“Well, I just took a leave for the captain-level children and brought them with me, and I never taught them anything about management, and this time I trained them in the army to lead people!” As a captain, you can’t lead people! ”

Estes said with a bad smile, the reason she used to take the leave was just right! I think Zhang Tian should have no reason to help the children talk this time.

In fact, Zhang Tian is really not good at helping the children speak, and the reason given by Estes is very correct and perfect!

“Let Red Pupil and Black Pupil stay in the imperial capital, I have something to arrange for them!” You will be teaching alone then! Zhang Tian thought for a while.

His original plan was to need Red Pupil and Black Pupil to participate, otherwise the script would not be perfect without Red Pupil and Black Pupil!

“Do you want to…”

Estes rolled his eyes when he heard this!


Zhang Tian was speechless, he didn’t want to? He thought!

“Well, whatever you want! Just be happy! ”

Estes learned Zhang Tian’s words and put them to use.

“What time is departure?”



The time of the day passed in the blink of an eye.

During the period, No. 9 took Shayou to Esders, and after Zhang Tian explained to Esders, he greeted Esders’s ridicule and accepted Shayou’s loyalty majestically!

And Sayo is also numbered 9 Team No. 1! Team 9 has no captain! Temporarily carried by the 9th!

The number of the fan team is determined by the strength ranking of the captain of the fan team, and the ranking within the fan team is determined by the strength of the team members, but Shayo’s side is special, and she is the only one in the team, so the number 1 is tentative.

Sha You, who got Zhang Tian’s doppelganger, also experienced Zhang Tian’s strength, understood the strength of the organization more, and by the way, also got Zhang Tian’s deep burial!

Early the next morning.

Estes left with 8 captain-level girls.

The girls are listless one by one, bitter melon faces, obviously they haven’t had enough shopping!

On the other hand, the two of red pupils and black pupils looked at each other, revealing an expression of schadenfreude, and they were very happy!

“I helped you so much, how can you two thank me?”

Zhang Tian’s perspective at this moment was on Chipu’s side, watching Estes leave with 8 people, and said to the Chipu and Black Pupil sisters!

“Thank you, Father, we will thank Father, but we don’t know what Father needs, and we don’t know what gifts to give?”

Black Pupil pretended to be ignorant, but with the corners of her mouth and smug eyes, she knew that she had understood a lot.

The girl of the second dimension was precocious, and she was just too closed before, and now several people have been running around the imperial capital for a month, and everyone who should have seen it has seen self-heating and understands everything!

“Hehe, how can you deceive me with this cute little eyes, you must know what I want, well, this time as a thank-you gift, just give it, so I will be happy!”

Zhang Tian transformed into two pairs of big hands, and then said.

“Hehe, I know that I can’t hide it from my father, and my sister and I are ready!”

After saying that, Black Pupil pulled Chi Pupil’s arm and shook it!

Chi Pupil also said happily: “Yes, my lord, my lord father, Black Pupil and I are ready!” And we actually guessed the situation of Captain Linglu, Captain Horse Head and Sister Cole! ”

“Oh? You ready? What a good thing! ”

Zhang Tian praised! Let the red and black eyes rejoice!

This is all the result of education from childhood, Zhang Tian is very satisfied!


Night raid stronghold! The members of the Night Raid are in a meeting!

“BOSS, I just got the news that the ice queen Estes left the imperial capital and went south, bringing only 8 girls! The portraits drawn by the spies are exactly 8 of the first echelon that Ma Yin and I met! ”

Leonay was holding several portraits and handing them to Najestan!

After 1 day of recuperation, coupled with her imperial tool itself has a strong recovery ability, now Leonai is as good as ever, if there is anything different, that is, there is one layer missing!

“Going south? I hope it’s not a trouble for the revolutionary army, or it’s a big trouble! ”

Najeshitan said worriedly, she still didn’t know about the assassination of a general trained by the minister of the southern army of the empire a few days ago, if she knew, it was likely to be connected!

“I don’t know, but our life will be much better, although the members of the Queen’s various teams are still there, but without the Queen, it is like a big stone has fallen in my heart!” Leonay said happily.

“Well, it’s true that the Queen and the first echelon are not there, and our life will be much better, huh. , Black Pupil and her sister did not leave! ”

Najeshtan looked through the portrait and found a problem! Then he said:

“That means there are still 2 members of the first echelon sitting in the imperial capital?”

“BOSS, the first echelon is strong, but if only Black Pupil and her sister are left, it is not enough to worry, although in terms of strength, we are slightly weaker, but they are still young after all, insight and wisdom are definitely not enough!” Don’t worry too much! ”

Ma Yin said with a little adult look, and she was proud again!

“Small? Not small! Black Pupil is one year younger than you, her sister should be the same age as you, and as the first echelon of Esders, following Esders to the south and north for so many years, her insight and wisdom will not be bad! Be cautious or be more cautious, I don’t want any of you to be caught again!” ”

Ma Yin’s words were refuted by Naje Shitan!

After all, Naje Sitan is the boss of the night attack, and it is still convincing to speak and do, listening to Naje Tan’s words, although Ma Yin is still a little unconvinced, she still sits down obediently!

“In short, Estes left with 8 girls of the first echelon, which is a good thing for our night raid, I analyzed it in the past two days and made a conjecture, if the 10 girls of the first echelon are all captains of the fan team, then according to what we know now about the number 8 of the 2nd team, I came to a conclusion, that is, their girls do not include the girls of the first echelon, there are still 80 people in total, that is to say, there are still 80 team members and 2 team captains in the imperial capital!”

Najeshtan voiced her conjecture!

If Zhang Tian was here, he would definitely be surprised, although Najiehetan’s conjecture did not match the reality, but she actually guessed the accurate number, which is really a coincidence!

“Ah, so many?”

Tazmi almost jumped with a shocked look!

“That’s right, this should be the closest to the true number of known information, of course, this is not the point of my statement, I say the point of caution and caution! Understood? ”

Najeshitan repeatedly stressed caution, and it was clear that she had noticed that Esders’ departure had made the members relax, which was not a good state.

“It’s a boss!”

The members of the night raid quickly responded!


Najeshtan nodded in satisfaction and announced the end of the meeting!

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