“Listen, Lord Estes has ordered you to dispose of the dangerous species you have just captured with your own hands, and use them as ingredients for dinner in a while, and you must see blood in your hands, otherwise there will be no food for the night!” Reilu repeated the order!

The nest suddenly exploded underneath, after all, they are all children of a few years old, and most of them faced the death scene in the sea of trees today, where was the opportunity before.

Not to mention handling the dangerous species with their own hands, each of them was scared bloodless.

“Ah, I don’t dare!”

“I wouldn’t dare!”

“What a coward, I dare!”

“This is my lord’s first order, and I want to complete it perfectly!”

“Sister, dangerous breed, there is meat to eat!”

“Uh-huh, there’s meat to eat! What a joy! ”

No need to ask, the last two voices are red and black eyes, just look at the happy faces of the two.

An hour later.

The convoy stopped on the road, and the children, all covered in blood, were disposing of dangerous corpses on the side of the road.

Under the leadership of other bold children and the supervision of Linglu Horse Head behind, from the beginning of not daring to do the blood of the hands of the current people, although there are some children who do not dare to stare at their hands and the corpses of dangerous species, but they still did it.

“My lord! The kids did it! ”

Linglu Matou, who supervised the children, reported to Esders as soon as the task was completed.

“Good! You two are nice! 『Season』! On this road, all dangerous species will be handed over to the children to deal with, since you are my subordinate, how can you do it without blood? ”

Esders first praised the two of Linglu and the horse head, and then said to Ji Dao.

“Yes! My lord! ”


Five days later!

Longxi Village on the northwestern border of the empire!

This is an artificial village specially used by the minister to cultivate children’s loyalty and brainwashing.

The villagers in the village are all imperials to instill loyalty to the children in the empire.

Including brainwashing with death!

Esders’ convoy stopped outside Longxi Village.

“My lord! Longxi Village has arrived! ”

“Ji” said respectfully into the palanquin.

“Finally arrived? It took 6 days, it was really boring! ”

Esders supported his head with one hand, half-squinting and lazily.

It was expected to arrive in 5 days, but along the way, in order to let the children see blood, constantly dealing with the dangerous species encountered, which wasted an extra day.

“Let’s go inside!” Estes commanded.

“Yes! My lord! ”

The convoy slowly drove into Longxi Village, and through the window, you could see the ‘villagers’ outside busy with their own affairs, with smiles on their faces, like ordinary villagers living happily under the glory of the empire.

Finally, the convoy stopped in front of a villa, the villa is not big, but the villa is large around it, and it is empty like a training ground!

“This is it?”

Esders got off the palanquin, looked at the villa in front of him, and asked “Ji” in a very dissatisfied tone.

“It’s here, but the preparation is a little insufficient, I didn’t calculate that adults have to bring so many weapons and children before, just according to a squad!” Ji replied slightly embarrassed.

“Expansion! Expand it for me! Give a message to the minister, just say what I said, within a month, I will expand this place into a base! Estes commanded.

“Yes! My lord! Ji quickly agreed, and then wondered: “So my lord, how do you spend this month?” ”

“Of course, it’s training the children, order me to go down, let me build 50 tents in the distance!” The corner of Esders’s mouth hooked, and he said as it should be.

“Yes! My lord! After Ji finished speaking, he turned around and went to run an errand.

Estes himself walked towards the location of the convoy where the children were.

Linglu and the horse head saw Estes coming from a distance, and quickly patted the children’s carriage one by one and shouted:

“Get out of the car, hurry up! Lord Estes is here! ”

When Estes walked over slowly, 108 children had already gathered together and formed a formation!

“Very good! I am satisfied! ”

Esders praised Linglu Horse Head, and the two of them were very eye-catching!

For Esders’ praise, the two of Linglu and Matou also proudly straightened their chests!

After the praise, Estes turned to the 108 children and said:

“This is where you live and train from now on! But just about to expand, did you see the village you just came to? ”

“See!” 108 children said in unison.

“Great, there are all kinds of shops and restaurants, and a lot of entertainment, but do you know what to do if you want to spend money in it?” Estes asked.

“Train hard! Obey the orders of adults! Complete the adult mission! Linglu took the lead and said loudly.

The other children hurried to follow, shouting in unison.

“It is possible to combine money and point rankings!”

Just as the children were shouting loudly, Zhang Tian suddenly said to Esders.

“How to combine?”

Esders’s eyes lit up, but he didn’t know the specific details and quickly asked.

“I thought about it carefully, didn’t I say before that 100 points will enter the ranking? You can exchange points for money!

In this way, it is also possible to distinguish which are those who really want to work hard to become stronger without immersing themselves in luxury consumption, and those who can save their scores are definitely people who have great perseverance and the belief in becoming stronger!

After ranking, points can still be obtained, and you can continue to exchange money, but you have to add the money you can receive in your own ranking!

For example, if No.1, the ranking reward is 1,000 yuan per month, then plus the points in exchange, it is his income! ”

Zhang Tian explained his thoughts in detail!

“Great!! I love this rule!! ”

Esders quickly agreed, and then thought of something to Zhang Tiandao

“However, one thing, if after all the rankings are completed, the ranking rewards and points they get in exchange for money will be almost fixed, what if they are easy to not want to make progress!”

“It’s easy! The ranking can change, there will definitely be people who are dissatisfied with their income and envy the people at the top of the ranking, so give them a chance!

Once you’ve decided on your ranking, if you want to change your ranking, you’ll need to save 500 points and then be able to challenge you! Decide by force!

Success, rank switching! 500 points deduction!

Fail, the ranking does not change! 500 points deduction! ”

Zhang Tian thought of a response plan without thinking.

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