Her name is Xiao Nian!

Thoughts of longing, thoughts of longing, no greed or desire!

Qin Yixian came to Tianshangcheng right now to see Xiao Nian.

Meet the teenage girl who rescued him from the shadow of the Hearts Demon ten years ago.

The sunset is gradually fading, and the breeze is cool.

Heavenly City is even more lively.

Many people are looking forward to eyes reveal, walking in one direction.

Qin Yixian followed the crowd with a gentle smile on his face.


Qin Yixian saw a lake that was as smooth and as clean as a mirror.

This is a lake in the city, wide and without waves, surrounded by ancient roads, opposite to the willow forest, quiet and quiet.

This place is called Tianshang Lake!

Tianshangcheng got its name from this lake.

There will be 'miracles' here every day.

"It's finally here. The miracle of the lake in the sky will appear when Yeyue comes out today!"

"I came all the way here just to see the miracle."

"There can be a lake in the sky, and the moon is in the water..."

A dense crowd of figures came around the lake, looking forward and discussing.

Everyone is here for the miracle of the lake in the sky.


There used to be no miracles, the city was not called Heavenly City at first, and the lakeside was not as famous and lively as it is today.

All because of a miracle happened ten years ago.

Since then, there have been miracles under the moon, and Dayan has a city name in the sky.

"Grandpa, is there really a lake in the sky? How can the lake water be in the sky and not flow away?"

Qin Yixian stood by the lake, silently looking at the lake.

Not far from him, there are two grandparents walking hand in hand.

The granddaughter was ignorant and cute, and asked her grandfather curiously.

The grandpa and grandson were dressed as tourists, obviously not locals.

It seems to be one of the wonders of the Dayan Dynasty that is specially viewed here from afar.

"Heavenly City, Heavenly Lake."

"Little fool, the lake in the sky is a miracle that has lasted for ten years. It is famous all over the world and witnessed by countless people. Of course it is true."

The grandfather said kindly and kindly.

"But I didn't see a lake in the sky?"

The granddaughter looked at the empty sky, puzzled.

"The moon in the sky is also the moon in the lake and the moon in the water. Now the bright moon has not yet risen, and the time has not yet come. Of course there is no lake in the sky."

"Little fool, do you know the origin of the lake in the sky?"

The granddaughter shook her head, her eyes filled with anticipation.

There are also many tourists around listening carefully, waiting for the follow-up.

"Ten years ago, the Tianshang City was just an ordinary big city in Dayan, with a large area, a large population, and a long history, but it was not well-known."

"Until one day, a mysterious little girl came to the lake in the sky and saw the moon shadow reflected in the water."

"She was still young at the time, and it seemed that she saw the moon in the water for the first time, and said excitedly: Wow! There is really a moon in the water, it is so beautiful, my mother didn't lie to me, as long as I make a wish to the moon in the water, it will come true."

"There is a young master not far from her, our Prince Yan. Hearing this, he laughed at the little girl and said, "Where did you come from such a noisy and silly girl? The moon in the water is just the reflection of the moon in the sky, how could there really be a moon?"

"The prince ridiculed the little girl's ignorance, and said: She looks like an uneducated idiot, who doesn't even understand the principle of reflection reflection, vulgar ant, bad luck! Do you still want your wish to come true? It's ridiculous."

"But the little girl was not angry, and asked seriously: Why can't there be moons in the sky and in the water?"

"The prince threw stones into the water and continued to despise the little girl: You idiot, do you see that, it's just a mirror image, it will shatter when you touch it, can you use small stones to affect the moon in the sky? Look up, the moon can't be in the lake unless it's in the sky There is a lake...”

When the old man said this, his voice was amplified, and his tone was suddenly excited, as if he was actually there.

Many people around are also listening more carefully.

Qin Yixian in the crowd and Ji Mengyao in the dark also waited silently.

The old man cleared his throat and continued:

"At that time, the little girl looked up, and there really was no lake in the sky, and the shadow of the moon hung alone in the sky Nine Heavens."

"The little girl said with some melancholy: But...my mother once told me that there is also a moon in the water. As long as I can make a wish to the moon in the water, I can see my mother."

Hearing this, many people who heard this story for the first time shook their heads.

"The little girl is so innocent that she actually believes such a lie?"

The old man continued:

"The prince ridiculed the little girl again: Little vulgar, have you never seen the moon in the water before?"

"The little girl shook her head: I haven't seen it, today is the first time I saw it."

"Where did you live before?"

"I don't know, it's in a very dark room, only a little bit of white moonlight can be seen."

"Where's your cheating Mother-Child?"

"Mother is not a liar!"

"Where is she? Where is your father?"

"My mother went to a place without pain very early. I have never seen my father. My mother told me that as long as I can find the moon in the water one day, I can see her again if I make a wish to the moon."

"Idiot, your mother died a long time ago, no wonder you are so stupid, no one taught you, there is no moon in the water, you can't make a wish, and you will never see your mother again!"

Speaking of this, the old man's words suddenly became very clear, and his voice was so loud that everyone could hear clearly:

"Later, someone found out the little girl's life experience. It turned out that she was an orphan of the royal family whose country was exterminated. Her father was killed, and her mother was imprisoned in a mysterious cage in the Heavenly City while she was pregnant."

"The little girl was born in a cage, and her mother told her: 'Make a wish on the moon in the water and it will come true'. Unfortunately, not long after, her mother died in the cage, leaving the little girl alone, trapped in a dark cage."

"Ten years ago, the cage was destroyed, and the little girl was able to escape. She came to Tianshang Lake and saw the moon in the water..."

"She thought her mother wasn't dead, and as long as she made a wish to the moon in the water, she could see her again..."

When everyone heard this, some women wept sadly.

"Poor little girl, she was locked in a cage since she was a child. She doesn't even have a father, and her mother has long since left her."

"My mother told her about the moon in the water, is she hoping that one day she can leave the cage of darkness?"

"There is no moon in the water, but there is a dying mother's prayer and hope for her child to escape from the cage."

"No wonder she was so excited to see the moon in the water!"

Many people originally just came to see something new.

Unexpectedly, there is such a story behind the miracle of Tianshang Lake.

The story is simple.

The little girl was alone and trapped in a cage. Her mother died, but she thought that her mother had just gone far away. As long as she found the moon in the water and made a wish, she could see her mother again...

Yet everyone knows.

There is no moon in the water, and the wish cannot be realized.

The little girl has a poor background and a simple mind.

Mother told white lies to her.

The purpose is to hope that the little girl will have hope in the cage of despair.

Hope she can escape from the cage.

Let her think that she is not alone, not desperate.

Live well.

One day I will see my mother again...

This lie was like a ray of white moonlight in the darkness, giving the little girl hope to live.

Contains great maternal love.

"Every night, some children come to Tianshang Lake to make a wish. They all hope to see their dead relatives!"

"What about the follow-up? Why did Tianshang Lake appear? Has the little girl been taken back into the cage? Which royal family is she from?"

Someone asked impatiently.

The old man smiled and said:

"At that time, the little girl was not sad. She firmly believed in her mother's words, raised her head silently, put her hands together, and closed her eyes to make a wish."

"The prince was planning to humiliate the little girl again, but suddenly, a miracle happened."

"The calm lake water that was originally located on the ground suddenly boiled, like a waterfall flowing backwards, soaring up into the sky."

"In the end, there is not a drop of water left on the ground, and all the lake water hangs above the little girl."

"The little girl opened her eyes, and saw the lake in the sky and the moon in the sky. At a glance, there is a moon in the water, and the moon is in the water. It is no longer a mirror, and throwing stones can't change anything."

"Besides, there is also the reflection of the city below in the lake in the sky, hence the name of the city in the sky!"

Someone hastily asked:

"A miracle happened, did the little girl's wish come true? Did she see her mother?"

The old man responded with a smile:

"At that time, the little girl saw two vague figures in the sky lake, a man and a woman."

"She hurriedly called her mother, and beside her was a man who couldn't see his face clearly. The man smiled and said: My precious daughter has grown up."

Everyone was amazed.

Wish come true?

Or is it a phantom like a mirror image?

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