The night raiders were really shocked this time!

Chelsea looked at the night raid and everyone looked at her in shock, very proud!

Then, in the shocked eyes of everyone in the night attack, stretched out his right hand, and the pitch-black leather coat extended along the underwear to the arm, then the wrist, and finally extended out through the palm, transforming into a pitch-black long knife!!

“Can you use it??”

Seeing the night attack of the long knife, everyone was shocked again!

“Of course it can be used, this dangerous species can be used by any woman!” But there are just some drawbacks… ”

Chelsea said that he stopped here and said no more!

But the 4 people of Night Raid, Leonay, Hill, Naje Hitan and Ma Yin all know what the shortcomings are, and Naje Hitan naturally learned from others!

Leonay looked at the pitch-black long knife in Chelsea’s hand, his face was sometimes envious, sometimes resentful, and finally turned into curiosity, quickly walked to Chelsea, and gently touched the blade with his hand.

“What are you doing, don’t touch it, this knife is extremely sharp, even the most powerful Oriha in the world can be easily split in two by it!”

Seeing Leonay’s action, Chelsea quickly took a step back and put away the pitch-black long knife!

The night raiders naturally knew the sharpness of the pitch-black long knife, and Hill and Ma Yin had seen it, and it was recorded in the small book that Naje Sitan sent to everyone!

“Can you talk about your abilities?”

Najeshitan took a deep breath and said, as a boss, she is more stable than others!

“Lots of ability!

First, [increase]…

Second [Defense]…

Third [space storage]…

Fourth [Space Concealment]…

Fifth [Space Movement]… ”

Chelsea said all 5 abilities in a row, and also explained the data clearly, and the night attack was shocked by everyone’s eyes!!

The V3-level Zhang Tian avatar is exactly the same as the main V3 except that it has no splitting ability!

“No wonder! No wonder the black eyes were so strong back then!! ”

Najeshitan listened to Chelsea’s description and sighed again and again.

She has been worried about being defeated by 9-year-old black eyes for many years, and now she finally knows why!

“[Defense]? Hard eat my right punch unscathed, and possess unsolvable weapon variations and [sharpness]? ”

Leonay also knew in his heart that he had lost the previous battle!!

“[Space Concealment]? I also know why we were so close to them! ”

Ma Yin and Hill also understand how they were captured at close range!

“My Emperor Tool [Devil Attack], equivalent to a reduced version of his [Increase] and [Defense]??”

Brand is also amazed, his armor emperor tool, can only provide about 1.5 times the strength, and only strength and speed, such as nerve reactions, etc. are not available, but also have to consume a lot of physical strength, and the defense and Zhang Tian doppelganger are far worse!

It’s not better than not knowing, it’s a shock!!

The emperor tools that were once proud are actually so unbearable!!

“If you can change all weapons, then the silk thread is also possible, and it is stronger than most of the silk threads I have, only my boundary thread may be slightly better!”

But the thickness of my silk thread is fixed, and it can be thinner, and the whole body is pitch black, which is the most powerful weapon in the night, which is simply invincible!! ”

Lubbock’s eyes lit up.

“So strong!! So strong!! ”

Finally, it was the turn of the Tazmi salted fish speech! But the surging enthusiasm of the teenager can still be seen!

After everyone finished speaking, they all stared at Chelsea with fiery eyes, especially the four women of Ma Yin, Leonay, Hill, and Naje Tan!

Leonay asked even more excitedly:

“You just said you stole some??”

No one wants Zhang Tian’s doppelganger more than the members of the Night Raid who have been abused by the girls in the dark department!

“I said? That must be wrong! ”

Chelsea deliberately pretended to be vigilant, but this performance just let everyone in the night raid know that she still has a lot!

“Ahem, Chelsea, one person can only use one, then it is useless for you to take more, besides, they are all working hard to overthrow the empire, everyone has one more combat power, and one more success rate, you are right!”

As the boss, Naje Shitan knew that it was time for her to appear, and it was a ‘rational analysis’ for Chelsea, just like an adult tricking a child into eating candy, saying that he ate too much tooth decay!

“Even if I had, it would be for us killers to form an association!” Give up! ”

Chelsea continued to act.

“Chelsea, in this way, we are killers ourselves, and after the victory of the Revolutionary War, how about we join the killers’ association? Don’t underestimate us, we are all the trump cards of the revolutionary army!! By then, the killer association will definitely make a lot of money! ”

Leoney also looked at Chelsea with a smile, boasting about himself while fawning over Chelsea!

“Yes, yes, and me, Chelsea, I’m an absolute shooting genius! When the time comes, I will join the killer association, which will definitely make the killer association go to a higher level!! ”

Ma Yin also began to brag about herself!

Chelsea looked at this group of night raids with amusement in her heart, although Zhang Tian’s transmission of ideas to her had the character of this group of people and so on, but after close up, she found that the personalities of these people were more prominent!


Chelsea pretended to be impressed!

The eyes of all the women in the night raid immediately lit up, and they quickly said in unison:

“Really, really!!” ×4!

“Not enough conditions!!”

In the expectant eyes of the night raid women, Chelsea pretended to be entangled for a while and continued to speak.

Although the night raid women were a little disappointed, they also knew that if they struck while the iron was hot, if they didn’t settle things now, it would be more difficult later!

Leonai hurriedly said, “I’ll cover all your clothes when you wash them later!” ”

Najiehitan hurriedly followed: “All the little things you do in the future, I will help you arrange for someone to do it!”

Ma Yin gritted her teeth: “I will be your follower in the future!” ”

Hill was a little at a loss: “I’m stupid, I can’t do anything, but I will kill people, and I will be needed in the future!” ”

The four women made promises to Chelsea!

And Chelsea also pretended to be very excited.

Half a day!

Chelsea spoke:

“At the beginning, my senior sister and I stole 6, I and my senior sister stole one each, and there are 4 left, just enough for you, but the conditions just now must be counted as my senior sister!!”

“No problem!” ×4!

As soon as Chelsea finished speaking, the four women of the night raid couldn’t wait to agree, which shows their urgency!

Finally, Chelsea nodded and pulled out 4 pitch-black orbs from her pocket!

The eyes of everyone in the night raid suddenly fell on the pitch-black sphere, and they couldn’t move away!

Zhang Tian’s doppelganger was naturally Chelsea and Miaozi went to the imperial capital before they came to the stronghold, and Zhang Tian ordered Chipu to give it!

“First of all, this has a disadvantage!!”

Looking at everyone’s expectant gaze, Chelsea finally emphasized.

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