“Minister Dark?”

The night raiders did not answer, and Brand also cautiously asked.

“I’m under the command of adults, Team 2, No. 8! My family is very interested in you!! ”

No. 8 said coldly, slightly glancing at the night raid group, she didn’t expect that Estes would be interested in the night attack, and she wouldn’t doubt what Zhang Tian said.

“Oh? Is it a minister? Or Estes, the Ice Queen? ”

Leonay’s pupils shrank sharply, the night attack has already entered someone else’s field of vision? Holding doubts, he quickly confirmed.

“Minister? It’s just a partnership with us! My master is the Queen!! ”

Because No. 8 was just repeating the reason, he couldn’t express the feelings Zhang Tian wanted, so he could only speak coldly.

Leoney didn’t expect to come up with some information so easily, but No. 8’s answer made her feel cold!

Was their night raid targeted by Esders? This is countless times more terrifying than the minister!

“Hehe, why would Her Excellency become interested in our little killer organization?”

Although Leonay was cold, he still forced himself to speak calmly.

“Because Lord Queen heard that you are the killers of the rebels and a tool for accumulating money, so I just became a little interested!”

Hearing the words of the 8th, Leonai was shocked, their details have been touched so clearly?

“Are you trying to arrest us? You are 1 person now, we are 5 people!! ”

Lubbock was visibly agitated and emphasized the current situation!

“Oh? You think so? Then give it a try! ”

After the 8th finished speaking, he rushed over under Zhang Tian’s order!

The original black leather clothes on the body also expanded rapidly, covering it without dead ends!



No. 8 is extremely fast, in the dark night, coupled with the pitch-black black leather clothes, the whole person seems to be completely hidden, only the sound of a scythe entering the flesh is heard!

One of Lubbock’s arms flew out! He didn’t have any time to react at all!

And No. 8 has easily appeared behind the night attack, the scythe is flat, and the long purple hair is flying and flowing, it is the death of the world!


Lubbock exclaimed! Also wake up the stunned night raid members on the side!

“Now you still think you’re 5 people?”

No. 8’s tone is filled with disdain and contempt, which is naturally her own emotion!!

“You guys withdraw first! After I broke! ”

Brand also saw the gap between the two sides, and quickly drank low!

“No, I won’t kill you today, my family wants to play a game with you!”

Just as the night raiders were preparing to retreat, No. 8 continued to be cold.

“Your Excellency, say it bluntly!!”

Leonay cut Lubbock’s arm, and if the treatment is timely, it can still be connected!

“Play a game of cat and mouse, you can come often in the imperial capital, as long as you catch it once, torture once, rest assured, we will never kill you, we have healing tools!” After the torture, I will send you out completely! So this game can go on forever!!

And the person who tortured is none other than Arya, who killed her parents by you, well, it’s funny! ”

No. 8 coldly expounded Zhang Tian’s words, which was also what Zhang Tian had thought before!

Although when I read the original book, I felt that the girls were very pitiful and needed to be saved!

But salvation is the result, and the process can still be played!

And the concept of justice of the night raid and the obsession to save the empire are too heavy, and it is necessary to properly educate and educate, well, it can also be said that tuning!

When everyone in the night raid heard the words of No. 8, their faces changed greatly!

A sense of humiliation rose instantly, but the panic in my heart was even stronger!

The panic suppressed the humiliation so that they did not speak, and the scene suddenly quieted down!

Even Lubbock, who had a broken arm, quietly endured the pain!

“Hahahaha, I can’t die, I can’t die, you wait for me, I will serve you well!”

Arya on the side suddenly laughed wildly, extremely arrogant!

Hearing Arya’s words, the faces of the members of the Night Raid were even harder to look at!

Half a day.

Leoney spoke on behalf of the night attack:

“Please tell the Queen that we have taken this game!”

Leonay is also helpless, she has no qualifications to refuse, the rules and games are always made by the strong, she knows this better than anyone!

They have seen a lot of darkness in the imperial capital, and they are infinitely disgusted, but in the end, they still have fear, and they are also forced to pretend to be calm when they speak!

“Very good! I hope you can hide it well! ”

After No. 8 said coldly, grabbed Arya and jumped into the air, disappearing into the vast night…

After the 8th was completely gone, the night raiders let go of their tense nerves!


Lubbock, who was covering the wound of his severed arm, gritted his teeth.

“Very strong! We guess not an opponent! This should be the first echelon trained by the Ice Queen, right?”

Brand asked Leoney very solemnly! Because Leonay and Ma Yin have seen Cole and Red Eyes 10 women!

“It’s not! There was no one of those ten girls, and she called herself Team 2, No. 8, who should be a minions! ”

Leonay stated with a heavy face! I couldn’t see what she was thinking at the moment!

“Creeps? So strong? ”

Brand was even more shocked now, if the 8th was the first echelon of the previous night raid meeting and discussion, then he still felt reasonable!

However, now he couldn’t believe that the minions under Estes were so strong!

“Well, maybe the queen’s subordinates have secrets that we don’t know, I have observed from a distance before, and they are not as strong as they are now, if it turned out to be A-grade, now it is at least S-class!” I don’t know if it’s accidental or universal, if it’s so strong, we’re going to be in big trouble! ”

Leonai rubbed her swollen temples, she didn’t dare to imagine what would happen in the future now, and she had a headache when she thought about it!

“It’s over, it’s over! The most worried thing still happened, we have already entered the sight of the Ice Queen, I don’t know if she knows my alien hybrid identity, whether I will be caught and play directly! ”

Ma Yin, who had not spoken all this time, finally spoke, and her negative emotions were extremely heavy, and she was terrified!!

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