empire state

4 My baby......

"now that I'm all dressed up where we going "said bardi "shopping obviously "said pinky "no..no..no first i want to see my son then we can go shopping"said bardi well taking her handbag and walked out .

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when they arrived at Kingsley house which is a big mansion obviously bardi when out of the car without waiting for the driver to come open the door for her when the maid open the door "move bitch!! "said bardi as she entered "André!!" shouted bardi , André set in the study doing his homework when he heard his name "you don't need to shout like that the boys busy doing his homework "said Kingsley mom "oh i forgot you are still alive i throught you would be died by now "said bardi "to even think you changed "said Kingsley mom as she approached bardi "it's a good thing that i didn't change "said bardi well moving forward "because it seems to me like your stupid ass son could not dig your grave now i have to do it "said bardi well smiling Kingsley mom opened her mouth in shook "you should not be shooked a getto bitch will always be one said bardi and walked away "pinky where's my son "said bardi "his over her "shout pinky bardi when in the study an stood at the entrance of the study when saw bardi he stood up and run to hug her bardi huged him so tide "my baby i missed "said bardi .

"when..did..you..get..out..of...jail"said André the thing is Andre has a speech problem "today "said bardi well holding his cheeks "so...you..are.... going..to..stay.. with..us"said Andre "no baby I'm not but you will go stay with mommy but not today"said bardi well they were sitting and watching TV an maid came "Andre is time for you to bath "said the maid "go ahead baby I'll came visit you tomorrow "said bardi as she kiss him and hug him

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