All this was naturally seen by Zhang Tian, but Zhang Tian did not care, this was completely caused by the two girls out of ignorance of his character!

“It seems that you have to care more, although the two are very bloodthirsty and sick, but this crimson hair and delicate face, smaller figure, etc. are still very attractive, besides, good resources cannot be wasted in vain!”

Zhang Tian calculated in his heart.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tian did not leave again, but accompanied the two and rushed to the torture room with the perspective of the two!

Along the way, he transformed into 4 palms, greeted the two girls cordially, and became familiar with the relationship!

Although some neurotic and perverted, in this regard, there is still not much difference between the two and normal girls, with a crimson face, the girl’s heart is rippling, enjoying Zhang Tian’s greeting!

Arya has been familiar with the two for a month, and He has seen the two of them like this, but he does not dare to ask more, and follows closely behind the two!

After 1 month of training for No. 2 and No. 3, although Arya still doesn’t have much strength, she is stronger than she didn’t know before!

At least with No. 2 and No. 3 slowing down, Arya was able to barely grit her teeth and keep up!

In order to take care of Arya’s speed and keep Zhang Tian’s ‘care’ for more, it took twenty minutes on the way to the torture room!

Twenty minutes later, the 3 finally arrived at the torture room!

Without the slightest pause, they pushed open the door and walked in, compared to the exclusive torture room with Esders, their torture room is obviously much smaller, but all kinds of torture tools are complete!

Arya, who had just entered the torture room, immediately found Leonay who was handcuffed to the chain, and a crazy smile suddenly appeared on her face!

“Are you? Hahahaha, that’s awesome! ”

Arya didn’t know Leona’s name, but she still laughed at Leonay.

Leonai also saw Arya’s crazy smile, and her heart was even more terrified, if it were someone else, she probably wouldn’t have looked twice, she had seen so much darkness!

But now when it is not someone else, but herself, she finally can’t be indifferent!

“Hmph! Less proud! What means to let the horse come, one day I will take revenge! ”

Although Leonai was afraid in his heart, he still said strongly.

No way, in the face of a powerful weak person like Arya, she still has a certain amount of arrogant capital!

“Don’t worry, I will greet you well, but I have studied art with my two sisters for 1 month, and I will give you a taste of life and death!” Hahahaha. ”

Arya was still laughing maniacally, venting her transformation from her former nobility to her current humility!

No. 2 and No. 3 saw that Leonay also knew the purpose of coming this time, and the order issued by Zhang Tian also knew it, knowing that the home field this time was Arya, and the two were ready to exit the torture room!

“Wait, you guys stay too, I’ll use you later!”

At this moment, Zhang Tian’s voice sounded in the minds of the two, and the two quickly stopped!

The reason why Zhang Tian left them was naturally not to let the two of them do anything, but that he needed to be separated!

After all, Arya herself does not have his doppelganger!

After Arya’s crazy laughter and shouting, she picked up all kinds of torture tools in the torture room, dangling in front of Leonay one by one, and kept introducing the use of various tools to Leonay like several family treasures, consuming Leonay’s spiritual defense little by little!

“This is a peeling ruler, which can perfectly peel off human skin from the body, do you want to try it?” It must be a very good feeling! ”

I don’t know how long Arya, who has been talking, continued to pick up a tool and smiled evilly at Leonay and introduced!

Leonay went through Arya’s constant wear down her will and spiritual defenses, and the fear in her heart at this moment was finally amplified, and she couldn’t hide it at all!

“You… You have to do it. Just hurry up, I… I won’t let you go in the future! ”

Leonay’s voice was extremely trembling, and with a hint of whimper!

Shows her timidity and cowardice!

This is the feeling she has disappeared for I don’t know how many years, and now she tastes it again!

“Don’t worry, I’ll give you a taste of pain!”

Arya finished saying and was ready to start!

“Wait! My dangerous species seems to have discovered the delicacy it loves! ”

However, before Arya could make a move, No. 2 suddenly said.

“Mine too!” No. 3 also quickly interjected.

This is naturally a good play that Zhang Tian just arranged, and he directed himself!

Leonai heard the words of the two women, and then saw the pitch-black leather clothes that slowly extended to their hands and continued to extend into tentacles, and remembered what happened on the road when they came, and their faces were even more frightened!

No. 2 and No. 3 walked slowly to 2 meters away from Leonai, and the two tentacles on their hands also instantly rushed towards Leonai!


Leonay let out a terrified cry!

However, it didn’t work, the tentacles had already wrapped around her!

As mentioned earlier on the 7th, in the next 1 hour, the hobby of drilling was realized…


An hour later, the dust settled!

The pitch-black tentacles retracted into the black leather clothes of No. 2 and No. 3!

No. 2, No. 3 and Arya witnessed the whole process with their own eyes, and 3 pairs of eyes widened!


In addition to the 3 people who stared at the 3 pairs of big eyes, Leonai was already crying bitterly at this moment, and his voice was infinitely desolate…

“Gee! Refreshing! ”

Zhang Tian continued to reminisce for a while, and praised it in his heart!

Then this is to No. 2 and No. 3:

“Okay, you two are here to watch, after letting Arya torture, you will treat it with a courtier and ensure that it is sent out intact!” Also, you can’t use the same tactics on her as I did just now! Remembered? ”

“Yes, Master Zhang Tian!”

No. 2 and No. 3 also quickly withdrew their stunned eyes and said respectfully.

Although Zhang Tian’s behavior just now was a bit out of point, the two who had completely handed over their loyal lives and souls to Estes and Zhang Tian did not feel anything wrong!

No matter how the strong treat the weak, it is reasonable! That’s what they think!

Zhang Tian smiled with satisfaction, took the courtier out of the alien space of No. 9 before, and put it in No. 2’s hand!

After that, it switched to Esders’ side!


“Haven’t slept yet?”

Seeing that Estes was still not sleeping, Zhang Tian greeted with concern.

“Well, you’re out and out again!”

Estes stretched and twisted playfully.

“Shhhhh yes, all of a sudden it’s wild! Hey! ”

Zhang Tian was refreshed for a while, and then answered Esders’s words.

“No, hmph, I tempted you out with one temptation, who did you go to?”

Estes snorted softly and said dissatisfied.


Zhang Tian was stunned, he really didn’t know that this was a temptation!

“Okay! You actually dare to provoke me, watch me clean you up… ”


This night, Zhang Tian fiercely vented his pretended anger!

At the same time, the torture room also sounded all night with Leona’s painful screams and Arya’s crazy laughter!!

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