Zhang Tian chatted with Esders while saying hello to the 80 new members in his way!

The format of the greeting is the same, and Zhang Tian is too lazy to change it.


Zhang Tian’s majestic voice sounded in the other party’s mind: “I am Zhang Tian!” ”

The girl hurriedly greeted: “Ah, Master Zhang Tian!” ”

Zhang Tian was still majestic: “Your number is set?” ”

The girl replied respectfully: “Yes, Master Zhang Tian, × team, ×!” ”

Zhang Tian began to guide: “Your captain introduced me?” ”

The girl was still respectful: “Yes, Master Zhang Tian!” ”

Zhang Tian: “Know that your life and body, loyalty and soul are all under my control?” ”

The girl thought it was a test: “Yes, Master Zhang Tian, my loyalty, life, body, and soul always belong to adults!” ”

Zhang Tian: “Very good, × team, No. ×, I am very optimistic about you!” ”

The girl was overjoyed: “Thank you for the compliment!” I will continue to work hard! ”

Zhang Tian began to show his fox tail: “Very good, I want to test your loyalty, don’t make a sound!” ”

The girl was puzzled but still respectful: “Yes, my lord!” ”

Zhang Tian immediately transformed his hands…

The girl was put to the test and remained silent



After Zhang Tian’s greeting, each girl had some conversations with Zhang Tian, and thought that she was the one Zhang Tian was optimistic about!

The joy is all on the face, and there is a lot of activity between the squad members.

It wasn’t until the afternoon that they dispersed.


At night.

Zhang Tian, who had just comforted Estes and Linglu to sleep, began to switch between realizing the doppelgänger and picking the girl without a task!

Imperial capital, Flower Street, the roof of one of the tallest buildings.

A girl with long blonde hair, a delicate face, wearing a crop top, and a cowboy super short stood on the edge of the roof, holding a long gun, overlooking the night of the imperial capital!

One of the 80 new teenage girls who joined today!

Due to their 2-year mission, they are accustomed to appearing at the top and observing the movement of their goals!

Now she doesn’t have a task, but she likes to stay like this!

Just as the girl was calmly looking at the crowded flower street, Zhang Tian’s majestic voice came from her mind:

“Team 4, No. 2!”

As for how Zhang Tian would know that it was Team 4, No. 2, after greeting the girls during the day and confirming the number, he printed the number on the body in the form of a pattern, and only Zhang Tian could tell it clearly!

The girl’s originally calm expression immediately turned into surprise, and she said respectfully:

“Master Zhang Tian!”

Zhang Tian transformed his hands…

Say hello!

He wants to forcibly turn this way of greeting into a habit for girls! – Education!

Although the girl blushed, she did not make a sound, and she still did not move!

After 3 minutes, Zhang Tian stopped and gave the order:

“Looking for an Arya girl! Features: The young lady of the big family, blonde, about 14 years old, often pretending to be kind to invite down-and-out countrymen to her home, and then abusing them to death to satisfy their sadistic desires!! Call me from afar when you find it! ”

“Yes! My lord! Repeat the command: Find a girl from Arya! Features…….. After finding it, he called Lord Zhang Tian from afar!! ”

Team 4 Team No. 2 blonde girl respectfully accepted the order and repeated Zhang Tian’s order!

Zhang Tian was stunned, but immediately reacted: “That’s right! If you find it calling me, go! ”

After the girl responded, Zhang Tian continued to switch consciousness!

In 1 hour, Zhang Tian gave orders to 20 girls who did not sleep and had no tasks!

After that, casually hang up on a girl who is looking for it, and enjoy the beautiful night of the imperial capital!

2 hours later.

“Report Master Zhang Tian, the target has been found!”

Zhang Tian, who was enjoying the scenery, received a call, and Zhang Tian immediately switched his consciousness!

As soon as Zhang Tian switched over, he found that there was really a dark place on the roof, and there was no target Arya around!

“Team 7 No. 9, you found it?”

Zhang Tian immediately asked the beautiful girl with short black hair!

“Yes, my lord, just got off the carriage and talked very kindly to a 20-year-old homeless man from the countryside, and heard the guard say that his name was Arya! And I found that the girl has a murderous atmosphere, obviously not a kind girl on the surface, and finally there is a key characteristic, blonde hair! So the goal was set! ”

The short-haired girl with black hair on Team No. 9 of Team 7 elaborated respectfully, and after speaking, pointed to Zhang Tian the carriage that was driving on the road.

“Keep up in the shadows!”

Zhang Tian gave the order!

However, because it was not confirmed that it was Arya in the original work, Zhang Tian did not cancel the orders of the other girls!

Half an hour later, the carriage stopped at a mansion! A blonde girl got out of the car, and the girl looked cute and gentle!

Zhang Tian still didn’t confirm, he couldn’t remember the appearance of the original Arya girl, and ordered No. 9 to follow.

No. 9 quietly followed the mansion, hiding above the beams of the mansion, observing the movement below!

When Zhang Tian saw the slightly chubby middle-aged man and Arya’s mother warmly entertaining the homeless man, his heart was basically determined, and then he saw the homeless man who fainted after drinking tea, Zhang Tian was completely determined!

After giving the other girls the order to stop, he ordered the 9th to squat in the mansion these days, and report to him if he found that Arya brought back the girl and boy.

After respectfully accepting the order on the 9th! Zhang Tian left and accompanied Esders!

Now Zhang Tian has 90 doppelgangers, which is equivalent to 90 fields of view that can be switched at any time, and the degree of freedom is simply not too high.

Go wherever you want!

But he would rather spend more time with Esders!

The Queen is true love!!


In Zhang Tian’s waiting, 20 days passed, but there was still no news of boys and girls from Arya!

Zhang Tian was not in the slightest hurry, after all, he really didn’t remember when the Tazmi people came to the imperial capital!

And Tazmi’s hometown is on the border of the empire, how to say that it will take at least half a month!

It wasn’t until tonight, 20 days later, that the call of the 9th sounded:

“Master Zhang Tian, the target Arya invited the young boy and girl into the carriage and listened to the conversation, the boy’s name is Iyeas, and the girl’s name is Shayo.”

After Zhang Tian heard the call, he was overjoyed!

He couldn’t remember the name of the original boy at all, but the girl’s name was immediately confirmed after being reminded on the 9th!

The two finally appeared, and the plot began!

The big drama that he has been preparing for a long time in his heart can finally begin!

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