“I’m going to attack!”

Seeing that Najeshitan was not in the mood to fight, Black Pupil reminded.

Black Pupil ignored and didn’t understand Najestan’s feelings, she was still young and didn’t know much about these things!

She wants to defeat rather than kill, otherwise she will not be reminded, let alone give the other party time to prepare!

She only cares about Esders’s orders, and as for Najesitan’s emotions, it has nothing to do with her!

Najiehitan also quickly contained her emotions, remembering that it was still battle time!

Staring at the black pupils, his spirit became highly tense!

Don’t blink your eyes!

Black Pupil waited until the other party had fully adjusted and suddenly launched an attack!

The speed was faster than before, and in an instant, he came to Najestan’s side, raised the knife and slashed!

However, although this time it was sharper than the last attack, it was evaded by Najestan.

“Fortunately, I didn’t wait for her to act, but used anticipation!” Naje Hitan who hid in the past, said in his heart.

That’s right! Najeshtan uses anticipation!

Every change in demeanor and muscle of the opponent must be carefully observed when the master fights!

Black Pupil is precisely because of insufficient age, PVE is okay, but the details of the PVP master duel are still not well grasped!

There is a knee bend before the action!

It was this simple action that Najeshitan noticed.

Without any hesitation, it is a jerk! also just dodged the attack of Black Pupil!

Naje Hitan who dodged over, pulled the trigger on the muzzle of the gun against the black pupil’s sideways backhand!


The Romantic Fort emits a powerful burst of laser energy!

The energy rushed straight to the black pupil, and the speed was fast!

The laser instantly passed through the body of the black pupil, directly scattering the body and disappearing into the air.

“Hit!! Wrong!! It’s a phantom!! ”

Najeshitan was first overjoyed when she saw the figure being hit, but she was surprised to see the figure dissipate!

Her prediction was fast, but the black pupil reacted faster, and when her muzzle just lit up, the black pupil had already dodged extremely quickly, and the speed was too fast and left a phantom!


Najeshitan quickly looked around.


Suddenly, there was a low drink overhead!

Before she could look up, the knife with black eyes had already stopped on her neck!

Victory and defeat have been scored! Black eyes win!

It’s not that Najeshitan is weak, but the black pupils at the moment are too strong!

“I lost!”

Najeshtan put down her weapon in dismay!

Her spirits that had just been lifted up were suppressed by Black Pupil again, and Black Pupil’s age of 9 years old gave her unparalleled frustration.

“Okay, that’s it.”

Estes next to him said softly.

When Black Pupil heard Esders’s words, he quickly put down the knife that was placed on Najesitan’s neck.

The pitch-black knife and the black leather clothes covering the body all slowly shrunk, and finally turned into underwear with black eyes.

This scene was seen by Najiehitan, but she didn’t think about the strength of her black eyes on the dark leather clothes.

“With this bit of strength, can it also be compared with my Estes? The minister really thinks too highly of you! ”

Estes said with a look of disdain.

Estes completely ignored that if there was no Zhang Tian, this should be the original strength of the world!

“Your Excellency may have misunderstood, it was not the minister who looked down on me, but the minister looked down on you and this group of children!”

Najeshtan, probably stimulated by Esders’ words, perked himself up and provoked.

“She’s trying to provoke you!”

In Esders’ mind, Zhang Tian reminded.

“Haha, don’t worry, I naturally see it!”

Estes smiled at Zhang Tian.

Then he sneered at Najeshtan:

“Hehe, don’t use that little trick of yours in front of me, although I don’t disdain to use conspiracy tricks, but most of the tricks I can still see through at a glance!”

Najeshitan shrugged her shoulders without caring and admitted Esders’s words, she was only tempting, and she didn’t have much hope for such a low-level means!

“I wonder what Your Excellency thinks of the Empire?”

Najeshitan changed the topic and said, this is what she cares about the most, a person as strong as Esders’s strength, attitude is very key!

“Empire? What do I have to do with it? I just met the so-called female general of the empire with the same name as me today, and now I have also seen it, and I am disappointed!”

“Black Pupil is gone!”

When Estes heard Najeshitan speak, he wanted to talk to her about ministers, empires and the like, and instantly felt a lot bored, and greeted a black eye tastelessly!

“Yes! My lord! ”

Black Pupil quickly answered.

After that, he ran to Chi Hitomi’s side, took Chi Hitomi’s arm, and showed an innocent smile on his face.

Naje Tan, who was still about to speak, was instantly gagged by the smile of the black pupils!

The indifferent young killer who had almost no emotion just now is gone, and has turned into a beautiful little girl who loves to laugh!

The magnitude of this change caught her off guard!

She stood in place stunned and froze, until Estes took the child and was about to disappear from her field of vision, and let out a faint sigh:

“This is the Ice Queen and her men? So many powerful beings hope not to be on the side of the minister all the time! ”


“Master Zhang Tian, [Increase] is really powerful!”

Away from Najiehitan’s mansion, the black pupil walking on the street held the red pupil’s arm, communicating with Zhang Tian in his heart!

“Well, that’s of course, you have to train hard, although the [increase] is strong, it must also be strong in itself, like Esders can easily kill the SS-level dangerous species even without my increase now!”

Only what you have trained hard is your own! ”

Zhang Tian guided that he still had a lot of experience with these theories!

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