaknesses, and so we use the names of our classes."

(Astolfo): "But as here in Orario this is not necessary, we decided to use only our names, not to mention the fact that there are changes between the stories."

(Elsword): "Like?"

(Nero): "Have you heard of Galahad?"

(Bell): "Sir Galahad? The Knight who came down to the Dungeon after a magic chalice?"

(Tamamo): "Is that the Galahad legend here? What touched the | Throne of Heroes | was a king who was known because of his shield and because of the great fortress he used to defend the kingdom he took over reign after the death of the previous one. "

(Aisha): "The difference is stark!"

(Astolfo): "That's why we don't worry about being discovered ... although our skills can raise suspicions."

(Nero): "Not to mention that Praetor has | Spirit Crystal |, many can try to associate it."

(Rena): "Do you have a | Spirit Crystal |?" - She exclaims with wide eyes while staring at her captain.

(Bell): "Do all [Elves] react the same way?" - He asks a little tired and shows his Spirit Crystal to Rena.

(Astolfo): "But what are you going to do Master? It hasn't even been a month since you had a Level Up, the first one may even ignore it but the second one is already a problem." - He speaks calling everyone's attention while the albino was thoughtful.

(Tamamo): "Although we defeated a <Monster Rex> with only seven members, they may ignore it ..."

(Hestia): "It will still cause a lot of headaches."

(Nero): "Can't we hide this?"

(Hestia): "Power, we can, but if they find out we will all be in trouble." - She speaks and then faces Bell. - "What are you going to do, Bell?"

(Bell): "I ... will think ..."

(Hestia): "Well ... anyway, Bell ... do you want to rest?"

(Bell): "I don't know if I'm just getting a lot of adrenaline or what, but I'm not that tired, why?"

(Hestia): "I want that meeting that you promised me."

(Bell): "Today? Okay ... have you thought about everything?"

(Hestia): "Yes, meet me in the square southwest of the center of the southwest wing of the city at 6 am. See you later." - She speaks while leaving quickly.

Everyone was silent as they stared at the door that Hestia left while the newbies stared at their captain, not imagining that he had this relationship with hers [Goddess]

(Bell): "The center of the southwest wing of the city? Isn't that ..." - He starts, but is cut off by a cold voice from Lili.

(Lili): "The Street of Love."

That had already caused the temperature of the place to drop as the newbies moved away from the source next to Bell.

(Raven): "You have a lot of problems, captain."

(Bell): "I know." - He replies with an embarrassed smile, while thinking about what kind of meeting Hestia had planned.

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