Cole’s shouting did not receive approval and response from the children, but it attracted the attention of “Ji”.

I discovered the atmosphere of the training ground and knew in an instant what was going on.

I remembered the brainwashing plan and loyalty plan I had read before, and I wanted to follow the plan.

But then I thought of Esders’s words, this way of deception cannot be deceived for a lifetime.

After thinking about it, I finally found the explanation, and this said:

“Do you know the root cause of your lack of parents?”


The 108 dazed children hurriedly said that they desperately needed a reason, a reason for the death of a parent, or abandonment, resulting in loneliness.

“It’s simple, because Lord Estes once said, the law of the jungle!

Your parents died because they were weak and could not protect themselves.

You were abandoned by your parents because they were weak and couldn’t even protect themselves, so naturally they couldn’t take care of you!

Choosing the former on self-protection and carrying a cumbersome choice question, abandoning you.

Is this selfish? Be! It is this selfishness that has brought you to where you are now.

Back to the root question, are you the result of your parents’ selfishness, or is it caused by weakness?

Answer me! ”

“Season” gave the children a multiple-choice question.

But such multiple-choice questions are very misleading, because children always have good fantasies and expectations for their parents!

“It’s weak!”

108 children chose the latter without hesitation on the two multiple-choice questions given by “Season”!

This is exactly what “Ji” wants.

“Now that you know the roots, what are you going to do?” Ji continued to ask.

“Training!! Get stronger!! ”

This is the only answer in children’s young minds, and it is the answer that Estes instilled in them!

Brainwashing is so simple, give you a few biased multiple-choice questions, and instill a little before instilling something that does not need to be believed as truth, but only recognized, then the thinking will be misguided.

It is what “Ji” understands in the brainwashing plan, plus the education of Esders!

Next, the training ground began to be in full swing, and the children’s enthusiasm and ambition to become stronger increased a little more.


After being seen by Zhang Tian, Esders, who was seen by male possessiveness, called “Ji” over.

He ordered “Ji” to buy prisoners or populations of foreign races in the north in large quantities and prepare textbooks for human dissection.

“Season” naturally will not refuse.


The next day.

Estes appeared on the training ground.

The 108 children, plus Linglu Horse Head, stood opposite Esdes and lined up in formation.

“Yesterday announced the cancellation of the base points mission, many people are probably disappointed in their hearts, now I am announcing a new base point mission!”

Estes announced crisply and clearly.

“Great, there are base points to earn again! 500 points won’t be too far away! “These are very motivated kids.

“Great, my ragdoll has fallen!” This is the kids waiting to earn points for money.

“It’s miserable, our tribulation is here again!” These are the smarter kids.

Various ideas and personality hobbies are indistinguishable, and the biological thinking of people is the most complex and difficult to unify.

Estes observed the expressions of all the children before continuing

“The new basic integral task is the learning of human anatomy!”

After Zhang Tian’s suggestion yesterday, Esders did not say the deliberately misleading word of torture, but chose the academic term “human body structure”.

Obviously, he attaches great importance to Zhang Tian’s words!

“Human anatomy?”

The children’s faces were full of puzzlement, this kind of professional language they had not touched.

“Yes! It’s the human anatomy! As a member of the dark part, you need to master the structure of the human body, that is, the components, where is the weakness, where is the sore spot, where is the deadly place must have a deep understanding!

『Season』? ”

Estes continued to explain to the child! By the way, I greeted the “Ji” behind me!

“Ji” hurriedly distributed the textbook of human dismantling prepared last night to every child.

Most textbooks are in the form of drawings, which are easy to understand.

The children casually flipped through the textbooks in their hands, and their eyes suddenly widened!

Obviously calmed by the pictures of the textbook! More children showed excited expressions, and they were extremely interested in this aspect at a glance!

“Take these things back and study, start the official experiment tomorrow, and count them into points!”

Estes ignored the children’s reactions and ordered.

“Yes! Adults, but how do adults experiment? ”

Linglu first answered with the children, and then asked.

She and Horsehead are captains and need to know the standards of Estes!

“Experiment? Oh, wouldn’t it be nice to see it with your own eyes?” Saying that, he beckoned to “Ji”.

“Ji” quickly nodded and retreated, and after a while, he came to Esders with 3 people tied to the stake.

“All eyes are wide open, what is the experiment, it is related to your future points and rankings!”

Estes commanded the children!

After that, he slowly walked towards a 14-year-old northern alien teenager!

Stretching out his hand to the side, ‘Ji’ hurriedly handed over the dagger!

“Don’t come, don’t come over. Oh….. ”

When the alien boy saw the dagger in Esders’s hand, he immediately shouted in horror.

However, Estes didn’t care about shouting, and a dagger was inserted into the boy’s exposed arm.

Under the wide eyes of a group of children, she performs her peeling technique!

Under the serious and sincere technique of Esders, the boy’s roar has never stopped, and the panic under the children’s eyes has never dissipated.

Estes has a look of enjoyment, she has her own fun and pleasure in it!

Ten minutes later.

The alien boy seemed to become a bloody muscle statue, but the person did not die, fixed to the stake and dying.

“Well, it’s perfect! Who of you wants to admire up close! ”

Estes looked at the artwork born in his hands and waved to the children with satisfaction.

However, there was not much response, and only a dozen people came to Esders’ side to see Esders’ masterpiece up close.

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