Imperial North.

Northern snowfields!

It’s white as far as the eye can see!

A figure walks alone in this icy world.

The long silver-blue hair shone with a faint light, and on the delicate face, the deep ice-blue eyes stood tall in the howling cold wind.

The name of this figure is – Esders!

Born in the Northern Frontier Region, Esdes is the daughter of the head of the Barutes tribe, a tribe specializing in hunting dangerous species.

At a very young age, he was indoctrinated by his father with the idea that “the strong can survive”, and the law of the jungle was deeply ingrained in his heart, often hunting terrifying dangerous species alone.

Half a year ago, after returning from a hunt, he found that his entire clan had been wiped out by the invading northern alien race, and since then he has been more convinced that the only way to survive is to become a strong person!

And in order to become strong, she hunted dangerous species again and again, because she knew in her heart that if she wanted to survive and become stronger, only by fighting with dangerous species could she become stronger!

The death of her father and the death of her clan half a year ago made her frantically search for dangerous species for nearly half a year, madly wanting to become stronger.

Just three days ago, at the cost of a fracture of his right hand, he killed a small gathering place of A-class dangerous species, there are more than a dozen A-class dangerous species, you must know that the A-class dangerous species is a regiment of the Imperial Army, only dare to challenge the powerful existence, let alone a dozen together!

A wolf pack is far more formidable than a mighty lion!

And at this time, Esders is only 13 years old this year, and at such an age, she can hunt more than a dozen A-class dangerous species at the cost of minor injuries, which shows her strength!

In three days, the injury on her right hand has fully recovered, and she has come out to hunt dangerous species again!

However, the nearby dangerous species have almost been hunted by the crazy Esders for half a year, so it is not a long way to hunt dangerous species.


Esders, who was walking in the ice and snow, stopped, and his face looked more solemn!

With her beastly intuition, she clearly felt a dangerous aura, which was an even more dangerous aura than the A-grade dangerous species she encountered three days ago.

“It should be an S-class dangerous species!!”

Soon Estes judged the source of the breath, and after making a judgment, her face looked extremely excited, that was the joy of meeting a strong opponent, that was the desire to become stronger! !

With beastly intuition, he quickly sensed that the dangerous aura had arrived under his feet, and was about to attack!

Although the situation is dangerous, Esders is not moving at this moment!

Instead, he waited until the danger was about to rush out of the ground, and then suddenly jumped backwards to dodge!


The S-class dangerous species rushed out of the ground, bringing a strong large-scale earthquake in a small area, and tearing the ground in half!

Looking at the huge dangerous species that had rushed out of the ground with a height of about tens of meters, Estes was even more excited!!

This was the first S-class dangerous species she encountered alone, and what she had seen before was only the corpse of the S-class dangerous species after the collective hunting in the clan!

Without waiting for the S-class dangerous species to attack, Estes rushed over first!

Clutching a large knife that was disproportionate to the 13-year-old girl, the weapon her father had used!

Looking at the humans rushing over, the S-class dangerous species also flicked over with a huge tail!

With his huge body and powerful strength, the powerful power contained in his tail is not something that Estes can touch hard now!

Of course, Estes also knew that he could not touch hard, and at the moment when the tail was about to collide with the one in his hand, he immediately jumped up, crossed the tail’s attack, and swung his knife to cut at the upper limb of the dangerous species!

However, the dangerous species is not vegetarian, and immediately after the tail attack fails, it swings its upper limbs towards Esders.


The large knife and the upper limb swung by the dangerous species collided violently, making a huge collision sound, and with a huge collision sound, Estes was knocked out.

Esders, who was knocked out, rolled in the air at the moment when he was about to land, regained his balance, and landed on his feet!

“So strong!”

After landing, Esders looked at the dangerous species unscathed, although the big knife slashed to the dangerous species, but the big knife is an ordinary product after all, and it has little effect in front of the hard dangerous species shell.

This time, Estes did not rush forward, but observed the possible weaknesses that the big knife of the dangerous species could hurt!

However, she was not in a hurry, and the dangerous species without wisdom rushed directly over, and the tail and upper limbs locked the position of Estes at the same time, and directly attacked.


Esders jumped sideways again, and the ferocious attack was dodged, but the ground was not so lucky, and it was directly smashed out of a large pit with a diameter of two meters!

The dangerous species saw that the attack did not hit, nor did it stop, and continued to attack the small human reptile in front of it!

After several attacks, he still did not attack Esders, only leaving a big hole all over the ground!

Estes was also uncomfortable, although she dodged so many attacks, but it also consumed a lot of her physical strength.

If she doesn’t kill the dangerous species before her physical strength is exhausted, then she will die!

Now Esders, who is bent on becoming stronger, did not escape two words in the dictionary, in order to be strong, even if she gave her precious life, she was willing!

Although it took a lot of physical strength to dodge the attack, it also allowed Estes to discover the weakness of the dangerous species!

“The shell is not protected when attacking at the joints and lower back.”

Esders, who found the weakness, took a deep breath, rushed directly without stopping, and took advantage of the dangerous species’ tail and upper limbs to attack when they turned around to avoid it, directly and quickly detoured behind the dangerous species, and stabbed him in the back.


The weak point of the dangerous species’ back was stabbed by a large knife, making a sound of the knife entering the flesh.

The dangerous species that reacted also swept across with a tail.

Esders, who wanted to dodge, was slower by half a beat because of the resistance of pulling out the knife, and was directly hit by the tail and smashed to the ground!

Fortunately, the snow was thick and the fall was not heavy, but the back that collided directly with the tail was already red and swollen.

Esders quickly stood up, completely ignoring his injuries, and used the same tactics to keep attacking the dangerous species!

After all, the dangerous species is not intelligent life, and after fighting several times with the same tactics, the weakness of the back has been stabbed many times in a row, causing the movement to slow down.

But after all, it is not a fatal injury, although he has suffered several knife wounds, compared to his huge size, the injury is not very deep.

And Esders can’t do it now, continuous battles consume a lot of physical strength, and combat effectiveness has decreased a lot!

This is a red flag!!

Because the remaining physical strength is no longer enough to kill the dangerous species, unless you can have a one-hit fatal method against the dangerous species!

“In that case, first abolish its limbs and make it lose its combat effectiveness!”

Esders, who has no way for the time being, can only use the only method that can kill dangerous species.

The battle continued, and Esders, who had locked the target, moved on his feet and rushed directly up, facing the upper limbs of the dangerous species that also attacked, jumping sideways, aiming and swinging the knife!


The joints of the upper limbs were slashed by a large knife, directly split in two, and a large amount of blood spewed out from the joints!

“There are 3 left!”

One of the upper limbs was directly cut off, and the severe pain also made the S-class dangerous species crazy.

But this didn’t help, and before long, the remaining 3 limbs of the dangerous species were also cut off from the joints, and the body that could not be supported was lying on the snow!

And Estes has no strength, half kneeling in the distance panting, recovering physical strength, this dangerous species is not dead, she herself has no physical strength to lean on, because the tail is still there, so there is no way to kill, can only recover physical strength in place, and wait for physical strength to recover almost, killing dangerous species.

Half a day.

Esders, who had recovered his strength, continued to fight together without a day of tail, and although the dangerous species shell was very strong, it could not hold Esders’s big knife and slashed at its neck countless times.

Finally, I don’t know how many times the neck was chopped, and finally it was cut off.

S-class dangerous species, die!!

Esders, win!!


Estes, who dragged the tail of the S-class dangerous species, returned to his residence and began to process the materials on the dangerous species!

The head was placed directly on the stone pillar in front of the door, which represented the merits and honor of a hunting people!

Dispose of the hard shell and blood, the part of the meat that can be eaten, and start cleaning up the internal organs of the dangerous species!

Just when Estes cleaned up the stomach pouch, just after cutting the stomach pouch, something fell to the ground!

One of the things caught Esders’ attention:

——It was a dark mess, it looked very strange, it had never been seen before!

The curious Estes took it directly in her hand, and just about to study it, the black thing spread out directly like a living creature and quickly wrapped her entire hand!


There was a momentary tingling pain on the back of my hand!

Because the back of her hand was wrapped, Estes couldn’t see the stab wound, and subconsciously thought that a strange dangerous species was attacking her and was ready to throw it out!

A male voice came from the head


“Humans, do you want great power??”

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